看板 Steam
作者 eason239 (尚書大人真機靈)
標題 [閒聊] 求推薦 2.5D的ARPG遊戲
時間 Mon Mar 11 16:38:57 2024





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※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: eason239 2024-03-11 16:38:57
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1bxiCZi9 (Steam)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1710146339.A.B09.html
henry1234562: Cross code?  雖然戰鬥部分偏2D但有高度設定1F 03/11 16:47
gkkcast: 神之天平2F 03/11 16:48
Tencc: 符文工廠?3F 03/11 16:48
j1551082: 泰坦任務、凡赫辛、最近很夯最後紀元、末日危城12,這種遊戲不是信手拈來就一堆嗎4F 03/11 16:49
enthos: YT:武林商人聊遊戲 新影片--江湖路:缘起Demo
偷,搶,綁架NPC裝入麻袋,然後…… (首發我會買)6F 03/11 16:50
j1551082: FATE: Undiscovered Realms 跟torchlight 還有地獄門、Space Hack space siege等等的
還有死活推不出傲世三國的秦殤也不錯8F 03/11 16:51
Prince of Qin on Steam
The game balances team-fighting, with up to five heroes per team, and the use of various skills and abilities. The player is challenged by many enemie ...

hh123yaya: 要打寶的話 類暗黑不少 但更多重在構築不在動作
不排斥rogue的話也一大堆 但要去掉以上兩種就較少新作12F 03/11 16:53
npc776: 你要能農裝就不要玩隻狼法環 吃藥去玩warframe14F 03/11 16:59
oo2830oo: 伊蘇始源15F 03/11 17:09
The Legend of The Sacred Stone EX on Steam
An adaptation of the movie. And the voice was presented by Vincent Huang, a genius of the eight categories musical instrument in Chinese ancient orche ...

The Mageseeker: A League of Legends Story™  on Steam
From Digital Sun, creators of Moonlighter, The Mageseeker is an action RPG in the League of Legends universe. Play as Sylas, a mage now freed from yea ...

wolver: poe,最後紀元18F 03/11 17:14
hh123yaya: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1040420/
然後可以一起等no rest for the wicked19F 03/11 17:15
Dreamscaper on Steam
By night, delve deep into your subconscious and discover powerful artifacts to conquer your nightmares. By day, explore the city of Redhaven and build ...

WLR: cat quest 1 2、黑帝斯21F 03/11 17:20
g020488854: 黑帝斯 暖雪 都可以試試看22F 03/11 17:39
tacodrem: 大推1樓的cross code!!23F 03/11 17:57
dfx753: 暖雪很好玩 推薦!24F 03/11 18:00
Mosin: CrossCode跟Hades都很推,不過CrossCode會有不少解謎要素哦神之天平也很棒,不過就不算2.5D了25F 03/11 18:26
e1q3z9c7: 2.5D真的很讚27F 03/11 18:42
Lemming: 黑帝斯 傳言二代Q2會EA可以順便玩下去28F 03/11 19:18
asdasd02tw: Death door
啊但是這個不能農 偏類魂吧29F 03/11 19:28
scarablife: 火炬之光231F 03/11 20:31
davidbright: CC讚32F 03/11 20:45
leo4603: 深夜迴33F 03/11 21:06
nanoy: 符文工廠5不行 會暈 4可以  Hades, 死亡之門34F 03/11 21:06
zxc227785: crosscode是神作,但你要對解謎要素不反感35F 03/11 22:25
pain0: 巫師36F 03/11 22:33
colechen: POE37F 03/11 22:54

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