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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-05-31 08:29:07
看板 NBA
作者 YankSC (′‧ω‧‵)
標題 [外絮] 甜瓜:希望球隊補進得分手
時間 Fri May 31 01:18:26 2013

Carmelo Anthony Wants Knicks To Bring In Another Solid Scorer

Carmelo Anthony Wants Knicks To Bring In Another Solid Scorer | SportsCity.com
Superstar Carmelo Anthony reportedly wants the New York Knicks to bring in another solid scoring option for the team in order win a title in the near future. ...

Following the second-round playoff exit for the New York Knicks, the
consensus was the storied NBA franchise had failed to live up to expectations
and changes would be needed during the NBA off-season in order to right
the ship in New York.

尼克隊經過季後賽的二輪游以後 輿論指向這表現實在不如預期

球隊高層應該在季後作些調整 將球隊導向正軌

Currently, reigning Sixth Man of the Year J.R. Smith is arguably the
team’s second-best player behind superstar Carmelo Anthony. Smith is
set to become a free agent this summer, but appears to be leaning
toward re-signing with the team.

目前來說,本年度最佳第六人 丁尺 Smith 可說是僅次於甜瓜的第二好手


Although the Knicks will do everything within their power to retain Smith,
a report has surfaced about Anthony believing the team needs another
secondary scorer in order to win a title in the near future according
to Marc Berman of the New York Post:

雖然尼克會盡最大努力留下 Smith

報導指出 甜瓜相信若想要在不久的將來奪冠


According to a source, Anthony has told a confidant he is concerned
management will stand pat this offseason and said he believes the team
needs to add a bona fide secondary scorer for the Knicks to take
the next step and win a championship.


甜瓜跟好友談到 他很擔心管理高層今年夏天會按兵不動



The source said Anthony, who turns 29 today, loves combo guard
Iman Shumpert, 22, and projects him as a superstar, but not for
two seasons. The source also said Anthony privately wishes the
club will add a significant piece to the roster and not
be status quo.


22歲的雙能衛 Iman Shumpert 會成為一個明星球員 但不是這兩季的事

他個人希望高層能夠為球隊補進一個重要的拼圖 而非維持原樣

The Knicks excelled this season due to their ability to light
up the scoreboard on a nightly basis while being a force to
be reckoned with from beyond the arc. New York set an NBA
record for three-pointers made in a season with 847.



季末以847球打破了 NBA 單季三分進球記錄

Even though breaking the record for three-pointers in a single
season was impressive to say the least, the Knicks relied too
much on the outside shot which ultimately became their undoing.
The Knicks’ potent offense disappeared in the second-round
series with the Indiana Pacers resulting in the team being eliminated.




尼克強悍的攻勢在第二輪對上溜馬時  消失得無影無蹤


Anthony desiring a secondary scorer to play alongside in New York
comes as no surprise with the team clearly having issues when
relying solely on Anthony to get the job done offensively.



畢竟這個球隊在進攻上 實在太過僅倚賴甜瓜了

- - -

甜瓜搶先放話:不補人 休怪我打鐵~~~

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◆ From:
Jason0813   :Jr要被鬥走了嗎1F 05/31 01:19
JoshSmith   :找小AI好了2F 05/31 01:19
LeftHeart   :Amare:你長得有點像滅火器3F 05/31 01:20
lovebrige   :任務:得分。 條件:不能當大哥...準備報名4F 05/31 01:20
samue       := =5F 05/31 01:21
cloud701002 :甜瓜:希望球隊補一個得分好手 然後賣我6F 05/31 01:22
kerogunpla  :阿罵被當空氣了 掰7F 05/31 01:22
tongigun    :3樓XD8F 05/31 01:23
dolls3969   :找kobe來吧9F 05/31 01:23
ckshchen    :肥盾和丁尺每場出手1X次還不夠嗎....= =?10F 05/31 01:24
dan1984     :所以毒瓜認為阿罵不是得分好手?11F 05/31 01:24
a077919     :AI剛好 年紀也符合紐約老人隊資格12F 05/31 01:25
LD2k        :丁尺: 意思是我不貨真價實嗎,爪爪?13F 05/31 01:25
hater4life  :得分手@@? 最優先的不是殘破的防守嗎...14F 05/31 01:25
theren13    :推三樓XD15F 05/31 01:26
vchenkoshe  :丁尺:...16F 05/31 01:26
heavensun   :Amare就是很強的得分手阿17F 05/31 01:26
finn138159  :要三鐵才行阿.... 兩個不夠的18F 05/31 01:27
hump        :要幾鐵共構呢19F 05/31 01:27
kshssoar    :再強的得分手有屁用  球還是在瓜瓜手上阿20F 05/31 01:29
greatear    :847怎麼會是3的倍數?21F 05/31 01:29
djcc        :大腿哪裡找呢  2014找LBJ給甜瓜抱好惹~22F 05/31 01:30
rasimul     :找AI吧 紐約金塊老人隊23F 05/31 01:30
victoret    :...場上籃球只有一顆耶 = =24F 05/31 01:30
hater4life  :買斷阿罵 補Monta要不要 每場都可以打出神兵25F 05/31 01:30
hump        :應該是有4分打26F 05/31 01:31
vchenkoshe  :真的耶  847/3=282.333333333333333333333333333333327F 05/31 01:31
vchenkoshe  :KOBE轉過去,籃球會被撕成兩半
CL4         :誰來都一樣 毒瓜不是叫假的29F 05/31 01:32
YankSC      :我錯了!!!!!!!!!! 應該是球!!!!!!!!!30F 05/31 01:34
※ 編輯: YankSC          來自:        (05/31 01:35)
Aggro       :阿罵就是很強得分手拉..........31F 05/31 01:35
dmdjjj      :BR上統計的是891球耶32F 05/31 01:38
bugya       :球夠用嗎33F 05/31 01:43
louise13    :你有看過沒有球可以投的得分手嗎34F 05/31 01:43
capirex     :都給你投了35F 05/31 01:44
papawalk    :e04,球都你投了,補得分手是要看戲喔36F 05/31 01:47
ooyy        :下一季 毒瓜: 球不夠用 建議聯盟開放打兩顆球37F 05/31 01:54
GenesisHydra:尼克:多弄顆球在場上就補38F 05/31 01:55
chinhan1216 :你還是等14年去抱LBJ大腿吧39F 05/31 01:59
James1114   :隊上有Novak卻不會用40F 05/31 02:01
Kreen       :加入熱火吧,你當老大根本沒前途。41F 05/31 02:01
James1114   :好好用Novak的3分,尼克不只如此42F 05/31 02:02
qoomilk     :那時候有Lin傳球+泰山狂檔 為Novak跑戰術超好用43F 05/31 02:05
hater4life  :看08跟12奧運 瓜都很認份作他的事情 回NBA就.....44F 05/31 02:05
qoomilk     :可惜現在好像把他當定點射手用 切入後往外丟給Novak45F 05/31 02:06
Aggro       :Novak就戰術出來的定點炮 說明書都在那邊了46F 05/31 02:07
HiddenWave  :有人放弱化靈氣 再強的得分手去都要沒球打 得分下降47F 05/31 02:07
HiddenWave  :然後被鬥走
Aggro       :不過論得分 他對上有肥頓 阿罵(雖然受傷) 丁尺搞不好49F 05/31 02:08
Aggro       :續留 他還要哪種層級的得分手@_@
tonight0329 :Melo:徵沒有出手數就能拿高分的得分手 要的喊++++51F 05/31 02:09
HiddenWave  :他應該需要場均出手5次 得分50分的得分手吧52F 05/31 02:10
dan1984     :下一個被鬥的應該是阿罵 一堆瓜迷要他退休53F 05/31 02:10
ckgegg      :Lin留著拳王就可以當第二得分手了54F 05/31 02:10
dan1984     :不過以合約來看應該鬥不掉 拳王也被批很慘55F 05/31 02:10
heavensun   :東湖人隊  老大打鐵  老2阿罵也要領麻繩~~~56F 05/31 02:12
hater4life  :如果尼克有空間 最需要的是一個比他大牌拿來壓他57F 05/31 02:13
hater4life  :金塊時期的AI和Billups 就是2個例子
Aggro       :老基不夠大嗎@@59F 05/31 02:14
Aggro       :不過我覺的關鍵還是阿罵的健康 他健康跟本沒這些問題
dan1984     :即使健康瓜罵錢的磨合也是問題...61F 05/31 02:16
hater4life  :老基夠大牌啊 但他老了 沒成績也壓不住....62F 05/31 02:16
iuiuisme    :z63F 05/31 02:29
amozartea   :JR呢?64F 05/31 02:30
HNO3        :球只有一顆...65F 05/31 02:38
awang44     :我覺得因該再找五個得分好手66F 05/31 02:51
Jason0813   :甜瓜跟魔獸互換吧67F 05/31 02:58
utcn92      :補Kobe,看他們搶球搶到打架,宋!68F 05/31 03:13
garnett05   :所以他也希望香坡被交易?69F 05/31 03:31
bossme09    :又不傳球,要得分手有用?70F 05/31 03:43
DeaTH111111 :甜瓜:希望球隊補進得分手         但是我球不會給他71F 05/31 04:09
sonota      :沒球玩補進來站底角72F 05/31 04:42
dung999     :補個LBJ進去球也還是在你手上啊73F 05/31 04:49
mackulkov   :阿罵得分不強很久了吧74F 05/31 04:53
Anikk       :陣容強大說無人會得分!!!75F 05/31 05:05
l2l         :甜瓜是笨蛋嗎 要也是要跟老大一樣 要求撿子彈的76F 05/31 05:55
tassadar1   :瓜:我在場上球由我投, 我在休息時替補我的人命中率77F 05/31 05:59
tassadar1   :要100%, 球團你們給我想辦法弄到這個人
s042078     :補進得分手 你是要他拿什麼投進籃框Y79F 05/31 06:55
monmon02    :Kobe送你好不好80F 05/31 07:11
YesHi       :分明jr和肥頓出手次數超高 還在講甜瓜不給球81F 05/31 07:18
vans520     :說錯了吧 應該是補進  "命中率高"的得分手82F 05/31 07:21
YesHi       :而阿罵 可以說他是薪水小倫嗎?83F 05/31 07:23
kimigogo    :你明明就有阿罵了...誰跟你都不能配啦84F 05/31 07:34
fix927      :簽艾莉絲或詹寧斯啊85F 05/31 07:44
miksim      :補了有屁用 球都在你手上 人家命中率100%也是屁86F 05/31 08:01

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