※ 本文為 TLdark 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2022-02-12 21:30:03
看板 C_Chat
作者 標題 [22/7] 櫻女士被搶劫了
時間 Sat Apr 4 21:17:21 2020
Sally Amaki/天城サリー(Gintoki/Kuroo Enthusiast)
@sally_amakiI added a random person on animal crossing so we can trade fruits but when I went to their island and put the peaches down, they picked it up and started running around and I think they shut down before giving me anything bc I’m back in my island with nothing....I’ve been robbed.
@sally_amakiI added a random person on animal crossing so we can trade fruits but when I went to their island and put the peaches down, they picked it up and started running around and I think they shut down before giving me anything bc I’m back in my island with nothing....I’ve been robbed.
I added a random person on animal crossing so we can trade fruits but when I
went to their island and put the peaches down, they picked it up and started
running around and I think they shut down before giving me anything bc I’m
back in my island with nothing....I’ve been robbed.
反正就是玩動森的時候 跟人隨機連線換水果
結果對方拿了水果 就跑了還切線 沒換給她
提醒一下 等等台灣時間10點有新的計算中
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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/C_Chat/M.1586006244.A.422.html
推 : 這應該算詐騙吧1F 04/04 21:19
推 : 要開記者會嗎2F 04/04 21:24
推 : 這遊戲竟然沒交易模式喔? 比天堂還落後3F 04/04 21:36
→ : 把動物之森當gta玩喔4F 04/04 21:57
推 : 可惡,我原本想發的5F 04/04 21:57
推 : 想問一下哪裡可以看計算中直播?謝謝~6F 04/04 22:21
推 : 網路上搜尋Tokyo MX,應該能找到串流7F 04/04 23:01
※ 看板: seiyuu 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 23
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