作者 silentknight (清純男)
標題 [閒聊] 劍星一開始不會有微交易
時間 Fri Apr  5 20:15:24 2024

Stellar Blade Director Says No Microtransactions Outside of Potential
Crossover Collaborations

Stellar Blade Director Says No Microtransactions Outside of Potential Crossover Collaborations - IGN
Stellar Blade director says there will be no microtransactions outside of potential crossover collaborations, and that initial Eve costume DLC will be ...


In a recent interview with Ruliweb translated by Genji and confirmed by IGN,
director Kim Hyeong-tae talked about what players can expect on launch day.
One feature Stellar Blade fans shouldn't expect is microtransactions... at
least not initially.

"We want to make it clear at this point that Stellar Blade will not require
any additional expenses that gamers are not aware of beyond what they paid
for the package," Kim told Ruliweb.


Although Kim assured fans that Stellar Blade won't have any
microtransactions, Shift Up hasn't entirely ruled out selling them in the

儘管金亨泰向粉絲保證劍星不會有任何微交易,但 Shift Up 並沒有完全排除在未來

"The only exception is if we create collaboration costumes with another
company's IP, those may be sold for a fee," Kim said. "Also, there is no New
Game+ in the launch version, so please look forward to it being updated very

,」另外,首發版本中沒有New Game+,所以請期待它盡快更新。”

While Shift Up has no plans for premium DLC at the outset, Kim did tease
players with free updates post-launch, chief among them being additional
costumes for its protagonist, Eve. Regardless, come release day, Stellar
Blade's base game won't have any microtransactions.

Stellar Blade is a Playstation 5 exclusive action-adventure game by the
developers of the popular mobile game, Goddess of Victory: Nikke. It follows
a girl named Eve as she combats mysterious invaders known as NA:tives, to
reclaim a post-apocalyptic Earth.

In our preview, we likened Stellar Blade's combat to Sekiro meets Nier:
Automata, saying, "While the depth of its exploration remains to be seen,
Stellar Blade’s action alone was more than enough to get me excited for its
April 26 release on PlayStation 5."

沒有New Game+是在婊某些遊戲嗎??




※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: silentknight 2024-04-05 20:15:24
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1c3-jV-b (C_Chat)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/C_Chat/M.1712319327.A.FA5.html
as3366700: 又臭1F 04/05 20:15
※ 編輯: silentknight ( 臺灣), 04/05/2024 20:16:00
gremon131: 會跟nikke連動嗎這才是我想知道的2F 04/05 20:17
madeinheaven: 就聯動衣服要收費3F 04/05 20:17
sach5522: 現在沒有,但是以後可能會有4F 04/05 20:17
pauljet: 給你錢 快點做5F 04/05 20:20
dalyadam: IP做起來後 還能把劍星角色跟2B一樣去各手遊打工賺錢
IP的力量6F 04/05 20:21
dragonne: 給你錢 快點有8F 04/05 20:21
Hazelburn: 真的 和妮姬連動吧9F 04/05 20:22
will30119: 拜託了 和妮姬連動10F 04/05 20:23
macocu: 衣服賣錢正常,沒問題11F 04/05 20:26
keroro0929: 跟其他公司的合作會收費 同公司妮姬的理論上應該免錢12F 04/05 20:26
AndyMAX: 當然是對魔忍連動13F 04/05 20:29
kaj1983: 有沒有花錢脫光衣服的?這才是重點啊
如果有的話那不需要pc了14F 04/05 20:35
taikonkimo: 等電腦版啊 到時候啥都可以有17F 04/05 20:35
dragonne: 經歷doaxvv洗禮的表示,脫了也就那樣,穿了才能玩出花來18F 04/05 20:38
Dheroblood: newgame+不是都更新才會有ㄇ?我看戰神對馬都這樣19F 04/05 20:54
Orianna: 萬年打工仔 尼爾連動
雖然希望有更有創意的連動 不要每次都那幾個 eva尼爾20F 04/05 21:09
jeffy84123: 這樣算微交易?看來這個記者也會超譯22F 04/05 21:25
edward0416: 之前金超人訪談中有提到會跟妮姬聯動 http://i.imgur.com/CmNmmAR.jpg
http://i.imgur.com/uymG6gO.jpg23F 04/05 21:40
zxoe8735: 給你錢,快聯動26F 04/05 21:46
CloudVII: 贏了 反觀...27F 04/05 21:55

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