作者 cross980115 (嘆息之雨)
標題 [花邊] Shams Charania 即將成為FA
時間 Wed Jul 17 10:45:50 2024

Star NBA insider Shams Charania a looming free agent
Now that NBA free agency has mostly wound down, it is time for one of the league’s top insiders to hit the market. ...

來源是紐約郵報的Ryan Glasspiegel
Shams Charania’s deals with The Athletic — now under the New York Times
umbrella — Stadium and FanDuel are all up in the next month or two, sources
told The Post.
根據消息,Shams跟The Athletic(現屬紐時旗下)、Stadium、FanDuel的合約
It is good timing for Charania to be coming up for new deals, as there are
more theoretical potential suitors than there were two years ago when he was
last a free agent.
The NBA is reportedly on the cusp of finalizing new TV deals with NBC and
Amazon, an occasion that basketball reporters, broadcasters and production
staffers have been salivating about for years as both networks would need to
staff up from scratch.
今夏最大咖FA 獎落誰家?
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: cross980115 2024-07-17 10:45:50
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1cbp2Ea4 (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1721184398.A.904.html
Tonyx599026: 自己的下家自己報1F 07/17 10:48
JelenSuggs: 他原本薪水有多少2F 07/17 10:48
不過兩年前 woj跟espn續約時
ssshleo: Woj會爆料嗎3F 07/17 10:51
※ 編輯: cross980115 ( 臺灣), 07/17/2024 10:54:02
JelenSuggs: 那感覺Shams也能拿到差不多的價碼4F 07/17 10:56
ddkkz2003: 可以自己here we go5F 07/17 11:06
dragon803: 他的基本年薪當時被報導是60萬  就是紐時給的是這樣但因為加上Stadium、FanDuel這些他都可以經營或出席活動 所以推測他是有過7位數的年收 但跟Woj比或許6F 07/17 11:13
glim: Shams: Shams to XXX source: MEs9F 07/17 11:14
dragon803: 還是沒那麼多 這次應該可以換個大張的吧(?)10F 07/17 11:14
MTK515: 這個也是big name 我湖要了11F 07/17 11:18
LukaDoncic77: 你湖要什麼,前陣子爆JJ領跑不是才說不可信嗎12F 07/17 11:48
vince4687: 問就是我湖要了 JJ消息準準準13F 07/17 12:02
zackery1030: Shams: Shams去湖人14F 07/17 13:08
tasiki2002: 湖人有意15F 07/17 13:30
Orianna: 問就是湖人16F 07/17 13:39
yowhatsupsli: 記者一年700萬美金喔,那很頂欸17F 07/17 13:40
Orianna: 湖人總教頭一戰 sham說jj機會高 woj說dan hurley
 結果sham算勝出 這會幫他加薪18F 07/17 13:41
XDKab1g0n: 這咖跟woj 誰比較猛20F 07/17 22:10

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