※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2014-05-22 14:35:06
看板 Steam
作者 標題 [新聞] Watch Dogs 官方攻略開始預購
時間 Thu May 22 07:43:37 2014
剩五天就要上市了 官方攻略也同步上市
消息 https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=742394679132147
Watch Dogs - Timeline Photos | Facebook
Want over 550 pages of expert Watch_Dogs strategy in any format you choose? Prima Games has you covered. Find all collectibles, know every mission, & get expert tactical advice - http://www.primagames.com/
Want over 550 pages of expert Watch_Dogs strategy in any format you choose? Prima Games has you covered. Find all collectibles, know every mission, & get expert tactical advice - http://www.primagames.com/
Watch Dogs | Primagames.com
eGuides, in-depth walkthroughs, character information, and strategies for Watch Dogs. ...
eGuides, in-depth walkthroughs, character information, and strategies for Watch Dogs. ...
售價USD$9.99 自選格式
超過550頁攻略 包含所有蒐集品、任務指引和戰術建議
呃 有人需要嗎?_(:3」∠)_
Watch Dogs - Cyborg Beatdown (live action short) - YouTube
This video was inspired by Watch_Dogs, out on 5.27.2014 and the "Conspiracy!" DLC. In Conspiracy! Aiden takes a Digital Trip that makes him see cyborgs. Cons...
This video was inspired by Watch_Dogs, out on 5.27.2014 and the "Conspiracy!" DLC. In Conspiracy! Aiden takes a Digital Trip that makes him see cyborgs. Cons...
受到Watch Dogs的DLC內容啟發而拍的
詳細DLC內容可見Season Pass 預告片
Watch Dogs - Season Pass Trailer - YouTube
Get your Watch_Dogs Season Pass today: The Watch Dogs Season Pass gives players access to a unique single-player story fe...
Get your Watch_Dogs Season Pass today: The Watch Dogs Season Pass gives players access to a unique single-player story fe...
遊戲還沒出就一堆同人 大家都等不耐煩了www
- About me? http://about.me/howar31
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1400715822.A.EC0.html
推 :Prima的攻略不是現在都變成要瀏覽器線上登入才能看?1F 05/22 07:46
→ :我蠻討厭這種方式的,再說就算不買等個一段時間應該網路上就
→ :會出現差不多完整的攻略了,這種3A大作攻略應該不會少才對。
※ 編輯: howar31 (, 05/22/2014 07:52:58→ :我蠻討厭這種方式的,再說就算不買等個一段時間應該網路上就
→ :會出現差不多完整的攻略了,這種3A大作攻略應該不會少才對。
→ :當周邊商品看待就好。有錢也願意的話多個收藏無所謂4F 05/22 07:51
→ :突然懷念起以前買實體攻略本,為了攻略買電玩雜誌的那種感覺5F 05/22 07:52
推 :家裡還堆了一疊HL2 DOOM3 QUAKE4的實體遊戲+攻略本組6F 05/22 08:07
→ :合,現在想想還真是浪費…
→ :合,現在想想還真是浪費…
推 :只買特別有愛的遊戲的 有特別資料的實體攻略本收藏用.XD8F 05/22 13:57
推 :我現在只想訂鐵盒版 不過都訂不到QQ9F 05/22 13:59
※ 看板: lawi 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 36