作者 c871111116 (廢文死北七)
標題 [閒聊] LCP 英文 FB
時間 Tue Jan 21 14:14:31 2025



We want to take a moment to address the broadcast delays during the first
weekend of LCP. We know these interruptions impacted your viewing experience,
and we sincerely apologize for the frustration it may have caused.

As we adapt to new systems, workflows, and a fresh venue environment, some
challenges arose. Our team are actively working to troubleshoot and iron out
the kinks as we move forward.

Despite these teething issues, the first LCP weekend delivered incredible
competition that showcased the passion and competitive spirit our teams and
players are made of. It was a heartening start to the season, and we're
excited to see even more unforgettable moments unfold ahead.

To our fans, thank you for your incredible patience and support during this
time. We’d also like to extend our gratitude to the teams, players,
costreamers, and staff who’ve been with us every step of the way. Your
understanding means the world to us as we work to bring you the best possible
esports experience. Thank you for sticking with us!

LCP team







LCP中文FB 終於在"20小時前"在粉專公佈了第一季完整賽程





※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: c871111116 2025-01-21 14:14:31
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1dZpjAJV (LoL)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/LoL/M.1737440074.A.4DF.html
jjooee1428: 真假1F 01/21 14:15
※ 編輯: c871111116 ( 臺灣), 01/21/2025 14:15:43
A00610lol: 可悲 那負責人到底是什麼咖啊3F 01/21 14:15
kqP5641: 為啥我感覺這個很像chisinx的文體 他不會是小編吧=4F 01/21 14:15
A00610lol: Nash屌打5F 01/21 14:16
kqP5641: =6F 01/21 14:16
Wardyal: 好了啦 什麼時候才可以看到武力壯舉7F 01/21 14:16
c871111116: 應該是吧 但講道理 英文FB資訊公佈還真的比較快
然後中文的只有昨天公布賽程  超ㄏ8F 01/21 14:16
rainnawind: https://i.imgur.com/hyztfaW.jpeg
請愛用Chatgpt11F 01/21 14:18

因為之前沒用過所以懶得翻  想說用google翻譯擷取重點就好

還是幫你高調一下  帥帥帥

Tiandai: 我感覺LCP粉專主體變成英文了 中文看起來很像ChatGPT寫出來的東西  之前那個「晚些時候」不知道是殺小13F 01/21 14:18
giantbody: 有中文版了 看內容的用語 真的很chatgpt xdd15F 01/21 14:20
a10304025: Nash走後 沒一個會辦比賽16F 01/21 14:20
※ 編輯: c871111116 ( 臺灣), 01/21/2025 14:21:05
orange487: 真你媽噁心17F 01/21 14:20
jackz: 因為主辦就是外國人18F 01/21 14:20
kqP5641: LCP總監chisinx標準文體 先搞事以後說聲抱歉表示負責到底然後就開始吹多盡心盡力聯賽多棒 媽逼的 只能說nash公關屌打19F 01/21 14:25
ThreekRoger: PCS主體就是英文了吧 幾年前我還問過一篇為什麼比賽介面都是英文 不是一堆跑出來解釋的22F 01/21 14:28
c28127450: 到底為什麼會有高ping阿 難道說是假現下賽嗎 其實還是連到外國伺服器上面打?24F 01/21 14:35
c871111116: https://i.imgur.com/s0Ce8dW.jpeg
笑死 ChisinX真的在推特寫一篇幹話說應該早點解決XD26F 01/21 14:36
cornsoup: 這咖真的是毒瘤28F 01/21 14:38
ilovptt: Nash海放這個爛咖29F 01/21 15:06
smalltwo: 至於英文為什麼比較快呢?只能說不是台灣人
負責發布回覆內容的距離台北約三千多公里30F 01/21 15:19

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