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※ 本文為 terievv 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-11-02 03:57:07
看板 WoT
作者 tai33ru (磁磚大)
標題 [情報] 10/30 Q&A
時間 Thu Oct 31 01:51:01 2013

- regarding the spaced armor being ripped off by shell impacts: it doesn’t
concern only Havoc, it concerns also the game mechanism in general

  如果要製作出間隙裝甲被砲彈給擊落的特效,不僅跟Havoc 客戶端引擎有

- not all tanks will get optional spaced armor (SS: as a hull upgrade or a
module, not sure), only those that had them in real life, that doesn’t
however mean they had to have them fitted in a factory (apparently, vehicles
that were field conversions in real life have a chance of appearing too),
paper vehicles will get additional optional spaced armor only if necessery


- T-35 will apparently not appear before the multiturret mechanism is
implemented (“that would be pointless”)


- apparently, more vehicle info (like the exact type of enemy vehicle) won’t
be added to minimap, according to SerB the minimap would be unreadable that
way (SerB states this won’t be implemented even as optional, because instead
of implementing it the developers prefer to implement stuff useful to casual


- when a bunch of allied tanks hit the enemy tank at the same time, the
damage "adds" and only one amount of hitpoints gets deducted (SS: as in,
one tank hits for 150 and the other for 140 at the same time – both see that
the enemy vehicle loses 290 hitpoints), it is possible to separate it, but it
won’t be done in order not to spam the player with too much info

  敵車失去290HP )。是有可能把數字分開,但是分開會讓玩家眼花所以不

- camera viewpoint (from where what you see is calculated) is located in the
geometrical center of the tank


- the abovementioned center changes its position only when the tank is moving
(SS: in other words, it doesn’t matter where you turn the turret, it will
still be the same)


- a special visibility check (whether you are visible or not) takes place
when the tank stops and when it starts moving


- installing a wet ammo rack apparently doesn’t increase your ramming damage
(SS: it’s not as stupid question as it sounds: wet ammo rack has a certain
weight, that adds to the mass of the vehicle, increasing the damage done by
the vehicle based on its weight by cca 1 percent, however, this increased
mass also causes the vehicle to go slower, so all in all it’s the same)


- visual camo works only on maps of that respective type (summer camo on
summer maps etc.) – however: it is NOT true that if you buy only one (for
example only summer camo), it will not work at all (there was such a rumor)



oXnXo:按著開機鍵數秒即可達到關燈的效果05/04 19:29
cypher4444:樓上我差點照做了!!! 這樣很危險阿!!05/04 19:30
yuan860721:還好樓上你沒按 想想不久以前 我就照他的話做了之後阿05/04 19:32
cypher4444:就怎樣@@05/04 19:33
yuan860721:就關機了阿..............05/04 19:34

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
wzmildf     :頭1F 10/31 02:11
lsslss      :毛2F 10/31 02:18
blackxmas   :頭3F 10/31 02:21
b97505048   :樓上是指番茄?4F 10/31 03:03
sizkacoder  :             TOMOTO5F 10/31 03:54
ms053653    :接龍大成功ww6F 10/31 06:47
cklppt      :可視檢定那條不是"只會" 而是那時會做檢查7F 10/31 08:06

修正了~謝謝 :D

Valter      :我該吐槽說番茄英文打錯了嗎XD8F 10/31 08:34
julyjungle  :推推9F 10/31 09:32
※ 編輯: tai33ru         來自:       (10/31 09:59)
donkilu     :意味不明的番茄=A=10F 10/31 16:13
AxelSergei  :整樓歪掉11F 11/01 00:52

※ 看板: terievv 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 90 
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