※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2014-01-06 17:22:12
看板 NBA
作者 標題 [情報] Courtney Lee <> Jerryd Bayless 確定
時間 Mon Jan 6 15:48:38 2014
來源 http://ppt.cc/-qVm
Green, Bradley react to Lee trade | Comcast SportsNet - CSNNE.com
Jeff Green and Avery Bradley are two of Courtney Lee's closest friends on the team. They spoke after the game about the trade that sends Lee to Memphis. ...
The Celtics have traded away more than their fair share of players over the
last season, but the players who have remained have a tight bond.
That bond will turn into a bit of a long-distance relationship now, with the
news that Courtney Lee will be traded to the Memphis Grizzlies for Jerryd
The deal was reported shortly before the Celtics tipped off against the
Thunder in Oklahoma City. Lee did not suit up for the team, and although the
deal has not been officially announced, it's happening. The players and
coaches know about it, and Lee himself has already taken to social media to
thank the organization and its fans.
Jeff Green and Avery Bradley are two of Lee's closest friends on the team.
They spoke after the game about the trade.
"We talked," Green said of Lee. "It's a business. Things happen. My job is to
go out there and play basketball. He's still a good friend of mine and always
will be. So I wish the best for him and we just have to continue to focus on
what we need to accomplish this year."
The Celtics played the first game of a five-game road trip out west, a trip
that those players spoke about bonding even further on a couple days ago. It
won't happen for Lee anyways. But Bradley knows the two will still remain
"We just all wished the best for each other," Bradley said. "We're still
going to be a family. We just want to see one another do well. He said that
to everybody in here and we all said the same to him. Wherever he goes we
just wish him the best. We know he'll do well."
Trades happen all the time in the NBA, but Bradley says having seen teammates
traded away in the past doesn't make it any easier to watch them traded away
"No, it never is," Bradley said. "But it's part of the business. All you can
do is focus on the next game; can't worry about it."
The Celtics will undoubtedly say their goodbyes to Lee before he joins his
new team, but they have to quickly start to focus on the next team on their
schedule, the Denver Nuggets.
"We just have to move on, we can't dwell too much on it," Green said.
根據ESPN報導,BOS已經與MEM達成了Jerryd Bayless的交易。
在今天與雷霆的比賽結束後,和Courtney Lee關係非常要好的Jeff Green和後衛Bradley
Jerryd Bayless <> Courtney Lee
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◆ From:
→ :五樓給點評分 不熟這兩位@@1F 01/06 15:49
推 :C.Lee 變浪人了 ,可惜了2F 01/06 15:49
→ :交給五樓3F 01/06 15:49
推 :Lee的最大印象就是新人年打很好 但總冠軍戰軟手上籃4F 01/06 15:50
推 :不看薪資的話灰熊虧呀,Lee離開魔術就弱掉了5F 01/06 15:50
推 :恩,都不錯6F 01/06 15:50
推 :難怪Lee今天沒打,浪人換浪人,不過Bayless健康多了7F 01/06 15:51
→ :灰熊賺 Lee今年打得算不錯8F 01/06 15:51
推 :Bayless不錯,但綠軍後場rondo回來後有點擠9F 01/06 15:51
推 :灰熊已經沒人可以持球還把bayless交易出去喔…10F 01/06 15:51
推 :灰熊賺11F 01/06 15:51
推 :Bayless也是個小浪人了...12F 01/06 15:52
→ :六年換五隊 當年本來想看黃蜂練不練得出來
→ :六年換五隊 當年本來想看黃蜂練不練得出來
推 :灰熊有Conley 本來Bayless空間就不大 常常擺雙PG又太14F 01/06 15:54
→ :矮 現在換成SG才是長遠之計吧 替補PG再找就好
→ :這年頭最好找的位置就是PG了
→ :矮 現在換成SG才是長遠之計吧 替補PG再找就好
→ :這年頭最好找的位置就是PG了
推 :剛剛看了一下bayless今年命中真是恐怖的爛 但考慮到l17F 01/06 15:58
→ :ee的合約 灰熊也沒賺到吧
→ :ee的合約 灰熊也沒賺到吧
→ :灰熊PG要給希臘巧克力了嗎?19F 01/06 15:58
→ :bayless今年真的打得很慘20F 01/06 16:00
推 :看了一下雙方薪資不對等 是怎麼換的啊?21F 01/06 16:00
→ :綠軍現在沒PG阿 而且等Bayless打出來再擔心後場擠吧22F 01/06 16:00
推 :用TE去補23F 01/06 16:03
推 :te不能搭配交易24F 01/06 16:03
推 :Jerryd Bayless 想當初溜馬超想要他25F 01/06 16:04
推 :是溜馬迷想要吧…26F 01/06 16:05
→ :太陽殺手走了 下次再來打灰熊看看有沒有差27F 01/06 16:05
推 :想要他的是拓荒者,不是溜馬,阿拓用Rush+Jack去硬換的28F 01/06 16:06
推 :雙輸29F 01/06 16:08
→ :丟Jack就是想清PG給他,想不到麥西瓜竟然愛用Blake30F 01/06 16:08
推 :灰熊有送交易特例31F 01/06 16:08
推 :BOS賺 因為他們總管叫安吉32F 01/06 16:11
推 :超賽賺,又解決了一個大腸約33F 01/06 16:14
推 :LEE離開魔術之後就很鳥了QQ 曾經在籃網還是不錯的先34F 01/06 16:17
推 :上禮拜殺翻太陽的光頭35F 01/06 16:18
推 :Bayless這種先發等級左右的球員最容易拿來交易...36F 01/06 16:19
推 :就看誰有打出來37F 01/06 16:23
推 :Bayless會打先發PG嗎?38F 01/06 16:27
推 :Bayless這季打差 但賭個稱職替補還是ok39F 01/06 16:28
推 :lee總冠軍賽那球軟手上籃 是因為Gasol有干擾到??40F 01/06 16:29
→ :不管有沒有人干擾到 那球是放得進去的41F 01/06 16:36
推 :波士頓賺翻了,Lee平均五百多萬的薪資到201642F 01/06 16:41
→ :Bayless只有313萬而且本季末就到齊
→ :波士頓的後場有小AB、G蛙跟Jordan Crawford
→ :Rondo回來以後根本擠到爆炸
→ :安吉根本神操作
→ :Bayless只有313萬而且本季末就到齊
→ :波士頓的後場有小AB、G蛙跟Jordan Crawford
→ :Rondo回來以後根本擠到爆炸
→ :安吉根本神操作
推 :lee幾年前被吹到宇宙去47F 01/06 16:50
→ :這季就在替補都打不好才換掉的....48F 01/06 16:52
推 :Lee不差阿,今年上場17分鐘左右命中率5成,三分4成449F 01/06 16:52
→ :平均7.4的得分加上不算太差的防守
→ :只是波士頓目前更需要薪資空間和選秀權而已
→ :而且後場真的太擠了=_=
→ :平均7.4的得分加上不算太差的防守
→ :只是波士頓目前更需要薪資空間和選秀權而已
→ :而且後場真的太擠了=_=
推 :BAYLESS有時候蠻猛的 話說BOS感覺過幾年會很猛53F 01/06 17:19
→ :C's還蠻賺的 清掉一個約長 實力又不符身價的後衛54F 01/06 17:20
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