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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-09-24 08:17:35
看板 NBA
作者 skymay (隨遇而安)
標題 [外絮] 籃網老闆:願意為冠軍投資更多
時間 Mon Sep 23 23:55:39 2013

The Nets are looking at a starting lineup filled with current and former
All-Stars and future Hall of Famers: point guard Deron Williams, shooting
guard Joe Johnson, center Brook Lopez, Garnett and Pierce. The bench is deep,
too, with Jason Terry, Andray Blatche, Reggie Evans and Kirilenko.

後衛Deron Williams、得分後衛Joe Johnson、中鋒Brook Lopez以及KG和PP。而板凳深
度也是很可觀,有著 Jason Terry、Andray Blatche、Reggie Evans和Kirilenko。

With so many teams cautious about spending money and exceeding the luxury tax
threshold because of the punitive and escalating luxury tax established in
the 2011 collective bargaining agreement, the Nets will have a payroll of
about $101.2 million and a tax bill of nearly $84 million — the highest tax
bill in NBA history and nearly triple the amount they would have paid under
the old system.


Prokhorov has committed $185 million to the 2013-14 roster, and when he said
previously that the luxury tax was not a concern, he meant it. He really,
really meant it.

在2013-14賽季,加上奢侈稅的罰則,Prokhorov必需支付 1億8500萬美金的薪資,而過

"When I bought the team, I promised to create a championship contender, a
team worthy of Brooklyn," Prokhorov told news reporters. "I'll be proud when
we win the championship. I am not a man of procedure. I am a man of results.

林的球隊,」Prokhorov告訴採訪者,「當我們贏得總冠軍之時,我必會無比驕傲。 我

"We need a championship team. For me, it's not the way to wait 10 years for
results. I don't think our fans will either. I'm willing to invest more to
make Brooklyn the best in the league."



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◆ From:
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※ 編輯: skymay          來自:        (09/24 00:13)
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