※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-10-24 08:15:09
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [新聞] Zynga傳出大規模解雇
時間 Wed Oct 24 04:21:19 2012
更新:Zynga CEO 證實裁員 5%, 可能將關閉英國、日本等地辦公室
Gamasutra has received first-hand confirmation that Zynga has laid off
100+ people from its Austin development studio, many of whom had been
employed for over two years.
根據了解得知,多數這些被裁員的員工都至少為 Zynga 賣肝兩年以上。
We have also heard, though can not confirm, that Zynga's entire Boston
studio (Indiana Jones Adventure World) has been shut down, and that there
is similar bad news in Chicago.
The announcements came during Apple's press conference this morning.
Zynga Austin's game The Ville and a new IP are both "done," according to an
affected employee speaking to Gamasutra anonymously. Consumer video game blog
Joystiq reports that its sources say that the studio's Zynga Bingo team is
gone as well.
Zyngo 負責開發 Bingo 團隊也 GG 了
More on this story as it develops. Anyone with first-hand knowledge of
what's happening is encouraged to either comment below or email us directly
at news@gamasutra.com.
Update: When this story first went live, we reported that Zynga Austin had
been shut down. That may not necessarily be the case: we can confirm that
over 100 people are out of work in Austin, but we can not confirm whether
the studio is remaining open in some capacity, nor if Zynga's QA office in
Austin has been affected. This story will be updated as we learn more.
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Gamasutra - News - Layoffs and closures at Zynga as company struggles to save money
Over 100 people out of work at Zynga's Austin studio (The Ville), Zynga Boston (Indiana Jones Adventure World) shut down completely as Zynga struggles to cut its spending as it loses players. ...
Poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings:
it takes its origin from emotion recollected in tranquility
--William Wordsworth
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◆ From:
推 :興農: 早知道就學Zynga 趁蘋果發新產品時 偷貼聲明就好了1F 10/24 04:23
→ :看來FB的遊戲沒有讓Zynga獲利逆轉! 當初CNN還報很大2F 10/24 04:25
→ :New update:Zynga Boston has been shut down
→ :New update:Zynga Boston has been shut down
推 : Zyaga有啥經典遊戲?4F 10/24 04:26
推 :Draw Something表示:好在賺到了5F 10/24 04:26
→ :有啥好意外的,二樓倒因為果吧?ZYNGA 一開始超賺,是後來才6F 10/24 04:28
→ :好像有出過一款撲克遊戲7F 10/24 04:28
→ :不賺得。Draw Something 賣在最高點真的賺爽爽,現在就算從9F 10/24 04:28
→ :ZYAGA 離職也很爽~
→ :ZYAGA 離職也很爽~
→ :K大,他走下滑後,今年七月發表3D農場要奪回聲勢.結果..11F 10/24 04:30
→ :這種小遊戲都一陣一陣的,沒有新作品的話很容易就被遺忘12F 10/24 04:30
→ :就很像開心農場那一系列的,現在也沒那麼多人玩了
→ :就很像開心農場那一系列的,現在也沒那麼多人玩了
→ :原來是我時間點搞錯,是我誤會你了,抱歉~14F 10/24 04:31
推 : 原來是開新農場的開發傷啊.....看來遊戲退流行後沒接檔好15F 10/24 04:31
推 :還以為Tanga飛機杯不做了 呼~16F 10/24 04:32
→ :除了手上拿蘋果的人以外..現在流行的行動裝置幾乎不支援17F 10/24 05:05
→ :就算小筆電也是非常的卡..
→ :我本來也有玩可是最近一年想玩的時後想到要開電腦就懶
→ :就算小筆電也是非常的卡..
→ :我本來也有玩可是最近一年想玩的時後想到要開電腦就懶
推 :......好險股票賣了20F 10/24 06:19
推 :真有人買zynga股票?那不是從上市第一天就開始跌嗎?21F 10/24 06:40
噓 :爛公司現在還沒倒阿?22F 10/24 06:49
推 :New IP 應該是指「非續作遊戲]23F 10/24 07:23
的確要朝這方面翻譯比較通順,感謝指正。推 :沒有上市就開始跌呀24F 10/24 07:37
※ 編輯: EvenLee 來自: (10/24 08:12)--
※ 看板: sayumiQ 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 177