作者 zxc906383 (無無)
標題 Fw: [情報] NBA太陽隊老闆想要買下雙城隊
時間 Sat Dec 14 09:11:06 2024

※ [本文轉錄自 Baseball 看板 #1dNDiSqf ]

作者 zxc906383 (無無)
標題 [情報] NBA太陽隊老闆想要買下雙城隊
時間 Sat Dec 14 09:10:49 2024

Phoenix Suns minority owner Justin Ishbia emerges as bidder for Minnesota Twins: Source - The Athletic
The ownership group that purchased the Suns — before promptly making a splash by acquiring Kevin Durant — is interested in buying the Twins. ...


DALLAS — The ownership group that recently purchased the Phoenix Suns — before
 promptly making a splash by acquiring Kevin Durant — is now interested in buyi
ng the Minnesota Twins.



A source briefed on the situation confirmed that Justin Ishbia and his brother,
Phoenix Suns and Mercury owner Mat Ishbia, are interested in buying the Twins fr
om the Pohlad family, which began exploring a sale in October after 40 years of
ownership. Bloomberg first reported the Ishbias’ interest in the Twins.




Justin Ishbia, whom Forbes estimated has a net worth of $5.4 billion, would lead
 the Twins investor group and is part of the Suns’ majority ownership group and
 the team’s alternate governor.

Justin Ishbia將會帶領一組投資人來競標雙城隊

His younger brother Mat purchased the Suns in December 2022. Three days after th
e NBA approved his ownership in February 2023, the Suns acquired Durant in a blo
ckbuster trade with the Brooklyn Nets.

他的弟弟Mat Ishbia在2022年買下太陽隊後

隨即發動交易,把Kevin Durant交易來

One of those sources said the Ishbia brothers are very interested in purchasing
the club and have held several meetings with local leaders.


“The beauty of baseball is that it’s not about a star or two,” Ishbia told Th
e Athletic’s Brian Hamilton in September. “It’s truly a team sport, and it’s
 a team sport over a long period of time. It’s a grind and it’s a discipline.
It’s life. Life is the discipline of doing the same thing over and over again c
onsistently. And that’s what the long summer of baseball is all about.”

Justin Ishbia在九月告訴《The Athletic》



Justin Ishbia(47歲)
Mat Ishbia(44歲)


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1dNDiSqf (Baseball)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1734138652.A.D29.html

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 轉錄者: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 12/14/2024 09:11:06
EZ78: 我記得他們是密西根人1F 12/14 09:26
jasonnccu: 密州底特律猶太商人做私募基金起家..還捐錢給兩個母校2F 12/14 10:21
cczx123123: 好年輕欸3F 12/14 10:31
veik: 兩個身價底也是頗厚4F 12/14 10:43
hdotistyle: 樓下城牆5F 12/14 10:49
lowl99: 王電火也是猶太人,猶太人都很有錢6F 12/14 10:50
ashilol: 老闆 能不能先把Beal弄走7F 12/14 11:40
sampsonlu919: 猶太裔也有摳門的啊 比方說公牛+白襪的Reinsdorph家族8F 12/14 12:17
iAsshole: *Reinsdorf,看起來是德國的地名。10F 12/14 17:47
sampsonlu919: 感謝樓上提醒 抱歉拼錯姓名了XD11F 12/14 18:06
cpujerry: 又來兩個超級有錢人12F 12/15 03:35
abc12812: 不是A-Rod的嗎?13F 12/15 06:38

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