作者 zxc906383 (無無)
標題 [情報] 馬林魚開合約給Tim Anderson了
時間 Fri Feb 16 23:05:07 2024

Marlins make offer to free-agent shortstop Tim Anderson: Sources - The Athletic
The Miami Marlins, continuing their search for an everyday shortstop, recently made an offer to free agent Tim Anderson, according to sources briefed  ...


The Miami Marlins, continuing their search for an everyday shortstop, recently m
ade an offer to free agent Tim Anderson, according to sources briefed on the dis

目前正在尋找游擊手的馬大魚,根據Ken Rosenthal的情報

他們已經開合約給Tim Anderson了

The White Sox declined his $14 million club option at the end of the season, giv
ing him a $1 million buyout instead.



The Marlins, who recently traded for super utility man Nick Gordon, also have be
en in contact with other free-agent shortstops, including Adalberto Mondesi. A s
hort-term deal with Anderson would be perhaps the most intriguing upside play.

除了Tim Anderson外,馬大魚也有接觸Adalberto Mondesi

TA去年成績大爆炸,還打架被小拉米KO 慘

.245/.286/.296 1HR OPS+60


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: zxc906383 2024-02-16 23:05:07
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1bptcbSn (MLB)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1708095909.A.731.html
※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 02/16/2024 23:07:30
hdotistyle: Jackie1F 02/16 23:08
Fitzwilliam: 馬林魚對Amed Rosario、Kike Hernandez也有興趣2F 02/16 23:12
dd1115dd1115: 當代Jackie 怎麼這麼晚才簽3F 02/16 23:14
prostitute: 這是出賽幾場的數據 豪恐怖我阿嬤說不定都4F 02/16 23:38
kenkuo1688: 衰退超嚴重 1.2年約開福袋了...喵的去年FB選到有夠氣5F 02/16 23:45
hgs000sss: Jackie6F 02/16 23:57
captain03: 上季FB受害者+17F 02/17 00:15
ashilol: 去年真的不知道再打什麼東西8F 02/17 01:38

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