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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-09-04 23:45:31
看板 MobileComm
作者 jfy (天之子)
標題 [情報] Xperia Z1官方影片釋出
時間 Wed Sep  4 23:25:42 2013


Sony Mobile很快的就釋出Z1的影片了,

整體介紹:  http://youtu.be/blUhgOJXetM
Xperia™  Z1 - all the power and smartness from Sony in a premium smartphone - YouTube Introducing Xperia Z1 featuring the award winning G Lens from Sony, Exmor RS and intelligent BIONZ™  processing engine for mobile - the same quality and perfo...


從這支影片能夠得知「Social Live」是直接在FB上Live直播的功能

近距特寫與簡單字幕介紹:  http://youtu.be/89v-sHvUJNQ
A closer look at the Xperia™  Z1 - YouTube
Discover the power and smartness of Sony in a premium smartphone with a close up view of Xperia™  Z1.   Get closer to details of the sleek design of the alumi...


相機特別介紹1:  http://youtu.be/Vu73yZlD23U
Xperia™  Z1 - The World's Best Camera In A Waterproof Smartphone * - YouTube Say hello to Xperia™  Z1 from Sony, and goodbye to dark, blurry and out of focus pictures. Using the award winning G Lens from Sony, Exmor RS and BIONZ™  proce...


相機特別介紹2:  http://youtu.be/ZdVjR-7LrsQ
Experience the intelligent camera of Xperia™  Z1 - YouTube
The groundbreaking camera in Xperia™  Z1 combines the technology found in the leading compact digital cameras from Sony for the best picture quality possible....


相機特別介紹3:  http://youtu.be/rIdpUy69uSw
Xperia™  Z1 is the Smart Social Camera - YouTube
Xperia™  Z1 goes beyond image creation as you know it. Explore a new way of social sharing with Xperia apps such as Social live for broadcasting LIVE to your ...


「Timeshift burst」是在2秒鐘內拍61張,然後再給使用者挑選。

「Social Live」介紹:  http://youtu.be/3Pge3HAQ8q4
Xperia™  Z1 - Hands on with Social Live - Broadcast video moments on Facebook - YouTube Broadcast your precious moments LIVE to your Facebook friends with Social live. Share your memories instantly by simply activating Social live directly from ...


「Info-eye」介紹:  http://youtu.be/hYG42A_R9v8
Xperia™  Z1: Hands on with Info-eye™  - the innovative way to gain information - YouTube An innovative way to search information on all the things around you-- right through your camera viewfinder on Xperia Z1. Just snap a photo of a landmark and...


手機各側介紹與特寫:  http://youtu.be/mF2bujkbqnw
Xperia™  Z1 - Designed for your everyday life - YouTube
Xperia™  Z1 is a masterpiece crafted into the most elegant package ever. From the superior flow of the user interface to the seamless durable tempered glass a...



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◆ From:
punk70286   :不知道跟LUMIA 1020比 如何1F 09/04 23:26
stan90203   :所以在播放音樂方面沒有特別強項囉?2F 09/04 23:27
force5566   :2498會發表新手機嗎?3F 09/04 23:28
Lsamia      :IFA不會4F 09/04 23:28
DavidPrice  :交給藍星測試了!5F 09/04 23:28
ching0508   :那個問一下喔...QX100 最後是用NFC? 還是?6F 09/04 23:29
punk70286   :Wifi7F 09/04 23:29
liwmewmew   :所以下面喇叭這麼大一排 音質呢?@@"8F 09/04 23:31
faven1024   :Social Live也要網路夠順...9F 09/04 23:31
lordcolus   :貌似都沒提到是什麼樣的螢幕?10F 09/04 23:33
meatbear    :完了 難不成要脫手z 換z111F 09/04 23:33
liwmewmew   :喇叭不要只有大聲呀~~ 分離 解析 音色都來些大突破吧12F 09/04 23:34
liwmewmew   :如果音質大好 我就要放棄HTC 重回$ONY了XD
punk70286   :喇叭感覺不會有多大進步 若有應該會特別提14F 09/04 23:35
※ 編輯: jfy             來自:        (09/04 23:37)
liwmewmew   :樓上說的非常有道理 SAD15F 09/04 23:36
kblover     :微型喇叭的音質都不用太期待其實 XD16F 09/04 23:37
hiten       :揪竟有沒有獨立音效晶片啊...有的話會想換掉Z17F 09/04 23:37
force5566   :恐怖的索尼要回來了18F 09/04 23:37
hiten       :喇叭有聲音就好XD19F 09/04 23:37
meatbear    :現在在想Z+QX 還是脫手Z上Z120F 09/04 23:40
punk70286   :感覺加QX就夠21F 09/04 23:42
pass12335   :喇叭還是別太期待..22F 09/04 23:42
Jason0813   :當然先買QX玩玩 反正鏡頭普遍較保值23F 09/04 23:42
Xp3310      :開始認真思考要不要賣掉J1買QX10024F 09/04 23:42
islandqoo   :2秒鐘61張....有種選到死的感覺XDDDD25F 09/04 23:44

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