作者 Gwaewluin (神無月 孝臣)
標題 [原神] 被左擁右抱的空
時間 Wed Jan 31 15:14:58 2024



On the surface, the farmer tills the soils, trading the strength of his arm
for a whole land of his own. But the parasites say "NO! What is yours is
ours! We are the state, we are God, we demand our share."
                                                                 ─Andrew Ryan

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: Gwaewluin 2024-01-31 15:14:58
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1bkVDsUC (C_Chat)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/C_Chat/M.1706685302.A.78C.html
SangoGO: 申鶴,沒繩,下一秒空直接分身都有可能...1F 01/31 15:16
gaym19: 他是男同2F 01/31 15:17
kaj1983: 左右為難真爽3F 01/31 15:20
a58524andy: 好耶4F 01/31 15:21
polanco: 有一個是男孩子吧5F 01/31 15:24
felixden: 芙芙看來輸定了6F 01/31 15:34
llabc1000: 右邊那個是可以徒手搬山的........7F 01/31 15:38
jeffbear79: 稻妻劍聖持槍走過來了8F 01/31 15:51
sasmwh561: 璃月雷神參上9F 01/31 15:53
cena41: 看似左擁右抱,其實是被挾持10F 01/31 16:03
ack0011: 這時候要喊諾艾爾救我,芙芙武力和屬性都被刻制,只有再被欺負到哭哭的分啊11F 01/31 16:06

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