※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-12-13 08:17:54
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作者 標題 [新聞] Metallica 在南極舉辦演唱會
時間 Fri Dec 13 00:40:08 2013
http://goo.gl/zuT6ot Rock Square Music News
Metallica Rocks Antarctica, Metallica | Rock Square
Metallica became the first act to play on all seven continents when they played an intimate gig in Antarctica on Saturday. The band played a ten-song set of greatest hits on the helipad of Carlini Scientific Base to an audience of around 100 people. ...
Metallica 八日在南極的阿根廷 Carlini 基地舉辦了一場小型演唱
大約百餘人擠在一個蛋型空間中,Metallica 演唱了十首歌
Metallica 並完成了在七大洲皆有演唱紀錄的創舉。
1. "Creeping Death"
2. "For Whom the Bell Tolls"
3. "Sad But True"
4. "Welcome Home (Sanitarium)"
5. "Master of Puppets"
6. "One"
7. "Blackened"
8. "Nothing Else Matters"
9. "Enter Sandman"→ http://youtu.be/jDWtA9gHbb4
Metallica - Enter Sandman (Live Antarctica 2013) HQ - YouTube Metallica - Enter Sandman (Live Antarctica 2013) HQ Sorry guys for the Player down in video Enjoy...

Metallica, the reigning champions of all things loud, pulled off the seemingly
impossible on Saturday, when the quartet played an intimate gig in Antarctica.
With this chilly concert under their belts, Metallica have become the first act
to play on all seven continents.
The cozy concert, which Metallica punningly referred to as “Freeze ‘Em All,”
was held in a dome near the heliport of the Carlini Scientific Base. Just over
a hundred people--contest winners and “local” scientists--huddled around
Metallica as the band tore through a ten-song set of greatest hits. Because
the band was not allowed to use traditional amplification (turns out Antarctica
can’t handle metal at high volumes), Metallica used isolated amps and sent
the full force of their sound through headphones worn by the audience.
"This was the most unique show Metallica has ever done," the band enthused on
their Facebook page. "The band, contest winners, research station scientists
(from Russia, South Korea, China, Poland, Chile, Brazil and Germany), and the
ship crew, all crammed in this little dome out on the helipad of Carlini
Station in ANTARCTICA! The energy in the little dome was amazing! Words can not
describe how happy everyone was."
Words can’t describe it, but video sure can. Check out this clip of the band
playing “Enter Sandman” for a small group of very happy and very cold people.
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◆ From:
→ Metallicat …
推 :一樓在自肥2F 12/13 00:40
→ :進入沙人3F 12/13 00:40
→ :在南極打炮不知道是什樣的感覺4F 12/13 00:40
→ :這創舉XD5F 12/13 00:41
推 :就那幾首歌可以唱幾十年6F 12/13 00:41
噓 :enter sandman..7F 12/13 00:41
推 :給企鵝聽嗎8F 12/13 00:41
推 :原來不只死亡喪鐘做過XDDD9F 12/13 00:41
推 :...一看就想到一樓10F 12/13 00:41
推 :在南極當魯蛇不知道是什麼感覺11F 12/13 00:42
推 :推 Nothing else matters12F 12/13 00:42
推 :一直覺得金屬製貓的id取得很好13F 12/13 00:42
推 :XD14F 12/13 00:42
推 :這團還頗有現實世界版"死亡喪鐘"的樣子15F 12/13 00:43
推 :看暴風雪衝撞嗎16F 12/13 00:43
推 :最偉大的救援投手17F 12/13 00:43
※ 編輯: shinshong 來自: (12/13 00:43)→ Metallicat …
推 :原來你還有自知之明......19F 12/13 00:44
推 :嗯20F 12/13 00:44
推 :Rivera有去嗎21F 12/13 00:46
→ :現實中的Dethlok是哪招... 披頭四抄五月天這樣?22F 12/13 00:46
噓 :你寧願去南極也不來台灣 哭23F 12/13 00:50
推 :creeping death開場啊!24F 12/13 00:50
推 :Enter Sandman放下去Rivera有搭著小車出現嗎25F 12/13 00:52
推 :寧願去南極也不願來台灣 有夠可悲的鬼島 ㄏㄏㄏ26F 12/13 00:52
→ :扁維拉都慢跑進場的 坐什麼小車又不是高爾夫27F 12/13 00:53
推 :Dethlok都是真的xd28F 12/13 00:54
推 :八掛是南極的人都很淫亂,因為那邊沒啥娛樂只好相幹29F 12/13 00:54
推 :都多大年紀啦...XDDDD30F 12/13 00:55
推 :Dethklok啦 推文裡打錯兩次了!31F 12/13 00:55
→ :好冷喔32F 12/13 00:56
推 :Dethklok都是真的33F 12/13 00:56
推 :Rivera有去嗎??34F 12/13 02:14
推 :大推Dethklok!!!!!!!!35F 12/13 02:28
推 :XDDDDDDDD36F 12/13 03:15
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