※ 本文為 terievv 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2016-07-01 18:58:06
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [新聞] Taiwan Accidentally Fires Missile Towa
時間 Fri Jul 1 18:52:19 2016
Taiwan Accidentally Fires Missile Toward Rival China, Hits Boat
TAIPEI, Taiwan — A Taiwanese naval ship accidentally fired a supersonic missi
le in the direction of its rival China on Friday, killing the captain of a nea
rby fishing boat, a state-run news agency said.
The 500-ton Chinchiang-class corvette launched the missile during a training e
xercise while docked at a harbor in the southern port city of Kaohsiung.
The Hsiung Feng III anti-ship missile landed in waters around 46 miles to the
northwest, Taiwan's Central News Agency reported. It hit a Taiwanese fishing b
oat, killing the captain and injuring three others, it cited the country's def
ense ministry as saying.
China — which has been locked in a decades-long standoff with Taiwan — is ar
ound 160 miles away from the harbor. The missile had a range of 200 miles but
did not cross the Taiwan Strait's median line, which separates the two countri
The country's navy said the mishap was likely caused by human error and that t
hose responsible would be punished, according to the Central News Agency.
Navy Chief of Staff Vice Admiral Mei Chia-shu told reporters that China had no
t been notified of the launch because Taipei is not in contact with Beijing.
The firing coincided with Beijing's ruling Communist Party celebrating its 95t
h anniversary. Chinese President Xi Jinping delivered a speech Friday calling
for peaceful development of relations between Beijing and Taipei, according to
The Associated Press.
The two countries have been rivals since the Chinese civil war ended in 1950.
Supporters of the then ruling Chinese government fled to Taiwan after its forc
es were defeated by the Communists.
Beijing does not recognize the island and sees it as a breakaway province. Las
t November, their leaders met for the first time since the war but this fledgl
ing rapprochement has since chilled after Taiwan's new president refused to ac
cept there is "one China."
4.完整新聞連結 (或短網址):
Taiwan Accidentally Fires Missile Toward Rival China, Hits Boat - NBC News
A Taiwanese naval ship accidentally fired a supersonic missile in the direction of its arch rival China on Friday. ...
A Taiwanese naval ship accidentally fired a supersonic missile in the direction of its arch rival China on Friday. ...
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1NTajczh (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1467370342.A.F6B.html
→ : 標題很故意 感覺就像打到中國的船1F 07/01 18:53
→ : WW3 is on2F 07/01 18:53
推 : 台灣之光3F 07/01 18:53
→ : 算是宣戰嗎?4F 07/01 18:53
→ : 台灣之光 雄三5F 07/01 18:53
推 : 北韓每次射都會上版面啊6F 07/01 18:53
→ : 飛彈現在在哪兒??? 被對岸帶回去研究??7F 07/01 18:53
推 : 直接發射 不跟你打嘴砲8F 07/01 18:53
推 : 國外媒體也是呵呵9F 07/01 18:54
→ : 台灣之光10F 07/01 18:54
推 : 台灣之光…11F 07/01 18:54
推 : 上國際新聞不意外12F 07/01 18:55
噓 : 沒用ROC NBC挺台獨 給噓13F 07/01 18:55
→ : 標題很故意+1很像台媒14F 07/01 18:55
推 : 愈來愈詭異了。世界首例。飛彈自己亂飛15F 07/01 18:55
推 : The two countries The two countries The two countries16F 07/01 18:56
推 : 台灣之光17F 07/01 18:56
※ 看板: terievv 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 105
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