作者 tools (tools)
標題 [新聞] Wednesday Becomes Netflix's Most-Watch
時間 Thu Jun 22 12:24:02 2023

Wednesday Becomes Netflix's Most-Watched Show Thanks to Murky Math

by Rob Bricken
Wed, June 21, 2023, 6:30 AM GMT+8
Wednesday Becomes Netflix's Most-Watched Show Thanks to Murky Math
For a long while, Netflix has decided the popularity of its most-watched TV series and movies should be determined by how many hours the streaming ser ...


For a long while, Netflix has decided the popularity of its most-watched TV
series and movies should be determined by how many hours the streaming service
’s customers watched it. So, for instance, if you rewatched a season of
Stranger Things, you’d be boosting its ratings just even though you’d
already seen it. Now Netflix has changed its algorithm—kind of—and it’s to
Wednesday’s benefit.

The new system Netflix is using divides the number of hours watched by the
runtime of the show or movie, and decides that’s how many people watched it.
This is bogus, of course; again, if you rewatched season one of Stranger
Things, Netflix is essentially stating you are two separate people. It’s not
much of a change, really, in terms of how these rankings of the shows and
movies break down, but it’s enough for The Addams Family pseudo-spin-off to
knock down Netflix’s previous TV champion, Stranger Things season four. Here
are the top 10 series:


N家更改了計算觀看次數的方法, 現在會將總觀看時數再除上本身影集長度
新算法第一名是星期三252.1m views, 狠超第二名怪奇物語4 140.7m views
若再加上非英語系影集比較, 魷魚遊戲是第一名 265.2m views

想必都是"她"的功勞 ^_^

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: tools 2023-06-22 12:24:02
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1aaypa05 (EAseries)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/EAseries/M.1687407844.A.005.html
nwoyao: 不在意~反正都netflix說的算1F 06/22 12:30
※ 編輯: tools ( 臺灣), 06/22/2023 12:36:26
arsl400: 奧妹妹讚讚2F 06/22 14:24
coox: 星期三第二季看預告有點恐怖3F 06/22 18:24
gomotion: 哪裡有第二季預告?應該是粉絲創作吧4F 06/22 20:24
ariachiang: 都還沒劇本也能有預告,未來人側錄的嗎?5F 06/22 20:31
davidaustin: 狼妹勒6F 06/22 20:33

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