作者 usnavyseal (usmarine2008)
標題 [外絮] JJ去湖人? CP3:別信全部內容但Hurley很棒
時間 Sat Jun  8 15:32:01 2024

Chris Paul’s eye-opening view on potential Lakers HC Dan Hurley earning respect of NBA players
As Dan Hurley could potentially be the next Lakers head coach, Chris Paul gives his view on the respect he would get from NBA players. ...



McAfee: How do you feel about Dan Hurley potentially getting the gate over
there for the Lakers and obviously you're are with LeBron how would he feel
with somebody like Dan Hurley coming in there from what we know about him,
outside looking at it
你怎麼看 Dan Hurley可能成為湖人的新教練?你和 LeBron熟,從外界的角度來看,
根據我們對他的了解,你認為 LeBron 會怎麼看像 Dan Hurley 這樣的人加入呢?
CP3: I don't knowow he would feel the first and foremost, I don't know
老實說,我首先不知道 LeBron會怎麼想,我也不是很清楚。

McAfee: Speak for LeBron x2  (開玩笑) 代替LeBron說說看嘛
CP3: that was not going to happen but as far as Dan Hurley, I woke up just
like y'all you know to that news or what not in. Half of the stuff, you don't
know if it's true right?
那肯定不行,Dan Hurley的傳聞 我跟你們一樣,我那天早上也是看到新聞才得知的

McAfee: Sean fold us yesterday, JJ, Sean literally told us yesterday, he
wasn't the only one, everybody is...
Sean 昨天跟我們說了是JJ 他真的這樣說了,不止他們,大家都在傳
CP3:I know JJ, he was my teammate.  我知道 JJ,他是我前隊友。

McAfee: He would've been good coach you think? regardless
CP3: Im just saying, you ain't necessarily have to believe everything you hear.
Like I'm just saying, you play right, you use to have airing..right monday

McAfee: Tuesday 週二

CP3: My bad, player messed up too. Every tuesday. So all the stuff that would
be going out circulating you know what was true what was not.

McAfee: I agree 同意
CP3: same thing with all the other stuff that this is going to be the coach
and that right so you just never know

As far as Dan Hurley, I've got so much respect for himecause not just how
he coaches, but how his players respond to him. Being players, you can see
when a coach is coaching if everybody is in the huddle listening. You can see
the way that guys (respond), like during a free throw, the body language. The
guys huddle up or whatnot.
I think ultimately, if he does make that decision, he'll definitely have
that respect.
至於 Hurley來說,我非常尊敬他。不僅是因為他的執教方式,還因為他球員回應他的方式

Hurley > JJ ?

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: usnavyseal 2024-06-08 15:32:01
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1cP0Zq-3 (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1717831924.A.F83.html
※ 編輯: usnavyseal ( 臺灣), 06/08/2024 15:33:35
poz93: 除了樂子人 誰會覺得JJ > Hurley1F 06/08 15:34
bingripplw: JJ繼續弄podcast吧 跟pg一樣是podcast界的超級巨星2F 06/08 15:37
PunkGrass: cp3要去嗎3F 06/08 15:37
roger2623900: Hurley > JJ是肯定的吧 現在就看Hurley意願4F 06/08 15:39
hunt5566: 結果最後是外星人5F 06/08 15:41
holyhelm: 我自首 我是樂子人 我只想看JJ+布朗尼黃金組合6F 06/08 15:52
benson1212: Hurley上陣 不給布朗尼時間怎辦 少了肥皂劇可看7F 06/08 15:58
XDKab1g0n: cp3的說法真的語帶玄機
但也側面反映出Hurley大概是非常得人心的教練8F 06/08 15:59
TAZUSA: 布朗尼會希望是JJ吧,不然怎暢打10F 06/08 16:02
circuswu: 他是白人教練嗎?是的話在現在NBA要得球員心可能要要更努力11F 06/08 16:06
alittleghost: 不上鉤13F 06/08 16:08
j3307002: Hurley > JJ是肯定,他能待多久才是問題14F 06/08 16:23
NankanAvenge: 以他NCAA經歷就夠鎮很多球員了 沒牌子跟沒料的才要考慮人種加成15F 06/08 16:30
Leo810626: 我賽BS應該不會同意你的說法  膚色真的影響很多17F 06/08 16:55
yueyi313: JJ:我又回來了!我又出去了!嘿嘿~我又進來了!18F 06/08 17:06
TexasFlood: JJ是姆團隊的煙霧彈吧19F 06/08 17:54
CjackC: 啊你要不要去20F 06/08 18:21

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