看板 Baseball作者 zxc906383 (無無)標題 [情報] 蛇蛇其實沒積極追Burnes,直到Boras聯絡時間 Sun Dec 29 10:16:01 2024
《亞利桑那共和報》記者Nick Piecoro
According to sources, the Diamondbacks were not aggressively pursuing Burnes, bu
t rather that the pitcher's representatives came to them late in the free-agent
process expressing a desire to pitch in Arizona.
但後來Burnes的經紀人Scott Boras
Sources said Burnes’ agent, Scott Boras, opened dialogue directly with Ken Kend
rick, the Diamondbacks’ managing general partner.
Boras直接和蛇蛇老闆Ken Kendrick談
In the end, Kendrick was willing to stretch the budget to get the deal done.
A source described Kendrick’s thinking as seeing the chance to sign Burnes as b
eing too good of an opportunity to pass up.
The signing pushes the Diamondbacks’ estimated payroll into the $194 million ra
nge, according to FanGraphs’ Roster Resource. Per FanGraphs’ calculations, the
organization spent $173 million on payroll this past season, a club record.
The agreement, which is pending a physical, calls for Burnes to receive a $10 mi
llion signing bonus before earning $30 million in each of 2025 and 2026, after w
hich he will have the ability to opt out of the remaining four years and $140 mi
llion, according to a source.
In signing with the Diamondbacks, Burnes agreed to defer a significant portion o
f the contract. Sources said the total is a little north of $60 million — or ro
ughly $10-$11 million per year. If Burnes opts out after two years, a source sai
d, he would receive the amount he previously deferred — roughly $20 million —
within the next year.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: zxc906383 2024-12-29 10:16:01
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1dSB3Zlc (Baseball)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1735438563.A.BE6.html
※ zxc906383:轉錄至看板 MLB 12/29 10:16
→ hy654: 藍鳥:1F 12/29 10:17
※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 12/29/2024 10:17:41
推 same60710: 蛇蛇是不是被波拉斯認為直接跟老闆談比較有機會XD3F 12/29 10:18
推 polanco: 想回家才問一下 價格沒差很多就簽了4F 12/29 10:19
推 Afae: 莫忘蒙哥…6F 12/29 10:20
推 ct13579: 這樣經紀人會抽的比較少耶7F 12/29 10:20
※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 12/29/2024 10:21:00
→ polanco: 覺得有趣的是小蛇加入競爭的消息好像都沒透露給波拉斯的御用傳聲筒9F 12/29 10:21
→ edhuang: 蛇:我自己都沒想到11F 12/29 10:21
推 Rentch: 所以Burnes自己想去的,想不到一問就成XD12F 12/29 10:24
推 Adam6613: 蛇蛇:我沒有興趣 而你是沒才能14F 12/29 10:28
推 s955346: 以為自己沒戲,結果人家直接跑來告白16F 12/29 10:29
→ impose: 經紀人本來就是要依循客戶的意願,客戶不是奴隸耶
不是經紀人可以自己決定把客戶賣給哪隊18F 12/29 10:29
→ Minihil: 經紀人本來就是依客戶需求啊20F 12/29 10:30
推 ct13579: 美國運動經紀跟日韓演藝經紀也差太多22F 12/29 10:30
推 c251970: 原來是想在家打球順水推舟帥阿蛇蛇XD23F 12/29 10:31
→ Minihil: 因為球員本身才是價值 你亂搞換經紀人不就好24F 12/29 10:32
推 yankees733: Boras少賺Burnes根本沒差 Soto那筆就薛翻了26F 12/29 10:32
→ polanco: 這也不是少賺吧 客戶想回家小蛇也有意願就幫忙談好28F 12/29 10:34
推 Rentch: 這樣蛇蛇也好,中間都不用擔心抬價過程,直接跳驚喜包29F 12/29 10:35
推 seeyou1002: 跳過Hazen跟Hall喔?Boras這麼猛32F 12/29 10:40
推 nomo1616: 這已經不是蛇蛇怎麼輸了,是人家送上門33F 12/29 10:40
推 Rentch: 不過頭兩年相當於35M還可逃脫,蛇蛇也是下重本34F 12/29 10:41
→ zxc906383: Boras最愛跳過人家總管 直接找老闆的35F 12/29 10:42
推 jocabyu: 蛇蛇真的是看到天上掉下來的禮物,鐵定簽啊XD36F 12/29 10:45
推 benboy: 蛇蛇把握住天上掉下來的餡餅了 XDDD37F 12/29 10:46
推 zehow: 蛇蛇:超爽的啦!39F 12/29 10:49
→ impose: 且這張合約只是給些折扣,實際上也是總額超過2億耶41F 12/29 10:56
推 nybbnan: 當幸福來敲門
巨人 藍鳥:….42F 12/29 10:59
→ mightymouse: Boras的談判手腕真的超強,應該要出來賣一下線上課程
而且他每年光是抽佣金收入就有2億美金,這一筆少抽一點根本沒差45F 12/29 11:04
推 s955346: 藍鳥粉的人生高光可能是1年前的這時候吧 然後就沒然後58F 12/29 11:40
推 desti23: 我沒有搶人的興趣 而藍鳥你沒有搶人的才能59F 12/29 11:52
→ xo1100: 蛇蛇:在想預算怎補強就突然的60F 12/29 11:52
推 yurian: 蛇蛇:他自己要來的62F 12/29 12:17
推 au3rupy3: 放走Walker以為要省錢了結果來個大的63F 12/29 12:34
→ zhmzhm: 經紀人就是要滿足客戶需求64F 12/29 12:35
推 CaminoI: 經紀人配合球員需求才對 現在看來少賺 但在潛在未來客戶市場中名聲變好 也是有利的阿65F 12/29 12:46
推 alex0973: 運動經濟和演藝經紀差別真巨大@@67F 12/29 13:06
推 MeeToo: 蛇蛇:今年自由市場沒菜 Boras:沒菜有牛肉需要嗎68F 12/29 13:11
推 a86091213: 結論就是積不積極是假議題,你想去哪就直說69F 12/29 13:20
推 Isinging: 真的撿到 剛好想在亞利桑那投球71F 12/29 13:46
推 Leo0923: SWEET HOME!!72F 12/29 14:12
推 lightjayjw: 這麼好的機會,可以回家工作+錢不少,機不可失73F 12/29 14:28
推 globekiller: 總管預算是老闆給的 能跳過直接跟老闆談當然最好
不過也要牌子夠大才能這樣玩74F 12/29 15:14
推 Nvidialiu: 天上掉下來的w 蛇:我可以這麼幸福嗎76F 12/29 17:18
推 zhahu: 甜甜價79F 12/29 18:16
推 pett: 這種機會真的可遇不可求80F 12/29 22:47