作者 Gwaewluin (神無月 孝臣)
標題 [蔚藍] 穿著大件襯衫的ノア在打呵欠
時間 Fri Aug  4 12:00:02 2023



A Man or a Parasite
What is the difference between a man and a parasite? A man builds. A parasite
asks "Where is my share?" A man creates. A parasite says, "What will the
neighbors think?" A man invents. A parasite says, "Watch out, or you might
tread on the toes of God..."
                                                                 ─Andrew Ryan

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: Gwaewluin 2023-08-04 12:00:02
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1ap7V6N0 (C_Chat)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/C_Chat/M.1691121606.A.5C0.html
zw39107: 老師被榨乾至今昏迷不醒1F 08/04 12:01
serding: 哈哈 草莓派對2F 08/04 12:03
polanco: 相信老師身上更多草莓3F 08/04 12:04
kirimaru73: 老師努力地造成了三處出血傷,效果十分顯著4F 08/04 12:05
a51078986: 為師盡力了
https://i.imgur.com/3UfFAkY.jpg5F 08/04 12:07
ga839429: 老師種了三顆草莓!老師沒有輸!7F 08/04 12:08
h3971692: 榨乾後清爽的早晨XD8F 08/04 12:09
c22501656: 色9F 08/04 12:15
nokumakun: 超大卑10F 08/04 12:20
DVDDDDDDDD: 狗面U卡11F 08/04 12:20
Ikaruwill: 狗面U卡,這卑女說要先讓我見習一下的12F 08/04 12:30
tony1997: 好大的哈欠13F 08/04 12:34
nahsnib: 老師還在喘14F 08/04 13:14
shlee: 我乾了15F 08/04 13:26
ShibaTatsuya: 我要喘不過來了16F 08/04 13:39

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