※ 本文為 terievv 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-10-02 21:01:31
看板 WoT
作者 標題 [情報] 10/01 Q&A
時間 Wed Oct 2 06:56:40 2013
- SerB states that LT branches without high level tanks are not interesting
SerB 表示沒有高階車的輕坦科技樹沒甚麼趣味
- matchmaker is “alive, healthy and working”
對戰排程器 (MM) "活著、健康且堪用"
- SerB states that the old MM that did put MS-1 in same teams with Maus was “
really funny” (SS: in open beta, there were basically such battles)
SerB 表示舊的 MM 把 Maus (T10) 和 MS-1 (T1) 分在同一隊 "相當有趣"
(SS: 公測中多的是這種戰鬥)
- according to SerB, gold shells for credits did not reduce the use of HE
shells much, HE is still in demand
根據 SerB 的說法金彈銀買並未大量減少高爆彈的用量,還是有高爆彈的需求
- at this moment, only 1/3 to 1/4 of the WoT concept is implemented from what
SerB would like to have it in the game, as a lot of things got delayed.
Developers will continue to add the rest.
目前為止 SerB 對 WoT 的構想只有 1/3 到 1/4 實現了
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 :難得同意了...沒有高階LT很悶XD1F 10/02 07:18
推 :健康但是腦殘有什麼用2F 10/02 08:10
推 :SERB吃屎 如果全實現了 那應該叫 祖國世界3F 10/02 08:29
→ :好少!!4F 10/02 08:40
推 :Funny個鬼...5F 10/02 09:37
→ :9/29是有看到一篇Q&A 但是卻沒有被SS歸類到Q&A裡面6F 10/02 09:40
→ :內容很多跟WoT無關的東西 反而WoWs的比較多
→ :9/30 筆誤
→ :內容很多跟WoT無關的東西 反而WoWs的比較多
→ :9/30 筆誤
推 :可以翻一下戰艦世界的嗎?我想看9F 10/02 10:07
→ :最近都在玩艦これ
→ :最近都在玩艦これ
推 :跪求戰艦世界相關訊息11F 10/02 14:51
※ 看板: terievv 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 91
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