※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-05-24 10:57:28
看板 NBA
作者 標題 [情報] 東冠第一戰全美收視率
時間 Fri May 24 08:53:26 2013
TNT’s Exclusive Coverage of the 2013 NBA Eastern Conference Finals Game 1 Delivers 5.3 U.S. HH Rating & 8.2 Million Total Viewers - Ratings | TVbytheNumbers TNT’s exclusive presentation of the 2013 NBA Eastern Conference Finals Game 1 between the Indiana Pacers and Miami Heat delivered a 5.3 U.S. HH rating and 8.2 million total viewers, ...
TNT's Exclusive Coverage of the 2013 NBA Eastern Conference Finals Game 1
Delivers 5.3 U.S. HH rating & 8.2 Million Total Viewers Network Ranks
No. 1 Across All of Television in Prime Time Based on Nielsen Metered
Market Ratings
Most-Viewed 2013 NBA Playoff Game to Date
TNT's exclusive presentation of the 2013 NBA Eastern Conference Finals
Game 1 between the Indiana Pacers and Miami Heat delivered a 5.3 U.S.
HH rating and 8.2 million total viewers, based on Nielsen Fast Nationals,
and propelled the network to rank No. 1 across all of television (cable
or broadcast) in prime time. Last night’s game is the highest-rated and
most-viewed 2013 NBA Playoffs telecast to date.
The Pacers/Heat telecast is up 10% in U.S. HH rating (vs. 4.8) and 6%
among total viewers (vs. 7.8 million) when compared with the network's
Game 1 of the 2012 Western Conference Finals between the Oklahoma City
Thunder and the San Antonio Spurs.
Last night's Pacers/Heat telecast generated a 24.4 metered market in Miami
and a 20.2 locally in Indianapolis. Miami is the 16th largest DMA among
the 56 metered markets (in household reach) with Indianapolis ranking 24th
TNTs coverage of the Pacers/Heat Game 1 was also the most-discussed program
of the night across social media platforms, garnering 2.7 million comments
from 1.4 million authors.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 :馬刺:1F 05/24 08:54
推 : 掯2F 05/24 08:54
推 :娛樂效果而言:TNT>ESPN Miami Heat>其他3F 05/24 08:55
推 :馬刺4F 05/24 08:55
推 :觀看民眾分析:火火20%反火20%迷迷20%酸酸20%中立20%5F 05/24 08:56
推 :這場真的好看6F 05/24 08:56
推 :因為東區不意外就這兩隊打阿7F 05/24 08:56
推 :如果尼克代替溜馬,不知是否會更高8F 05/24 08:57
推 :當然會 但尼克打輸了9F 05/24 08:59
→ :馬刺......不過西冠真的不太刺激 一隊狂打鐵10F 05/24 09:01
→ :另一隊進攻會莫名當機
→ :另一隊進攻會莫名當機
推 :馬次真的難看12F 05/24 09:02
→ :光西冠G2灰熊半場打完才31分 真的很難好看13F 05/24 09:03
推 :票房毒藥3.9%不意外14F 05/24 09:04
推 :還不是靠喇叭15F 05/24 09:11
→ :比全球票房,馬刺還會輸嗎?16F 05/24 09:12
推 :想當初一些迷迷還狂捧黑熊...17F 05/24 09:17
推 :馬刺球衣跟場地顏色問題很大18F 05/24 09:18
推 :看本版戰後文章就可看出熱度了...19F 05/24 09:18
→ :捧黑熊是為了打擊雷雷 打完就下課了20F 05/24 09:19
推 :馬刺就是票房毒藥 只可惜大家都想看馬刺VS熱火21F 05/24 09:21
推 :馬刺:是被灰熊拖累好嗎22F 05/24 09:23
推 :全球票房 我看馬刺只會更慘不會更好23F 05/24 09:23
推 :馬刺跟勇士打也是啊24F 05/24 09:24
推 :對勇士前幾場有到500萬 某場降低記者就寫票房毒藥25F 05/24 09:24
推 :很高喔!!!26F 05/24 09:25
推 :我想看溜馬打灰熊27F 05/24 09:25
推 :這人數是不是跟台灣看經典賽差不多?28F 05/24 09:25
推 :6馬打熊熊....收視率準備破紀錄了29F 05/24 09:27
推 :會得分的比賽還是比較有人看啦,熊刺那個打鐵賽....30F 05/24 09:30
推 :美國統一獅31F 05/24 09:30
推 :形容票房毒藥應該是美國桃猿隊吧32F 05/24 09:36
推 :馬刺球衣很殺氣呀33F 05/24 09:40
推 :C和PF式微 SG人才往PG和SF 未來是四大SF四大PG的時代34F 05/24 09:46
→ :LBJ Durant Anthony George CP3 Parker 西河 Curry
→ :28 24 28 23 28 31 24 25
推 :推錯XD
→ :LBJ Durant Anthony George CP3 Parker 西河 Curry
→ :28 24 28 23 28 31 24 25
推 :推錯XD
推 :沒吧 今年要叫美國兄弟象38F 05/24 09:48
→ :根本沒人想看馬刺打球,收視率來說這隊真的很悲哀...39F 05/24 09:52
推 :電腦分析:%之75是酸酸,%之18是迷迷,%之7是魯蛇40F 05/24 09:53
→ :可以懷疑裁判控制比賽了41F 05/24 09:53
→ :數據不夠,暫時不能夠確定是哪類宅宅42F 05/24 09:54
推 :自己不看就說別人也不會看 不然3.9%是什麼?43F 05/24 09:56
推 :三巨頭 打球好看 這場三巨頭都發飆了 讚44F 05/24 09:59
推 :馬刺:收視率給你們 冠軍我拿就好45F 05/24 10:03
→ :原來馬刺是美國統一獅46F 05/24 10:06
推 :美國統一獅47F 05/24 10:09
推 :其實第一場前面也打得很難看啊(ry48F 05/24 10:25
→ :是後面第四節開始劇本太好XD
→ :是後面第四節開始劇本太好XD
→ :不會 尼克有東區摳比 打起來完全不好看50F 05/24 10:26
→ :收視率會高是裁判偏溜馬讓人以為熱火快輸了51F 05/24 10:48
→ :關心熱火的和想看熱火輸的同時開電視 就變現在這樣
→ :關心熱火的和想看熱火輸的同時開電視 就變現在這樣
→ :屎皇:不要再打我臉了53F 05/24 10:56
※ 看板: sayumiQ 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 142
作者 krajicek 的最新發文:
- 消息來源: 內容: 今年聖誕大戰收視率五年來新高。 以下是各場的平均收視: Spurs-Knicks 4.91 million Timberwolves-Mavericks 4.38 million …123F 80推 1噓
- 40F 13推
- 18F 10推 1噓
- 16F 6推
- 16F 9推 1噓