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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2014-01-05 13:54:18
看板 movie
作者 bill93557063 (bill9355)
標題 [情報] 國家影評人協會(NSFC) 得獎名單
時間 Sun Jan  5 05:28:13 2014

最佳影片 Best Picture: (second ballot)
醉鄉民謠 Inside Llewyn Davis (23票)

瞞天大佈局 American Hustle (17票)
自由之心 12 Years a Slave (16票)

最佳導演 Best Director: (second ballot)
喬柯恩、伊森柯恩 醉鄉民謠 Joel and Ethan Coen, Inside Llewyn Davis (25票)

艾馮索庫阿隆 地心引力 Alfonso Cuaron, Gravity (18票)
史蒂夫麥昆 自由之心 Steve McQueen, 12 Years a Slave (15票)

最佳男主角 Best Actor: (second ballot)
奧斯卡伊薩克 醉鄉民謠 Oscar Isaac, Inside Llewyn Davis (28票)

奇威托艾裘佛 自由之心 Chiwetel Ejiofor, 12 Years a Slave (19票)
勞勃瑞福 海上求生記 Robert Redford, All Is Lost (12票)

最佳女主角 Best Actress:
凱特布蘭琪 藍色茉莉 Cate Blanchett, Blue Jasmine (57票)

Adèle Exarchopoulos, Blue Is the Warmest Color (36票)
茱莉蝶兒 愛在午夜希臘時 Julie Delpy, Before Midnight (26票)

最佳男配角 Best Supporting Actor: (second ballot)
詹姆斯法蘭科 放浪青春 James Franco, Spring Breakers (24票)

傑瑞德雷托 藥命俱樂部 Jared Leto, Dallas Buyers Club (20票)
巴克哈德阿布迪 怒海劫 Barkhad Abdi, Captain Phillips (14票)

最佳女配角 Best Supporting Actress:

珍妮佛勞倫斯 瞞天大佈局 Jennifer Lawrence, American Hustle (54票)

露琵塔尼雍歐 自由之心 Lupita Nyong’o, 12 Years a Slave (38票)
莎莉霍金斯 藍色茉莉 Sally Hawkins, Blue Jasmine (18票)
蕾雅瑟杜 藍色是最溫暖的顏色 Léa Seydoux, Blue Is the Warmest Color (18票)

最佳劇本 Best Screenplay: (second ballot)
Richard Linklater, Julie Delpy and Ethan Hawke, Before Midnight (29票)

Joel and Ethan Coen, Inside Llewyn Davis (26票)
Eric Warren Singer and David O. Russell, American Hustle (18票)

最佳攝影 Best Cinematography: (second ballot)
布宇諾戴爾邦內 醉鄉民謠 Bruno Delbonnel, Inside Llewyn Davis (28票)

艾曼努耶路貝茲基 地心引力 Emmanuel Lubezki, Gravity (26票)
費登帕帕麥克 內布拉斯加 Phedon Papamichael, Nebraska (19票)

最佳外語片 Best Foreign Film: (second ballot)

藍色是最溫暖的顏色 Blue Is the Warmest Color (27票)

天注定 A Touch of Sin (21票)
絕美之城 The Great Beauty (15票)

最佳非虛構片 Best Nonfiction: (second ballot)
我是殺人魔 The Act of Killing/在柏克萊 At Berkeley (tie) (20票)

莉維達.地海之詩 Leviathan (18票)

實驗電影 Experimental Film:
莉維達.地海之詩 Leviathan (Lucien Castaing-Taylor and Véréna Paravel)

最佳仍等待美國發行的電影 Best Film Still Awaiting American Distribution:
郊遊 Stray Dogs (蔡明亮)
藏起你的笑臉 Hide Your Smiling Faces (Daniel Patrick Carbone)

影片承襲獎 Film Heritage Award:
To the Museum of Modern Art, for its wide-ranging retrospective of the films
of Allan Dwan.

“Too Much Johnson”: the surviving reels from Orson Welles’s first
professional film. Discovered by Cinemazero (Pordenone) and Cineteca del
Friuli; funded by the National Film Preservation Foundation; and restored by
the George Eastman House.

British Film Institute for restorations of Alfred Hitchcock’s nine silent

To the DVD “American Treasures from the New Zealand Film Archive.”

The meeting was dedicated to the memory of two distinguished members of the
Society who died in 2013: Roger Ebert and Stanley Kauffmann.

投票過程 http://tinyurl.com/nyxplsz
'Inside Llewyn Davis' Wins the National Society of Film Critics' Top Prize | Criticwire
Joel and Ethan Coen scored their first major U.S. victory at the close of the critics awards season, winning Best Picture and Best Director. ...
完整得獎名單 http://www.nationalsocietyoffilmcritics.com/?p=72
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
paulik: 恭喜民謠橫掃四獎!以及凱特女主角首輪就過關1F 01/05 05:30
Grrr:希望奧斯卡伊薩克能拿下金球~2F 01/05 08:58
a3300689:醉鄉民謠會從這裡開始突破嗎?!3F 01/05 09:31
gn02174082:Before Midnight劇本請開始發功!4F 01/05 09:34
greysholic:法蘭科感覺提名機會很大欸5F 01/05 09:37
※ 編輯: bill93557063    來自:       (01/05 09:38)
bgp915117:柯恩!!!!!6F 01/05 09:41
ling30113:午夜!!蝶兒!!7F 01/05 10:50
newwu:是說竟然有最佳仍等待美國發行這獎8F 01/05 11:49
casualk:郊遊!!9F 01/05 11:56
greysholic:郊遊有機會送明年的最佳外語片評選嗎??10F 01/05 12:02
s2657507:男配竟然出現競爭對手了11F 01/05 12:23

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