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※ 本文為 XBUCKXMR 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2014-05-06 09:50:05
看板 Gossiping
作者 Hashin5566 (哈星56)
標題 Re: [新聞] 靠學運賺錢? 每筆募款金集資網收8%
時間 Tue May  6 02:43:48 2014

※ 引述《ufo15526368 (®)》之銘言:
: 靠學運賺錢? 每筆募款金集資網收8%

: 只不過和國外知名的Kickstarter集資平台相較,VDemocracy屬於社運平台,Kickstarter
: 著重文創,收費約5%,比VDemocracy少了3%,價格明顯便宜一些,儘管學運落幕將近一個
: 月,但後續活動不斷,網路業者相中商機,搶賺另類學運周邊財。




If your project is successfully funded,
the following fees will be collected from your funding total:
Kickstarter's 5% fee, and payment processing fees (between 3% and 5%).
If funding isn't successful, there are no fees.


那後面的金流費用到底是多少呢? 根據不同國家有些許差異:

If your project is successfully funded,
Kickstarter will apply a 5% fee to the funds raised,
and Amazon will apply credit card processing fees (about 3-5%).
If funding isn't successful, there are no fees.

美國本地: 5%給kickstarter,Amazon收取3~5%的信用卡金流費


If your project is successfully funded,
the following fees will be collected from your funding total:
Kickstarter's 5% fee, payment processing fees (between 3% and 5%),
and a Value Added Tax (VAT).
If funding isn't successful, there are no fees.

Kickstarter fee: 5% of total funds raised

Payment processing fees: 3% + 0.20 per pledge

Pledges under 10 have a discounted micropledge fee
of 5% + 0.05 per pledge.  (贊助10英鎊以下收0.05英鎊作為固定金流費)

Value Added Tax (VAT):
Value Added Tax is assessed on the above fees, not the total funds raised.
The VAT charge is 20% of fees, approximately 1-2% of total funds raised.

英國: 5%給kickstarter,收取每筆贊助3%+0.20英鎊的金流費


If your project is successfully funded,
the following fees will be collected from your funding total:
Kickstarter's 5% fee, and payment processing fees (between 3% and 5%).
If funding isn't successful, there are no fees.

Kickstarter fee: 5% of total funds raised
Payment processing fees: 3% + $0.20 per pledge

Pledges under $10 have a discounted micropledge fee
of 5% + $0.05 per pledge.(贊助10加幣以下收0.05加幣作為固定金流費)

加拿大: 5%給kickstarter,收取每筆贊助3%+0.20加幣的金流費
      =8% up


If your project is successfully funded,
the following fees will be collected from your funding total:
Kickstarter's 5% fee, and payment processing fees (between 3% and 5%).
If funding isn't successful, there are no fees.

Kickstarter fee: 5% of total funds raised

Payment processing fees: 3% + $0.20 per pledge

Pledges under $10 have a discounted micropledge fee
of 5% + $0.05 per pledge. (贊助10澳幣以下收0.05澳幣作為固定金流費)

澳洲: 5%給kickstarter,收取每筆贊助3%+0.20澳幣的金流費
      =8% up

New Zealand:

If your project is successfully funded,
the following fees will be collected from your funding total:
Kickstarter's 5% fee, and payment processing fees (between 3% and 5%).
If funding isn't successful, there are no fees.

Kickstarter fee: 5% of total funds raised

Payment processing fees: 3% + $0.20 per pledge

Pledges under $10 have a discounted micropledge fee
of 5% + $0.05 per pledge. (贊助10紐幣以下收0.05紐幣作為固定金流費)

紐西蘭: 5%給kickstarter,收取每筆贊助3%+0.20紐幣的金流費
      =8% up


If your project is successfully funded,
the following fees will be collected from your funding total:
Kickstarter's 5% fee, and payment processing fees (between 3% and 5%).
If funding isn't successful, there are no fees.

Kickstarter fee: 5% of total funds raised

Payment processing fees: 3% + $0.20 per pledge

Pledges under $10 have a discounted micropledge fee
of 5% + $0.05 per pledge. (贊助10歐元以下收0.05歐元作為固定金流費)

荷蘭: 5%給kickstarter,收取每筆贊助3%+0.20歐元的金流費
      =8% up





美國本地: 5%給kickstarter,Amazon收取3~5%的信用卡金流費

英國: 5%給kickstarter,收取每筆贊助3%+0.20英鎊的金流費

加拿大: 5%給kickstarter,收取每筆贊助3%+0.20加幣的金流費
      =8% up

澳洲: 5%給kickstarter,收取每筆贊助3%+0.20澳幣的金流費
      =8% up

紐西蘭: 5%給kickstarter,收取每筆贊助3%+0.20紐幣的金流費
      =8% up

荷蘭: 5%給kickstarter,收取每筆贊助3%+0.20歐元的金流費
      =8% up







※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1399315430.A.DA0.html
CTHsieh: 啪啪啪...趴趴趴....好腫1F 05/06 02:49
xup6y3ru04:辛苦了 還得花那麼大的力氣反駁2F 05/06 02:53
※ 編輯: Hashin5566 (, 05/06/2014 02:54:04
GSHARP:8%公道價3F 05/06 02:59
deepdish:所以VD 佛心來的4F 05/06 03:01
skytempter:中夭:哭哭QAQ好腫喔臉5F 05/06 03:02
c155325:只能說中夭已經沒有真相了6F 05/06 03:08
TSbb:發文的那隻也是.......整天看新聞高潮都不查證的7F 05/06 03:21
kageo101:發文那個看ID就可以噓了,大家這麼客氣還看內文幹嘛8F 05/06 03:26
cosco: 推9F 05/06 04:00
sexygnome:推!10F 05/06 04:35
cul287:專業推11F 05/06 05:49
epistemie:專業 原報導抹得太...都不知道用什麼形容詞了12F 05/06 06:52
amaranth5566:好過kmt騙我們稅金養郭冠英13F 05/06 06:55
epistemie:他們現在已經硬上了已經不去檢討為什麼會民怨那麼強大14F 05/06 06:55
roloveyou:高調15F 05/06 06:56
epistemie:那一些錢和開一個公司營運初期資金網站租金人員比很小16F 05/06 06:56
aimiveyoris:專業推17F 05/06 07:07
delaysheep:推18F 05/06 07:56
Gaji:推!!19F 05/06 07:56
katsyuan:推20F 05/06 08:36
joety1103:專業21F 05/06 08:53

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