作者 jack34031 (Jackal)
標題 [情報] 數則MLB不續約情報(小熊藍鳥道奇
時間 Sat Nov 23 09:34:04 2024


Nick Madrigal has been non-tendered by the Cubs, a source tells ESPN. The former
 4th pick in the draft is a free agent. He's had an injury plagued career, espec
ially the last few seasons.

小熊不續約內野手Nick Madrigal


The Toronto Blue Jays non-tendered closer Jordan Romano, sources tell ESPN. The
two-time All-Star, who is 31, will be a free agent.

藍鳥不續約右投Jordan Romano


The Dodgers have agreed to deals with RHPs Dustin May (2.135M/1-year) and Tony G
onsolin (5.4M/1-year) and have non-tendered RHP Brent Honeywell and LHP Zach Log

道奇不續約右投Brent Honeywell及左投Zach Logue

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: jack34031 2024-11-23 09:34:04
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1dGJ4Gl9 (Baseball)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1732325648.A.BC9.html
※ 編輯: jack34031 ( 臺灣), 11/23/2024 09:35:44
a2507934: 中職全收~~~1F 11/23 09:36
crayon1988: Honeywell…辛苦了2F 11/23 09:37
ACUNAJR: 我猴也Non-Tender Sandoval QQ
Romano居然3F 11/23 09:37
polanco: 這幾個應該都還找得到大聯盟的合約吧5F 11/23 09:38
johnnyvcxz40: Romano七月動手術 手臂情況不明 又要到期了6F 11/23 09:38
lookers: 辛苦了qq7F 11/23 09:41
Movice: 國民CL也不續約8F 11/23 09:42
h3343134: Romano感覺回不去了9F 11/23 09:43
lmf770410: 可以了 季中還被DFA又撿回去帶進WS 還拿到冠軍10F 11/23 09:43
IanHapp: 馬追狗掰掰11F 11/23 09:47
bear6789: 小熊用金寶跟白襪換的兩隻都不在了12F 11/23 09:49
SendoinKaede: honeywell有冠軍了 不虧13F 11/23 09:52
biosphere: 清淨機有撿到一個戒指,不虧14F 11/23 10:07
eee60109: Romano 還回得來嗎15F 11/23 10:07
peterw: 我邦都要了16F 11/23 10:12
superAchung: 看哪隊要撿Honeywell回去當敗處17F 11/23 10:18
onmyway: 盲西愛的真男人Honeywell……也是意料之中18F 11/23 10:31
ases60909: 富邦要了19F 11/23 11:09

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