※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-02-27 09:30:25
看板 MobileComm
作者 標題 Re: [情報] MWC 2013 最佳智慧型手機
時間 Wed Feb 27 00:23:47 2013
※ 引述《TheoEpstein (Boston Red Sox)》之銘言:
: http://www.globalmobileawards.com/press-media/
: gsma-announces-winners-of-the-2013-global-mobile-awards/
: 縮: http://tinyurl.com/adraw9m
GSMA Announces Winners of the 2013 Global Mobile Awards | Global Mobile Awards The GSMA today announced the winners of the 18th Annual Global Mobile awards, held at the GSMA Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. The winners were honoured in an afternoon ceremony hosted by writer, actor and comedian, David Walliams. ...
Best Mobile Enabled Consumer Electronics Device
Samsung Electronics for Samsung GALAXY CameraJudges’comments
“Smart parking is a good example of how new services are evolving for cities
based on sensor technologies and mobile communications. This innovative
application addresses a complex area and allows for interesting new business
Best Mobile App for Consumers
FacebookBest Mobile App for Enterprise
EvernoteBest Smartphone
Samsung Galaxy S3Judges’comments
“With its ability to deliver in multiple markets, proven global adoption,
and leading edge features such as Pop-Up Play video, Smart Stay screen and
NFC, this is the Android success story.”Best Feature phone or entry level phone
Nokia Asha 305Judges’comments
“This award recognises the importance of these types of devices in the
global market. Nokia’s Asha 305 delivers the best user experience from an
affordable dual-SIM touchscreen phone, despite pressure from low cost
smartphones.”Device Manufacturer of the Year
SamsungBest Mobile Tablet
Google and Asus for Nexus 7Judges’comments
“This tablet has brought credibility to the 7” category and taken it to the
mass market, with the perfect combination of performance and portability. A
great all-rounder”
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※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
→ :真的很怪,S3有的N2應該都有,N2還多了那隻筆...1F 02/27 00:25
→ :算了...嗚嗚嗚嗚...
→ :算了...嗚嗚嗚嗚...
→ :那評語在Note2上更顯得出眾啊...S3來亂的3F 02/27 00:26
※ 編輯: Lsamia 來自: (02/27 00:29)推 :畢竟s3比note2先出吧、所以把技術歸於s3?4F 02/27 00:29
推 :那評語簡直莫名其妙=.=...5F 02/27 00:29
推 :歐洲人的思維,很莫名其妙的 XD6F 02/27 00:30
→ :機子是S3先出 但功能是Note2先有的 QQ7F 02/27 00:30
推 :我也記得有些功能是N2一出就有,S3更新之後也有8F 02/27 00:31
→ :我在想I5該不會就是因為NFC所以(被拖走9F 02/27 00:31
→ :樓上到底要不要給S4 用Exynos 5 啊10F 02/27 00:31
→ :Exynos Octa的參考平台有給人摸嗎11F 02/27 00:32
→ :ip5就算有NFC....12F 02/27 00:32
→ :不是說要用s600了嗎 哼
→ :不是說要用s600了嗎 哼
→ :沒有看到 Octa 的參考平台14F 02/27 00:33
→ :不過高通展示了很多 800 的平板
→ :不過高通展示了很多 800 的平板
Samsung Exynos Octa [Hands-on][MWC 2013][HD] - YouTube
The Exynos 5 Octa was definitely one of the biggest things to come out of CES. Given how well the regular dual-core Exynos V performs in the Nexus 10 and Chr...
The Exynos 5 Octa was definitely one of the biggest things to come out of CES. Given how well the regular dual-core Exynos V performs in the Nexus 10 and Chr...

→ :快去問中興是不是真的要發瘋下個月就開賣memo(跑17F 02/27 00:35
→ :engadget 是廠商把產品送到他們手上的 T.T18F 02/27 00:35
→ :他們行銷經理真的跟我說 4 月開賣 Memo
→ :我聽到的時候,真的嚇到了
→ :他們行銷經理真的跟我說 4 月開賣 Memo
→ :我聽到的時候,真的嚇到了
→ :以下開放所有廠商出來驚訝21F 02/27 00:36
推 :我是覺得跟華為K3V2會一樣的結果。..22F 02/27 00:36
→ :(驚嚇)23F 02/27 00:36
→ :ZTE是賠錢賠到瘋了嗎XDDD24F 02/27 00:37
→ :我們支持一下 Intel 的 Z2580 好不好 XD25F 02/27 00:37
→ :我很相信阿痛 就跟我相信Acer明年平板要賣一千萬台26F 02/27 00:38
→ :我還是相信 T4 會在第二季出貨比較可靠27F 02/27 00:39
推 :阿痛要整合過後的win更有看頭,GPU也還有一段差距28F 02/27 00:39
→ :結果首賣也是中興嗎(倒地29F 02/27 00:39
→ :說到 Atom 的GPU,Intel 的人堅信 Atom 就夠用了 XD30F 02/27 00:40
→ :他們的桌機CPU也是這樣啊XD31F 02/27 00:40
→ :我相信Intel 我有Haswell的話我用甚麼Atom(ㄟ?32F 02/27 00:41
→ :可能會小米3(喂)33F 02/27 00:41
→ :他們叫我期待 22nm 的 ATOM
→ :他們叫我期待 22nm 的 ATOM
推 :intel在自信什麼啦...AMD有沒有消息啊?35F 02/27 00:46
推 :AMD可能在做簡報36F 02/27 00:46
→ :AMD:我給大家看看我出了很強的 "dock"37F 02/27 00:46
→ :AMD不是三月才要展?38F 02/27 00:46
→ :AMD不玩手機,他們要玩平板39F 02/27 00:46
→ :那個TurboDock看起來一整個好Win840F 02/27 00:47
→ :AMD:我們也只能出Win841F 02/27 00:47
→ :AMD:Windows RT 你們又不買單42F 02/27 00:48
→ :Wintel陣營不叛逃的真的是愁雲慘霧(Dell:QQ)43F 02/27 00:48
→ :Wintel 沒地方逃了啊44F 02/27 00:49
→ :完了完了 要變成Antel陣營了(大誤45F 02/27 00:50
→ :AMD:我們可以打LOL喔46F 02/27 00:52
→ :施先生跑去 HUAWEI 攤位看產品被抓到 XD47F 02/27 00:55
→ :兩個華字輩應該要牽手一下48F 02/27 00:57
→ :余承東+施崇棠的畫面怎麼想都很有喜感
→ :余承東+施崇棠的畫面怎麼想都很有喜感
→ :畫面很不協調= =50F 02/27 00:58
→ :S3 理由是懸浮預覽,智慧休眠...說真的這兩個功能我認51F 02/27 01:09
→ :為不大用的到
→ :為不大用的到
推 :只要炫就夠了53F 02/27 01:10
→ :實用性快接近054F 02/27 01:10
→ :Pop-Up Play video是指子母畫面@@55F 02/27 01:46
→ :單以這點來看應該算很有突破性吧(?)
→ :單以這點來看應該算很有突破性吧(?)
→ :恭喜阿速斯57F 02/27 01:52
→ :根本就狗屎的評價58F 02/27 01:52
→ :喔 兩年前好像是hTC和desire拿下獎項59F 02/27 02:17
→ :歐洲人思維奇怪嗎?
→ :歐洲人思維奇怪嗎?
推 :不過N2沒打敗S3真的有點怪怪的 雖然說都自家的61F 02/27 02:43
推 :沒啥奇怪的...XD62F 02/27 03:07
※ 看板: sayumiQ 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 121
作者 Lsamia 的最新發文:
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- 1.媒體來源:自由時報 2.記者署名:〔記者陳治程/綜合報導〕 3.完整新聞標題: 少子化衝擊國軍兵源 國防院學官趙宥翔:籲評估女性義務役政策可行性 4.完整新聞內文: 2025/02/21 12: …378F 208推 20噓
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