※ 本文為 terievv 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-08-10 00:39:23
- there will be no compensations for VK3001H owners, when it goes down a tier
- Object 430 was not scrapped, only delayed
Obj. 430並沒有被捨棄,只是延後引入的時間
- there will possibly be a third (yet unannounced) Soviet medium branch, of
which the Object 140 will be the top tank, this branch will consist of
vehicles designed in Omsk (SS: the original branch is “Nizhny Tagil”
branch, the 8.8 one is “Kharkov” branch)
也許會有第三條蘇聯中坦線,而 Obj. 140 會是該線的頂車。此中坦線會包含 Omsk 設
(SS: 第一線為 Nizhny Tagil 線,而 8.8 加入的第二線為 Kharkov線)
- tier 9 of this new branch might be a version of T-54, designated “Object
139〃 (which was a prototype of Object 140)
這條新中坦線的 T9 可能會是 Obj. 139 (Obj. 140的原型車, T-54 的某個版本)。
- the anniversary hangar warships looming on the horizon are a little “hi!”
from WoWs developers (SS: the second from the right is allegedly Yamato)
WoWs 的開發者們透過周年慶車庫中地平線上若隱若現的戰艦與玩家打招呼。
(SS: 據說右邊數來第二艘是大和號)
- Object 263 drowning too soon (as soon as the water reaches the tracks)?
“How terrible…”
"Obj. 263 被水漫過履帶就淹死了?"
That’s it for now. There will be more in the afternoon I think.
※ 編輯: sunshinefish 來自: (08/09 17:13)
推 :看到第一點 我還怕妳NERF耶1F 08/09 17:17
推 :這戰艦哪門子的若隱若現啊2F 08/09 17:19
推 :車庫是要掛V鏡才看得到戰艦上的工作人員嗎3F 08/09 17:30
推 :車庫黑到我啥都看不見...4F 08/09 17:48
推 :補償與nerf是兩回事啊5F 08/09 17:49
推 :大和的外型很好認 只是剩下三艘就沒啥麼印象6F 08/09 17:57
→ :263扁扁的被淹死正常wwwww7F 08/09 18:14
→ :最左跟最右是老美的BB8F 08/09 19:50
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