※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-06-21 23:58:51
看板 NBA
作者 標題 [情報] 第七戰全美收視率
時間 Fri Jun 21 23:30:31 2013
NBA Finals Game 7: Second Highest-Rated NBA Game in ABC History - Ratings | TVbytheNumbers
NBA Finals Game 7 on ABC – the Miami Heat defeated the San Antonio Spurs in a thriller to repeat as NBA Champions ...
NBA Finals Game 7: Second Highest-Rated NBA Game in ABC History
NBA Finals Game 7 on ABC – the Miami Heat defeated the San Antonio Spurs in
a thriller to repeat as NBA Champions – delivered a 17.7 overnight rating,
according to Nielsen. This is the second highest-rated NBA Game in ABC
history. The telecast peaked at a 22.6 from 11:30 p.m. – 11:45 p.m. ET.
Game 7 is also expected to mark the 37th consecutive time an NBA Finals
telecast has won the night for all of television and is the 25th straight
time it has delivered double-digit overnight ratings.
The Game generated a 44.2 metered market rating in Miami, making it the
highest-rated NBA Game ever in the market. Additionally, Game 7 scored big in
San Antonio with a 46.4.
The 2013 NBA Finals averaged a 12.4 metered market rating, up five percent
from an 11.8 for the 2012 NBA Finals.
In addition, the Kia NBA Countdown pre-game show scored a strong 5.4
overnight rating.
National Basketball Association Nielsen ratings - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The National Basketball Association achieved a rapid rise and fall in television ratings from the 1997-98 season, when ratings for the NBA Finals achieved a record high, to the 2002-03 season, when ratings for the same event hit an all-time record low. Blame for this rise and fall has been pinned on ...
The National Basketball Association achieved a rapid rise and fall in television ratings from the 1997-98 season, when ratings for the NBA Finals achieved a record high, to the 2002-03 season, when ratings for the same event hit an all-time record low. Blame for this rise and fall has been pinned on ...
難能可貴的紀錄。我想David Stern可以安心退休了吧。
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◆ From:
※ 編輯: krajicek 來自: (06/21 23:31)
→ :請問這邊的史上第二 是從哪年開始算 只算FINAL嗎1F 06/21 23:31
推 :44和46都很扯= =...2F 06/21 23:32
推 :史騰真強啊 不得不佩服...3F 06/21 23:33
推 :44.46太扯了!!!!!!!4F 06/21 23:34
推 :馬刺QQ5F 06/21 23:35
推 :還不是靠熱火6F 06/21 23:35
→ :兩個城市當地的收視率這樣算正常啦7F 06/21 23:35
推 :44 46是什麼意思= = 全城有將近一半的人在看嗎?8F 06/21 23:36
→ :靠山貓9F 06/21 23:36
→ :聖城跟海灘兩個地方接近一半的人在看...10F 06/21 23:36
推 :這就是要打第七戰的原因....11F 06/21 23:36
→ :Red Sox 2004年打進WS,波士頓收視率差不多八、九成12F 06/21 23:36
推 :能知道洛杉磯的收視率多少嗎?13F 06/21 23:37
推 :應該是有開電視的人有快一半在看14F 06/21 23:37
推 :是靠雷艾倫和上帝吧15F 06/21 23:38
推 :jjjjs:不用翻 我看的懂16F 06/21 23:38
→ :能收看NBA比賽的電視比例中 有44%跟46%在看17F 06/21 23:39
推 :LA收視率應該很低,因為他們是親身遷徙到SA看的18F 06/21 23:39
→ :ABC是無線台19F 06/21 23:39
推 :最後沒有雷槍和上帝推著一把沒有這收視率20F 06/21 23:39
→ :不管怎麼說這真得很扯= =21F 06/21 23:40
推 :樓上XD22F 06/21 23:40
→ :LA人應該是學老大一樣去看棒球了23F 06/21 23:41
→ :舉紅襪這特例不尋常,當年是即將破貝比魯斯魔咒,24F 06/21 23:44
推 :沒話說啊,這次太經典了25F 06/21 23:44
推 :這場真的很好看啊.....慶幸有LIVE看到這場26F 06/21 23:45
→ :2003年才開始算的. 史上最高肯定是Jordan創造的...27F 06/21 23:45
→ :聲勢 話題性非比尋常,老實說死忠的波士頓人不太可能28F 06/21 23:45
→ :錯過這場盛宴.
→ :錯過這場盛宴.
→ :沒有g6神蹟跟g7內容,達不到這種水準30F 06/21 23:46
推 :SA是個滿溫馨的小城阿(但是人多),大家很愛馬刺隊31F 06/21 23:46
→ :查了一下. 1998 Jordan奪冠退休那年. 29%32F 06/21 23:46
推 :還好不是溜馬進總冠軍 不然屎藤就要崩潰了33F 06/21 23:46
→ :去過馬刺主場看球就知道球迷超熱情的34F 06/21 23:46
→ :我是說四大運動只要自己所屬球隊進決賽,收視率有4035F 06/21 23:47
→ :以上基本上都是合理範圍。美國人很瘋運動的,尤其又
→ :以上基本上都是合理範圍。美國人很瘋運動的,尤其又
推 :就射在樓上臉上37F 06/21 23:47
推 :有點強大!!! 這收視率38F 06/21 23:48
→ :自家球隊挺進決賽,怎樣也要挺啊。39F 06/21 23:48
→ :當然你說要像超級盃那樣全國平均都破40,那僅此一家
→ :沒有任何運動可以比擬
→ :當然你說要像超級盃那樣全國平均都破40,那僅此一家
→ :沒有任何運動可以比擬
推 :還是要靠熱火42F 06/21 23:49
推 :四成多的收視率再算上很多人應該都是聚在一起看的...43F 06/21 23:51
推 :難怪史騰一直處心積慮地想操作比賽44F 06/21 23:53
推 :今年真的很好看 實力非常接近 而且裁判沒出來攪局45F 06/21 23:57
※ 看板: sayumiQ 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 149