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※ 本文為 ray10100.bbs. 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2014-04-28 12:54:51
看板 Gossiping
作者 wearytolove (奪真書生A.W.)
標題 Re: [爆卦] 躺在大馬路上憑什麼噴水? (世界各國比較)
時間 Mon Apr 28 10:17:16 2014




1.英國 2014倫敦才買,居民強烈抗議,市長規定只能用在有大規模暴力抗議、
           極可能造成生命危害時 http://goo.gl/5nRAZj
Boris Johnson Approves Use Of Water Cannon For London Police, On Budget Day
Boris Johnson has announced he will endorse the use of a water cannon by the Metropolitan Police, prompting outcry from opponents that the Mayor used the day of the Budget to bury his approval of the bitterly controversial measure. The cannons will be used as an extreme measure to tackle violent dis ...

2.法國  2014 和平躺下封機場沒事,丟警察石頭、砸窗、破壞郵局後被噴水
French anti-airport protesters clash with police
Protesters opposed to plans to build a new airport for the French city of Nantes smashed shop windows Saturday and hurled paving stones at police, who answered with tear gas and rubber bullets.Tens of thousands of protesters against building the airpor... ...


2.比利時 2014 和平抗議沒事,民眾向警察砸石塊並放火時噴水 http://goo.gl/9JAQQX
3.摩洛哥 2014 和平抗議沒事,民眾自焚時噴水 http://goo.gl/4r5rAQ
Moroccan police stop protesters setting themselves on fire | Reuters
RABAT (Reuters) - Moroccan police spraying water cannon stopped 13 unemployed blind university graduates from setting themselves on fire in Rabat on Wednesday in protest against a public sector hiring ...

4.烏克蘭 2014 民眾丟炸彈 http://goo.gl/302OGD
Ukraine unrest: Police and civilians die as officers 'fire water cannon on protesters throwing petrol bombs' - Europe - World - The Independent
Ukraine has seen its deadliest day of violence since anti-government protests began, with fierce clashes bringing new intensity to a political crisis that has festered in Kiev since late November. ...

5.北愛爾蘭 2013 民眾丟汽油彈 http://goo.gl/gXlEz4
6.德國 2010 民眾靜坐並向警方丟石塊,警方用噴水車後舉國震驚,各大黨紛紛譴責市長
The World from Berlin: Germany Shocked by 'Disproportionate' Police Action in Stuttgart - SPIEGEL ONLINE
A hardline police operation against demonstrators protesting against a new railway station project in Stuttgart has shocked Germany, after more than 100 people were injured by tear gas and water cannon. German commentators argue that the police went overboard and warn of more violence to come. ...

7.印度 2014 當抗議民眾要衝進市長家裡時 http://goo.gl/sLLY0y
Cops use water cannon on Youth Cong workers to stop them from reaching Badal’s residence | The Indian Express Nearly a hundred Punjab Youth Congress (YC) office bearers and workers,led by its president Vikramjit Chaudhary,were on Wednesday arrested while proceeding towards the official residence of Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal ...

8.柬埔寨 2013 和平抗議沒事,部份民眾接近皇宮,並向鎮暴警察丟金屬 噴水後有人死
              亡(原因不明) http://goo.gl/DNktDM
9.土耳其 2014 民眾和平抗議選舉舞弊 http://goo.gl/f9dsTN
Police fire water cannon in Turkish capital at election protest | Reuters
ANKARA (Reuters) - Riot police fired water cannon in the Turkish capital on Tuesday to disperse thousands of people protesting outside the Supreme Electoral Council (YSK) against local election results ...

10.埃及 2013 民眾和平唱歌 http://goo.gl/8pE4Z4
Egypt police fire water cannon to disperse rally, in first use of new anti-protest law | Fox News
Black-clad Egyptian police descended on two small anti-government rallies in Cairo on Tuesday and fired water cannons to disperse them, enforcing a controversial new law restricting protests. Th... ...





公開資料 歡迎自由轉貼   fb版本 http://goo.gl/Gyd3fI

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1398651440.A.69B.html
※ 編輯: wearytolove (, 04/28/2014 10:18:35
jacky7987:111F 04/28 10:18
crookedman:獨步全球 唉2F 04/28 10:18
jefftae7:沒人權呀!3F 04/28 10:18
jason86188:11.台灣 民眾和平靜坐4F 04/28 10:18
lpbrother:台灣沒有各大黨啊5F 04/28 10:18
kurtsgm:96F 04/28 10:19
koreapig5566:路霸,刁民,7F 04/28 10:19
a12678922:台灣不需要排名 想開就開 爽的咧8F 04/28 10:19
RCxx:乖乖上班比較有競爭力啊 恢復交通咖實在9F 04/28 10:19
flux:噴給9.2跟13億沉默多數看的啊10F 04/28 10:19
Ga11ardo:唉...11F 04/28 10:19
rabbit83035:怎麼沒有列強國阿12F 04/28 10:19
ericinttu:台灣有神坦方神當然排第一13F 04/28 10:19
david838:11.民眾和平路過14F 04/28 10:19
bboy0223:唉15F 04/28 10:20
jacky7987:補推16F 04/28 10:20
hrpe:與仰寧憲章抵觸者  其相關法律及命令無效17F 04/28 10:21
foodgod1234:和平靜坐在交通要塞上18F 04/28 10:21
xrichardx:再過五十年看會不會好一點吧19F 04/28 10:22
pp10327:11.政府幫助台灣民眾洗洗睡了20F 04/28 10:22
oscar721:五十年後早統一了 到時是一個警察配一台21F 04/28 10:22
xulu0:唉…22F 04/28 10:23
cloveyida:唉 真有競爭力的台灣!23F 04/28 10:23
MimI2008:........24F 04/28 10:23
※ 編輯: wearytolove (, 04/28/2014 10:23:52
Invec:英國會使用水車是因為幾年前各地大規模暴亂的影響吧25F 04/28 10:25
nakts0123:咦 最愛瞎扯國際觀不要鎖國的那些白癡id怎麼都不見了26F 04/28 10:26
reaper8046:黨工怎麼不見惹 吃早午餐嗎27F 04/28 10:26
blackwindy:黨工很安靜喔28F 04/28 10:26
NANASAN:應該是吃早午餐...29F 04/28 10:27
hermanwing:怎麼沒舉例非洲?啊 他們都開槍30F 04/28 10:27


john0628:推31F 04/28 10:27
readper:中華民國到底哪裡敢說自己是民主國家32F 04/28 10:27
annatzang:1台灣是國民黨獨裁 請勿跟先進民主國家混為一談33F 04/28 10:27
qwer57:可悲 專門對付和平抗議 是在逼人民踩激烈抗議嗎34F 04/28 10:28
bringlighter:唉35F 04/28 10:32
blake7899:11.台灣 8.4説是暴民 可噴水可圍歐 警察好棒棒!36F 04/28 10:33
※ 編輯: wearytolove (, 04/28/2014 10:35:23
a031405:呵呵37F 04/28 10:35
entername:偉哉 台灣獨步全球38F 04/28 10:35
soulism:獨裁政權才需要水車39F 04/28 10:35
ken90801:民眾和平靜坐  馬: 他媽的暴民 噴給他死40F 04/28 10:35
YU0169:比柬埔寨還落後41F 04/28 10:35
heavenkghs:42F 04/28 10:36
kiwi0530:看起來跟埃及差不多囉~43F 04/28 10:37
ctes940008:已經備份,台灣是在噴什麼啦!44F 04/28 10:37
TTDEarl:哇靠 台灣號稱文民國家 竟然要跟非文明的比 那舉北韓中共45F 04/28 10:39
sggs:他是超越憲法的男人,沒拿m16出來掃已經對你們很好46F 04/28 10:39
panda04056:反觀47F 04/28 10:39
TTDEarl:應該會更爽快喔 腦殘果然才是王道啊48F 04/28 10:39
han72:臺灣真的還離成熟民主國家遠都很49F 04/28 10:39
enya18722:感謝整理 還在說民主過頭的真的很可悲50F 04/28 10:43
coffee777:感謝整理!51F 04/28 10:44
lion101:結論就是打游擊戰讓水車的效用降到最低 訴求也達到了52F 04/28 10:45
cola99t:唉台灣還有很長的路53F 04/28 10:47
pommpomm:這能不能告阿? 之前行政院就是沒有追到底這次才又這樣54F 04/28 10:48
chihchuan:臺灣警察沒競爭力啦55F 04/28 10:49
GR1v:忘了列四洨龍之首:中華民國56F 04/28 10:51
jay86319:推57F 04/28 10:57
kaku216:高調58F 04/28 11:00
OtsukaAi:超越憲法的男人 不意外59F 04/28 11:00
yaya:60F 04/28 11:01
achbchi:幹! 只有驅離時獨步全球61F 04/28 11:02
ryankkk:糟了 是世界奇觀62F 04/28 11:03
yaieki:台灣警察跟政府早就超越憲法了啊 多少中立人士叫好呢!63F 04/28 11:04
dan310546:溫州要拆教堂 有準備五部水車64F 04/28 11:08
route22:只有無恥的國民黨政府會這樣壓人民65F 04/28 11:10
fantasibear:@@67F 04/28 11:12
andyandyandy:比柬埔寨還落後68F 04/28 11:12
heerowei0802:無恥程度獨步全球...69F 04/28 11:20
tomomi0706:唉…70F 04/28 11:20
becca1120:科71F 04/28 11:22
naive:一堆人還覺得水車驅離應該 果然鬼島72F 04/28 11:26
byon1009:唉73F 04/28 11:26
catmiou:74F 04/28 11:27
sandiato:推…75F 04/28 11:40
wowkg21:幹76F 04/28 11:54
kiki41052:77F 04/28 11:56
ilivannia:臺灣決定驅離方式的就是一堆落後的人怎麼跟人比78F 04/28 11:57
rx88941:感謝學長救援!79F 04/28 12:09
UriahFan:好像有反核者作勢追打計程車司機,怎麼不解釋一下呢?80F 04/28 12:09
KNVSEOC:方違憲81F 04/28 12:29
Bookdaily:推資料整理82F 04/28 12:41
ray10100:黨工無視啦83F 04/28 12:54

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