※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2014-01-22 23:39:45
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [新聞] 田中將大 to Yankees
時間 Wed Jan 22 22:59:43 2014
7年/$155M 投手第五大約
僅次於 KERSHAW、CC、VERLANDER、King Felix這些CY等級的投手
Yankees To Sign Masahiro Tanaka
Yankees To Sign Masahiro Tanaka
By Steve Adams [January 22, 2014 at 8:42am CST]
The Yankees will sign Masahiro Tanaka to a massive seven-year, $155MM
contract that contains an opt-out after the fourth season, according to Ken
Rosenthal of FOX Sports (on Twitter). Tanaka is represented by Excel Sports
Management -- the same agents that negotiated Clayton Kershaw's
record-setting extension.
Tanaka's contract is the largest ever open-market deal for a right-handed
free agent pitcher and trails only CC Sabathia's $161MM contract (also issued
by the Yankees) for largest free agent contract in history. In terms of "new
money," Tanaka's deal eclipses all previous pitcher contracts with the
exception of Kershaw and Sabathia. While the total contract values of Justin
Verlander ($180MM) and Felix Hernandez ($175MM) both exceed $155MM, each of
those deals was an extension on top of two guaranteed years, meaning they
contain $140MM and $135.5MM of "new money," respectively, as outlined last
year by MLBTR's Tim Dierkes.
Of course, the Yankees are paying more than just $155MM for Tanaka, as they
will also owe a $20MM posting fee to the Rakuten Golden Eagles of Nippon
Professional Baseball -- Tanaka's former team in Japan. The Yankees are
placing a great deal of faith in Tanaka, spending a Felix-Hernandez-sized
investment in order to secure his services.
Tanaka's stats in Japan indicate that he's worth the risk. The 6'2",
205-pound right-hander famously went 24-0 in Japan this season with an
unthinkable 1.27 ERA, averaging 7.8 K/9, 1.4 BB/9, 0.3 HR/9 and just 7.1 H/9.
In his 212 innings this season, Tanaka's electric fastball and lethal
splitter -- which is the regarded by some scouts as the best splitter in the
world -- led to just six home runs by opposing batters.
Tanaka suffered just one loss overall in his historic 2013 season -- a
160-pitch (yes, 160) complete-game loss in Game 6 of the Japan Series (NPB's
championship series). Incredibly, Tanaka asked for the ball the very next day
and closed out the Golden Eagles' championship victory by throwing 15 pitches
in the series clincher.
Masahiro Tanaka Rumors: MLB Rumors - MLBTradeRumors.com
MLB Trade Rumors Masahiro Tanaka archive. ...
MLB Trade Rumors Masahiro Tanaka archive. ...
I think it comes to a simple choice
To get busy living or get busy dying?
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→ :(σ′▽
→ :田中這種咖能有達比修80%成績就要偷笑了
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達比修有簽訂合約 6年6000萬 @ 肯米的棒球天空 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET ::
文:肯米來自大聯盟遊騎兵官網的消息,條子最後確定以5170萬取得交涉權的達比修,取得6年6000萬美金及激勵獎金1000萬的金額簽約。圖:達比休有 The sides agreed to a six ...
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