※ 本文為 terievv 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-11-24 13:50:10
看板 WoT
作者 標題 [情報] 11/22 Q&A
時間 Sat Nov 23 03:16:37 2013
As I wrote on FTR FB earlier, yesterday I missed the QA, because there was
nothing to translate.
If you want, Overlord is collecting feedback on World of Warplanes – how do
you like it?
Overlord 正在收集 WoWp 的玩家反應
- SerB is fine with the performance of old premium/reward tanks, such as the
Ram II, Matilda LL, T14, A32 and Panzer S35
SerB對那些出了很久的金幣/活動車輛的表現感到滿意,像是Ram II、Matilda LL、T14
、A32 和 Panzer S35
- spall liner will have no effect, if a HE shell splash (or blast itself)
hits a zone, where there is no armor (like on the open-topped new German TD
’s) – SerB states that it reduces damage proportionally to armor and when
the armor is 0, the reduction is also 0 – spall liner doesn’t reduce the
damage of complete penetrations (SS: BUT the improved saving throw for crew
will still work)
沒裝甲的地方(被高爆彈擊中或波及)防破片內襯是不會有作用的:SerB 表示內襯是
傷(SS: 但是對組員減傷的加成效果仍有效)
傷(SS: 但是對組員減傷的加成效果仍有效)
- camo factor of the WT E-100 and RhB WT won’t be commented on (SS: a player
asked whether WT E-100 has worse armor than Maus)
不討論 WT E-100 和 RhB WT 隱蔽值的問題(SS: 有人在問 WT E-100 的裝甲是不是比
Maus 的還低)
- apparently the frequency of server checks (synch of client and server) is
0,1s on average
- actually, a gun module apparently consists of two modules: an internal part
and the external part (SS: that means the breech of the gun has 0 armor and
is subjected to saving throws only, which means guns with a HUGE breech, like
the Sturer Emil, can get its gun damaged even by being hit on the side armor
主砲的模組是由兩部份組成:內部(砲膛)和外部(砲管)模組(SS: 砲膛沒有裝甲值
只能靠免傷機制,這表示像 Sturer Emil 這樣砲膛很大的車就算側面中彈也會壞砲)
- SerB states that the developers never planned to introduce +/-1 MM spread,
because it’s not needed – for example in such a case the T-34/76 couldn’t
face the Tiger
SerB 表示開發人員從沒打算引進±1分房,因為根本沒必要。舉例來說 T-34/76 碰不到
- for now there are no details on the transfer of E-50 to tier 10, SerB
states it is just one of the ideas
目前沒有「把 E-50 提到十階」的進一部消息,SerB 說那只是個想法。
- penetrating the tank wrecks with partial penetration loss will not come in
forseeable future
- there is a separate collision model for a live tank and separate
(simplified) model for a wreck
- Q: “We’ve seen Yuri Pasholok’s post on the 88mm L/71 autoloader, will we
see it in Jagdpanther and King Tiger?” A: “It won’t fit in KT” (SS: its
implementation into Jagdpanther is thus not excluded)
- tank hulls (both life tanks and wrecks) do not serve as a visibility
obstacle (SS: a huge stone will block spotchecks, a tank won’t) – this rule
however doesn’t apparently apply on the “object” wrecks, that are a part
of the map (SS: for example the burning Malinovka Panther near northern base)
– these do count as obstacles
件不適用這規則(SS: 例如 Malinovka 北方基地旁的豹式殘骸)
PS: WG EU really did it! Fail hattrick this Friday – if you open WoT
launcher and click on the TRIPLE EXPERIENCE FOR THE FIRST VICTORY – you won’
t end on WoT page, you’ll end up on World of Warplanes portal. How terrible.
PS: WG EU 真的這樣搞了!如果打開 WoT launcher 點「首勝三倍經驗」超連結,不會
到 WoT 頁面,而會進入 WoWp 的入口網站——失敗的耍人把戲;好貼蘿蔔…
In church, they say to forgive!
Forgiveness is between them and God;
it's my job to arrange the meeting. 《 Man on Fire 》
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
※ 編輯: WillieHuang 來自: (11/23 03:19)
推 :獵豹如果變彈夾車 就超威了1F 11/23 08:40
推 :獵豹長88已經很快了說……2F 11/23 08:59
推 :長88彈夾獵豹...,好險我還留在車庫 how terrible3F 11/23 09:23
推 :虎式buff射速後都用105了...提升長88存在感?4F 11/23 11:26
推 :彈匣長88是要作成機砲嗎俊朗 一秒一發這樣wwwwww5F 11/23 12:11
→ :還有"T-34/76碰不到虎式"這段是什麼意思?
→ :還有"T-34/76碰不到虎式"這段是什麼意思?
→ :就五階碰不到七階?7F 11/23 12:43
→ :類似分房保護?
→ :類似分房保護?
推 :是指如果做上下一階分房,那T-34/76就遇不到虎式了9F 11/23 12:52
→ :SerB覺得這樣沒啥意義
→ :SerB覺得這樣沒啥意義
→ :只想請問 砲管從側面打 會造成傷害嗎?看似無碰撞模組11F 11/23 12:56
推 :有機會壞砲管 但不會扣血12F 11/23 12:59
推 :T-34/76:二戰電我電的還不夠嗎13F 11/23 18:55
→ :三號、四號:二戰中後期我們被電慘慘 還不是稱過來了14F 11/23 21:43
※ 看板: terievv 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 144
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