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看板 uefacool
作者 uefangsmith (唉呦!不錯哦~)
標題 [WiFi] MIC Error
時間 2015-05-18 Mon. 11:37:38

#1 目前的 WPA 1.x TKIP 相較於原本的WEP加密機制,多了以下的能力


        (2)TKIP Per-Packet Key加密機制è每個Packet都產生不同加密的Key

        (3)MIC(Message Integrity Code)<Michael>è訊息完整性編碼機制

基本上MIC的運作機制是,送端在送出封包前,把未加密過的資料內容透過Michael演算法,求得一個64 bits的MIC值,對收端來說,把收到的封包解密後,依樣針對資料內容透過Michael演算法計算一次MIC值,如果一致就表示封包正確無誤,如果不一致,就表示封包在傳輸過程中發生錯誤。
Ref. http://blog.yam.com/deanmimas/article/15834864

訊息完整碼MIC(Message Integrity Code)使用Michael演算法雖然強大,但須配合Sequence Number (IV)的使用尚可達到安全標準

About MIC Error Verify
wifi test plan 4.2.13 for AP: WPA Specific Countermeasures

Purpose and Description
The purpose of the following test is to ensure that WPA countermeasures are implemented correctly within the APUT and that the products within the test bed can recover from a MIC failure. Note: If the APUT does not support mixed mode WPA2/WPA, this test is skipped.
For an APUT the configuration considered by this test is two test bed STAs, one operating with WPA2-Personal (802.11a/b/g STA) and the other operating in WPA-personal (802.11a/b/g STA) – a mixed mode. Both are associated with the APUT. With this configuration all group traffic will use TKIP. A third station, the WFA-EMT operating as a station using WPA-Personal, is introduced into this configuration; this is the MIC attacker and is capable of generating a Michael MIC failure data frame.

for STA
5.2.18 WPA Specific Countermeasures – WPA2/WPA Mixed Mode
Purpose & Description
The purpose of the following test is to ensure that WPA countermeasures are implemented correctly within the STAUT and that the products within the test bed can recover from a MIC failure when work in mixed WPA2/WPA mixed mode.

※ 作者: uefangsmith 時間: 2015-05-18 11:37:38
※ 編輯: uefangsmith 時間: 2015-05-18 11:44:27
※ 看板: uefacool 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 96 
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