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※ 本文為 kulinomi 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-10-15 11:32:02
看板 Jeremy_Lin
作者 miula (You are my sunshine)
標題 [外絮] Tyson Chandler 對 Lin 的評論並不合理
時間 Tue Oct  9 21:12:19 2012

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[外緒] Tyson Chandler 對 Lin 的評論並不合理 - NBA 外電翻譯討論版 - NBATalk 論壇 - Powered by Discuz!
Jeremy Lin: Tyson Chandler's Negative Comments Toward Rockets PG Make No Sense - Alex KayJeremy Lin is now a member of the Houston Rockets and being handsomely ... [外緒] Tyson Chandler 對 Lin 的評論並不合理 ,NBATalk 論壇 ...

Jeremy Lin: Tyson Chandler's Negative Comments Toward Rockets PG Make No
Sense - Alex Kay

Tyson Chandler 對 Lin 的評論並不合理

Jeremy Lin is now a member of the Houston Rockets and being handsomely
compensated for the point guard skills he displayed over an epic 25-game
stretch with the New York Knicks.

Lin 現在已經加入火箭隊,並且因為去年在紐約的驚人表現拿到一份好合約

However, Tyson Chandler—the Knicks starting center and reigning Defensive
Player of the Year—does not believe that Lin is a natural floor general.
Chandler told Al Iannazzone of New York Newsday that he felt the 24-year-old
couldn’t run the offense properly and thinks the Knicks are better off with
the veterans now on the roster.

然而,前尼克隊友 Chandler,並不相信 Lin 是一個天生的球場指揮官。這個得到年度最
佳防守球員的尼克先發中鋒是這樣告訴紐約媒體的,他覺得這個 24 歲的控衛並不能妥善

“Jeremy was a young point guard who was inexperienced, who brought a great
light to the organization,” Chandler said. “But as far as being able to run
the offense and putting players in the right position he just wasn't there.
We got some veteran point guards that are capable of doing that."

"替這支球隊帶來了光明的傑糯米,是個沒經驗的年輕後衛。" 拳王如是說 " 但是論到指
能夠做到。" (基德或許可以,但胖子肥爾頓?)

Considering Lin averaged 7.7 assists as the starting PG in New York (while
also contributing 18.2 points, 3.7 rebounds and 2.0 steals) and helped lead
the team to 15 wins, it is a bit hard to find the merit in Chandler’s words.

考量到 Lin 擔任紐約先發時平均有 7.7 次助攻(同時也得了18.2分 3.7 籃板 2 次抄截)
,Chandler 的話實在不太能夠成立。

The center played 23 games during the peak of Linsanity and should know
better than anyone that the Knicks were a dangerous team that could hang with
any other squad in the league with their Taiwanese-American point guard
running the show.

Chanlder 在 Linsanity 時跟他一起打了 23場比賽,他應該比誰都知道當這個台美人控
衛在場上時,尼克是隻足以跟聯盟任何組合對抗的危險球隊。(熱火  Chalmers 與 Cole

New York elected to let him walk this summer, refusing to match the $25.1
million over three years that Houston GM Daryl Morey offered the restricted
free agent. The franchise instead brought back Raymond Felton, signed Jason
Kidd and convinced Pablo Prigioni to jump ship to the NBA.

紐約今年夏天選擇不要留下書豪哥哥,不去 Match 火箭總管毒心莫瑞的毒藥合約。最後
紐約把前尼克球員肥爾頓跟接生小孩簽下來,並且說服了阿根廷人 Pablo 跳到 NBA.

While these guards are decent, Felton is coming off of one of the worst years
of his career in Portland, Kidd will reach 40 years of age during the season,
and Prigioni is a 35-year-old who isn’t proven stateside.
 Lin is an upgrade over all of these players and—worst of all—the Knicks
didn’t have to choose between the veterans and third-year man out of
Harvard. New York could have easily matched Houston’s offer and still
acquired Kidd, Felton and Prigioni.

 40 了,還有 Prigioni 是個 35 歲還沒在 NBA 證明過自己的新人。Lin 絕對比這三人
好,而且最糟糕的是,其實尼克並不是二選一的情形,他們大可以同時簽下  Lin 跟上述
三人 (老闆會哭吧...豪華稅爆表)

Chandler and the rest of the organization will realize just how much they
undervalued Lin and will miss him when the season begins in less than a

Chandler 跟尼克隊一個月內就會為他們的錯誤而後悔了...希望啦...

林書豪葛格專版 - http://nbatalk.tw/forum.php?mod=forumdisplay&fid=56
林書豪 Jeremy Lin 版 - NBATalk 論壇 - Powered by Discuz!
林書豪 Jeremy Lin 版 ,NBATalk 論壇 ...

2012 NBA Fantasy Basketball Top 10 球員排行

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miula:轉錄至看板 NBA                                            10/09 21:15
※ 編輯: miula           來自:         (10/09 21:22)
huibear0104:舊的不去 新的不來 Lin現在有新朋友囉1F 10/09 21:23
qfyjke54:反正他(們)講什麼又沒很重要2F 10/09 21:24
PTT0000:拳王說了這話,自己要去面對媒體人的質疑囉!連NY Post3F 10/09 21:26
EVASUKA:褒或貶都等例行賽尾聲時再觀察吧...現在說啥都不準5F 10/09 21:30
iswearxxx:為什麼要轉到總板= =6F 10/09 22:22
cpp90312:尼克版#1GSEJU3z拳王說的話還算合理8F 10/09 22:31
PTT0000:不管他說得合不合理,他說Lin "wasn't there"、" can't9F 10/09 22:39
PTT0000:run the offense"就會讓Lin被有心人士貼上標籤
iswearxxx:有些話,不是合理就能說的,如果今天Lin批評拳王進攻手12F 10/09 22:50
plzsmile:老實說前幾天這話題出來時,我還滿慶幸Lin版沒人討論的。15F 10/09 22:55
iswearxxx:我也是16F 10/09 22:59
attdave:因為真正的林迷是不會回頭看的17F 10/09 23:00
iswearxxx:現在這篇出現在這裡,又從林板轉到總板,大概又會被認為18F 10/09 23:00
attdave:至少我個人只關心他在火箭打的怎麼樣 過去的事情留給人說19F 10/09 23:01
lomoC:沒什麼好說的 畢竟都過去式了 新的球季最重要:)20F 10/09 23:01
iswearxxx:代表所有林迷的想法吧(聳肩)21F 10/09 23:01
noral:Bleacher Report就是出名的廢文製造機 這篇根本不值得討論23F 10/09 23:44
noral:至於拳王說了啥? Let bygones be bygones.
ab32110:老實說過去的隊友怎養講不是很重要= =25F 10/10 00:10
danieljaw:他確實沒必要捧離隊隊友而批評現任隊友 就當作應酬話吧!26F 10/10 00:17
noral:樓上意思是有必要貶離隊隊友以便捧現任隊友嗎? @@"27F 10/10 00:30
iswearxxx:捧現任隊友不等於一定要批前隊友,別忘了之前Lin在稱讚28F 10/10 00:30
danieljaw:也許上賽季他也是在講場面話...如果是 那還真令人難過30F 10/10 00:51
danieljaw:樓樓上 我覺得沒必要 但他做了 也不是第一個這樣做的 哀
lilactime:看到曾經默契的前隊友這樣說還是蠻難過...orz32F 10/10 03:09
xsummerx:說真的看拳王原文講的話 不覺得有貶低意味 只是陳述事實33F 10/10 07:12
xsummerx:Lin的確缺乏經驗 也無法讓"所有人"都聽他的
xsummerx:而且以尼克現階段的氣氛 基肥二人是比Lin更適合啦
shadowydark:不相關者的言論不要佔版面好嗎 我甚至不想浪費時間36F 10/10 08:55
shadowydark:去讀....沒那個價值 對Lin的未來一點也不重要
shadowydark:都十月了 紐約這兩個字七月起就沒資格再出現了
drcula:不必要過度解釋這些話,基本上以LIN的角度他怎麼稱讚前隊友39F 10/10 09:00
VieriKing:拳王人還是很好吧..我覺得不用想太多...44F 10/10 11:22
iswearxxx:好吧,我會試著用另一個角度去想拳王的話46F 10/10 11:28
bluesunflowe:心得:家有一老如有一寶..尼克現在是寶王...(誤47F 10/10 12:29
yun0215:V大XDDDDDD48F 10/10 12:38
minnie0428:CBS壓台評價老錢的話和小林49F 10/10 12:39
PTT0000:CBS這篇文章看了心情好多了XD51F 10/10 12:52
noral:CBS Matt Moore這篇文最後一句結語寫得好棒!52F 10/10 14:57
kkyyk:不懂先把外敘先貼在林板後又轉去總板的舉動是什麼意思...53F 10/10 15:26
iswearxxx:kkyyk大問得好,老實說我第一個反應其實很想噓原PO54F 10/10 15:27
silviasun:就2個目的吧 1.釣魚 2.潑林版髒水55F 10/10 15:29
qfyjke54:3 以上皆是56F 10/10 15:30
kerotamama:Lin, quite simply, was electric. It wasn't all57F 10/10 16:40
kerotamama:narrative and show. He genuinely did make plays
kerotamama:that a lot of guys are unwilling or unable to make
kerotamama:because of the calculated risk.
kerotamama:想想那些大傷小傷和鼻血(XD) 把尼克三巨頭進攻不彰的罪
kerotamama:全冠到他頭上 我只覺得啾咪何德何能呢? 還好最終離開
kerotamama:了尼克 我倒希望拳王就忘了啾咪吧 也許已經忘了啦XD
kerotamama:就祝拳王今年打得舒舒服服 也許在老將PG的功力下 FG可
kerotamama:以上看九成 也恭喜尼克終於進入真正WIN NOW的陣容啦~~~
PTT0000:也是,當很多人都在外面浪投的時候,是誰一次次衝禁區要67F 10/10 16:48
kerotamama:不只拳王 有些尼克迷的話也是很傷人的 一切美好的回憶69F 10/10 16:59
kerotamama:都變成一文不值的垃圾 才發現原來啾咪竟是這麼差呀...
kerotamama:所以離開尼克真是皆大歡喜 感謝拳王再度提醒我這一點XD
wuling1001:其實林的努力已經得到回報了 所以酸酸才會更不平衡 XD72F 10/10 17:02
wuling1001:那些眼紅嫉妒或嗆聲或放話 只會顯出他們自己不夠大器囉
wuling1001:回想啾咪在尼克時的畫面 也總是伴著"and one"一起吶T^T
kerotamama:其實根本不想理這篇無聊文章 但可能今天被刺激到了XDD75F 10/10 17:10
plzsmile:比較欣慰的是,各大媒體記者反而因此跳出來為Lin說話77F 10/10 17:13
noral:kero大說得真好 希望這是最後一次看到尼克提起Lin +178F 10/10 17:16
plzsmile:應該不可能,因為這個賽季有兩場要跟NYK打 XDDDD79F 10/10 17:19
noral:唉~ 這就跟叫那些跟蹤狂放過Lin一樣 是不可能的吧 XD80F 10/10 17:32
lilactime:CBS那篇...Q_Q81F 10/10 17:44
BossSB:============老大哥只是故意說這種,希望lin進步才故意說反82F 10/10 19:23
kd1523:還好吧,為自己球隊的控衛說話本來就是理所當然的事84F 10/10 21:18
noral:要怎麼捧自家隊友別人管不著 有"必要"貶抑前隊友嗎?85F 10/10 21:20
kkyyk:嘛.至少該欣慰的一點是如果當初沒有Lin,當時的尼克已經掰了86F 10/10 23:17
shenjade:靠一個不成熟的後衛撐了半季 真是個成熟的球團87F 10/11 03:38

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