※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2014-01-13 22:21:11
看板 joke
作者 標題 [kuso] 狐狸怎麼叫- 山羊Remix
時間 Mon Jan 13 15:03:35 2014
Ylvis - The Fox (Goat Remix) - YouTube
TEH GOAT baAAaaaAAAAaaaaa ____________________ Like my Facebaaahk Fan Page: Bah me on Twitter: The Screaming Sheep ...
TEH GOAT baAAaaaAAAAaaaaa ____________________ Like my Facebaaahk Fan Page: Bah me on Twitter: The Screaming Sheep ...

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 :幹 超吵1F 01/13 15:19
推 :頭好痛2F 01/13 15:19
推 :畫面也很靠杯 好煩XD3F 01/13 15:22
推 :4F 01/13 15:34
推 :我到底看了什麼,太靠背了啦xDDDD5F 01/13 15:48
推 :幹 各種叫聲XD6F 01/13 17:02
推 :一打開就笑了 哈哈7F 01/13 17:17
推 :剛去回顧羊怪叫,有一個是狼犬和羊的那個超好笑XD8F 01/13 17:21
推 :聽完頭超痛 不過很白癡就是了XD9F 01/13 17:34
推 :XD 靠10F 01/13 18:15
推 :煩死了wwwww調什麼音啦wwwwwwwww11F 01/13 18:42
推 :WTF...say?12F 01/13 18:49
推 :GoatStep這個人真的有病XDDDD13F 01/13 18:49
推 :幹 他是多喜歡羊叫14F 01/13 19:02
推 :哈哈哈哈15F 01/13 19:04
推 :幹XDDD16F 01/13 19:08
推 :哈哈哈17F 01/13 19:09
推 :剛吃飽 別害我想吐XD18F 01/13 19:11
推 :好多羊XD19F 01/13 19:18
推 :剪成MV變得有點驚悚=A=20F 01/13 19:22
PlentaKill - The Lux (Ylvis - The Fox LoL Parody) PLK - YouTube Get this song on iTunes! Purchase our Merchandise! Follow us on Facebook...

推 :後面還滿吵的22F 01/13 19:45
推 :....23F 01/13 19:51
推 :真的有病 好吵 好好笑XDD24F 01/13 20:00
推 :比較喜歡what does my girl say版本XDDDDD25F 01/13 20:18
推 :好煩XDDD26F 01/13 20:30
Top 10 Goat Edition Songs! (BEST VIDEOS) - YouTube
That awesome moment when the goat is better than the singers. You won't stop laughing! No copyright infringement intended. All rights attributed accordingly...
That awesome moment when the goat is better than the singers. You won't stop laughing! No copyright infringement intended. All rights attributed accordingly...

※ 看板: sayumiQ 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 328
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