作者 zxc906383 (無無)
標題 [情報] 紅襪內部對競標Bregman產生分歧
時間 Thu Dec 12 18:35:37 2024

Red Sox pursuing free agent Alex Bregman, but internal divide exists - masslive.com
Free agent infielder Alex Bregman is on the Red Sox' shopping list, but a baseball source said some in the Boston organization like him more than othe ...


But Boston’s pursuit, according to an industry source, is somewhat complicated
by some internal disagreement over Bregman.

While manager Alex Cora and team president Sam Kennedy are known to be big propo
nents of Bregman, the source said some members of the baseball operations staff,
 including chief baseball officer Craig Breslow, are more circumspect when it co
mes to the player.

總教練Alex Cora、紅襪總裁Sam Kennedy贊成要追Bregman

但棒球事務部總裁Craig Breslow就比較沒那麼贊成了

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: zxc906383 2024-12-12 18:35:37
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1dMhnxII (MLB)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1733999739.A.492.html
rainbowcrash: 紅襪有意隊1F 12/12 19:06
sunnyyoung: 太slow的棒事總裁可是不行的喲2F 12/12 19:13
yypan99: 問問隊應該要追西語老師的3F 12/12 19:57
CPBLlincecum: 有預算應該拿去補先發跟牛,看看教士當初沒簽到Judge,跑去買XB的下場4F 12/12 20:08
peter0818: Plan AtoZ隊6F 12/12 21:19
prayer513: 追了啦 不要猶豫7F 12/12 22:07
peter0818: 拜託紅襪把鼓仔帶走8F 12/12 22:42
zzs12334455: 畢竟是小市場球隊9F 12/12 23:14
MazdaRx7: 小市場球隊確實要考慮的比較多10F 12/12 23:34
kayuzzo15135: 波士頓小市場?11F 12/12 23:47
lkkgotyy: 波士頓小市場?12F 12/13 00:02
special3: 應該是指相對於大都會嗎XD13F 12/13 00:33
GodMune0608: 以球團的操作方式來看紅襪確實很像小市場球隊啊14F 12/13 00:36
colalight: 就嘲諷紅襪捨不得花錢的說法15F 12/13 00:37
Nick8877: 說小市場是在嘲諷吧16F 12/13 01:49
echo3283: 有人看不懂是嘲諷紅襪嗎17F 12/13 02:34
mayzn: 小市場無誤 Devers還是被瘋狂嘲諷之後才花錢留的~18F 12/13 06:44
stevejack: 紅襪這幾年的操作能力 是小市場球隊無誤19F 12/13 08:30
dinos: 處在大市場的小市場球隊20F 12/13 09:42
dennis331533: 波士頓老闆內心是小市場球隊21F 12/13 10:56
BMW740Li: 百元福袋才考慮22F 12/13 11:08
bkm1: 紅襪近幾年操作 還真的是小市場球隊的風格
但是簽Story跟吉田的時候 又感覺很盤....23F 12/13 11:14

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