推 PReDeSTiNeD: 「中央集權制」是指將國家之權力集中於中央政府,憲法對於中央與地方權限的劃分並無規定,地方政府的權力源自中央之委託,地方政府僅為中央政府的附屬機構,無憲法上的自治權,亦即行政、立法或司法權均由中央行使之。通常單一國家多採這種制度,不過英國是例外。「地方分權制」是指憲法將國家權力分配於中央與地方,中央與地方事權各有一定界限。地方的權力並非源自中央,自 然非中央所能限制,通常中央政府係依憲法為有限度的指揮、監督,而地方政府則有自治權處理本身事務。「均權制度」是指凡事務有全國一致之性質者,劃歸中央;有因地制宜者,劃歸地方,不偏於中央集權或地方分權。均權制度是孫中山先生根據中國國情與考察各國憲政所得,他認為:「權之性質,不當以中央或地方為對象,而當以權之性質為對象。權之宜屬於中央者,屬之中央者也;權之宜屬於地方者,屬之地方可也。例如軍事外交,宜統一不宜分歧,此權之宜屬於中央者也。教育、衛生,隨地方情況而異,此權之宜屬於地方者也。憲法第 111 條規定:「其事務有全國一致性者屬於中央,有全省一致之性質者屬於省,有一縣之性質者屬於縣,遇有爭議時,由立法院解決之。」即是將均權制度入憲化,而成為 我國中央與地方權限劃分的依據。 “Centralism" refers to concentrate power in thecentral government of the country; the constitutional division of the central and localgovernments for permission does not require local government delegates of the source of the powerof the central. Local government is only considered as a subsidiary organization of the central government, which has no constitutional right to self- determination, namely, the executive, legislative or judicial powers are exercised bythe central government. Usually the single country chooses a scheme, although the United Kingdom is the exception. "Decentralized systems" refers to theconstitutional distribution of state power in central and local government, central government and the local authority has a certain limit. Local authority did not originatefrom the central, natural non-central limit, usually the central government constitutionallyfor a limited degree of command, monitoring, while local governments have autonomy over their own affairs. "System" means where there is national consensuson the nature was placed under the central government. Local condition, placedunder local, is not biased towards centralization or decentralization. In accordance with China's national conditions and the right to study proceeds of constitutional states, Dr. Sun Yat-Sen thought that the nature of the right, properly targeted at the central or local, and the object should the nature of the right. The right should be with the central authorities, is central is wished to belong to the right places and belongs nowhere. For example, military diplomacy should be unified not divided, should be with the right of the central authorities. Education, health, varies depending on the localconditions, should be with the right also.The 111th of the Constitution stipulates that: "a national consistency in central, province-wide nature belonging to the province,has the nature of a County belonging to the County, in case of a dispute, settled by theLegislative Yuan.” That is the right in the Constitution, and formthe basis for Division of central and local permission. 憲法第 111 條規定:「其事務有全國一致性者屬於中央,有全省一致之性質者屬於省,有一縣之性質者屬於縣,遇有爭議時,由立法院解決之。」即是將均權制度入憲化,而成為我國中央與地方權限劃分的依據。若從憲法條文與孫中山先生的「均權理論」,分析其要點為:1.均權制是以事務之性質及其範圍為劃分標準;2.均權制包括中央與省縣的均權,以及省與縣的均權;3.均權制以行政與立法兩權為限;4.均權制遇有爭議時,由立法院解決之。34F 12/28 01:01