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※ 本文為 kulinomi 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-02-05 15:35:43
看板 Jeremy_Lin
作者 peter16 (YOYO)
標題 [外絮] 啾咪林受傷消息
時間 Tue Feb  5 09:29:02 2013

原文出處: http://ppt.cc/rGpm
Ultimate Rockets » Lin hurts ankle in practice; game-time decision Lin hurts ankle in practice; game-time decision ...

補上前兩次受傷報導 (這樣看來三次都左腳= =)
1/14  對快艇賽前 http://ppt.cc/DxT0
Ultimate Rockets » Jeremy Lin leaves practice with sprained ankle Jeremy Lin leaves practice with sprained ankle ...
12/11 對巫師賽前 http://ppt.cc/LFg_
Ultimate Rockets » Jeremy Lin
Ultimate Rockets - The Houston Rockets ...

Lin hurts ankle in practice; game-time decision

Rockets guard Jeremy Lin left practice on Monday with a turned left ankle, the
third time he has sprained an ankle this season in the final minutes of the
workout. Lin played the following day on each of the previous occasions and is
considered a game-time decision to play against the Warriors Tuesday at Toyota


Rockets forward Carlos Delfino did not practice after leaving Saturday’s game
at halftime with a strained right elbow. Delfino had been dealing with soreness
in the elbow for several weeks, including in some of his best games of the
season, but had not missed time with the injury. He is listed as day-to-day.


The Rockets’ top 3-point shooter among their regulars, he is considered
especially important for his influence as the most veteran player on the NBA’s
least experienced team.


“Carlos doesn’t get rattled or excited,” Rockets coach Kevin McHale said. “
Carlos has just played a lot of basketball games. He played a lot of big, big
games for his country, a lot of big games for different teams in the NBA. He
has a lot of calmness about him.”

冰箱表示 "飛龍他很少表現出驚慌或興奮,他打過太多比賽了,

心得: 標題與文章內容也差太多........

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
iswearxxx:感謝翻譯:)1F 02/05 09:41
claudia1419:感謝翻譯!!  原來跟上次扭到的一樣2F 02/05 09:45
nancyh:感謝翻譯! 老扭到同位置 不知有否做深入的檢查?  擔心><3F 02/05 09:50
motor5808:習慣性~?4F 02/05 09:53
peter16:左腳第三次扭傷  這樣真的會變成玻璃腳吧 @@5F 02/05 09:54
xajx:每次都是在訓練最後扭傷耶.. 好怪.....6F 02/05 09:58
youngbell:上次好像是右腳  不同腳7F 02/05 09:59
peter16:據以往打球經驗  通常練習最後都是練習賽吧  所以難免8F 02/05 09:59
peter16:上次也是左 @@ 因為我翻過 XDDDDD
iswearxxx:第二次受傷是因為踩到TDG的腳 倒沒什麼奇怪的10F 02/05 10:00
Marxing:這次 howard chen是說右腳  真撲朔迷離 啾咪踹共11F 02/05 10:01
claudia1419:第一次是右腳  第二次是左腳  這是也是左腳...吧12F 02/05 10:05
peter16:我爬了一下我之前的翻譯  好像三次都是左腳  囧13F 02/05 10:06
bonnysu:搜狐報導是說:前二次是右腳踝 這次是左腳踝15F 02/05 10:11
peter16:跟休士頓紀事報完全不一樣 XDDD16F 02/05 10:12
Ultimate Rockets » Jeremy Lin leaves practice with sprained ankle Jeremy Lin leaves practice with sprained ankle ...
claudia1419:我都是看林版消息 記得上次是左腳  然後上次說左腳時18F 02/05 10:20
claudia1419:有說跟更上次是不同腳  真的是懸案了嗎
nancyh:記得第一次是右腳 第二次是左腳踩到TDG 這次是左腳...20F 02/05 10:42
peter16:三次都左腳喔  我查到去年12/11的報導了21F 02/05 10:43
peter16:右腳是哈登  兩個人在同一天分別右(鬍)左(林)腳不舒服
peter16:http://ppt.cc/LFg_  請參考
Ultimate Rockets » Jeremy Lin
Ultimate Rockets - The Houston Rockets ...
yun0215:好煩喔...練習賽一直扭= =24F 02/05 10:46
※ 編輯: peter16         來自:        (02/05 10:49)
bluesunflowe:這次是誰把腳放在啾咪腳下???????(震怒25F 02/05 10:55
FRX:右撇子通常都扭左腳...我也扭超多次了 QQ27F 02/05 11:09
kerotamama:他的鞋子到底有沒有問題呀...也記得第一次是右腳 場上28F 02/05 11:10
kerotamama:翻船左右腳都有? 應該是扭到後都沒完全休息好吧=   =
claudia1419:林版這條新聞跟總版關心的差好多  總版都在關心冰箱要30F 02/05 11:12
iswearxxx:真的 總板推文跟林板差太多了@@ 腳傷不上很正常 怎麼扯32F 02/05 11:19
iswearxxx:到冰不冰= =
claudia1419:前面我覺得很好笑啊!! 他們好關心冰箱會不會正常運作34F 02/05 11:24
claudia1419:  周
silviasun:傷腦筋~又扭了..........Orz 希望沒事 別勉強上場吧~39F 02/05 11:26
nancyh:緊要關頭 誰理冰箱啊...當然健康最重要!+1 很希望Lin足夠40F 02/05 11:29
nancyh:休息 恢復好後再上場 但 很難吧...       血汗小帥哥表示:
jaykinki:林你要好好休息!!!42F 02/05 11:42
iswearxxx:不用太擔心啦~Lin自己也會衡量情況 能上應該就不太嚴重~43F 02/05 11:43
yeiloud:lin沒上的話   賭盤會取消嗎 ?44F 02/05 12:43
jt:好像不嚴重 但一直扭到 還是要小心一點45F 02/05 13:21
ab32110:!!!!!!!!!!!希望沒問題 真的很擔心耶46F 02/05 13:25
rutenac:先感謝翻譯喔peter 可是我沒推了XDD47F 02/05 14:10
peter16:哈哈哈  沒關係啦 XDDDD48F 02/05 14:40
akthebest:推彼德大的翻譯。希望Lin平安無事。49F 02/05 14:45
attdave:麥帥: 孩子乖 受傷了要冰敷50F 02/05 14:51

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