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※ 本文為 kulinomi 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-07-09 00:41:00
看板 Knicks
作者 lest83 (lest83)
標題 Re: [外電] KIDD好像真的來了欸!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
時間 Sat Jul  7 13:50:17 2012

上面太多了 我移一些到這裡順便補上新的

 Kidd said Williams talked him into leaving Mavericks for Knicks

Kidd said Williams talked him into leaving Mavericks for Knicks
Deron Williams is back with the rival Nets, but he has one assist for the Knicks. ...

 接生小孩跟小胖談過他要去紐約 接生小孩:"嘿嘿~胖弟阿 哥要去紐約尼克囉~!"

: Deron Williams is back with the rival Nets, but he has one assist for the
: Knicks.

 小胖即使身在籃網 還是可以幫尼克助攻!

: Jason Kidd was all set to re-sign with the Mavericks until a round of golf
: with his good friend Williams convinced him otherwise.

 接生小孩一直認為他會回到小牛 直到他有次跟小胖打高爾夫球

 小胖一直在旁邊勸說他 (小胖:"來紐約馬~來紐約馬~來紐約馬~(打滾)")

: “I was with my good friend Deron and I am looking at him and he talked to me
: about it and the reason why he thought he couldn’t go was because of the
: (Mavericks) roster,” Kidd said in a WFAN interview.

 接生小孩:"我胖弟他看著我 跟我說 因為小牛的陣容 所以他不會來小牛..."


: “I kind of looked at it, too and I backed off and I looked at it and said,
: 'hey, New York has a chance to be successful.
: I can help those guys win.'”

 接生小孩:"我同樣也在觀測這件事 我也跟著退出了 然後我觀望了一下 恩?

 紐約有個不錯的肥缺可以去 我可以幫助紐約那些迷途的傢伙"

: Kidd decided that he would return to the New York area and sign with the
: Knicks for the same three-year, $9.08 million deal he would have received
: from the Mavericks.
: Kidd said his agent Jeff Schwartz, the Mavericks and Knicks were discussing a
: sign-and-trade or the 39-year-old would sign with the Knicks taxpayer
: mid-level exception.
: Now Kidd will join Carmelo Anthony, Amar'e Stoudemire and former Mavericks
: teammate Tyson Chandler in New York.

 接生小孩決定跟尼克簽3年9.08M  他的經紀人表示 尼克還再跟小牛討論用先簽後換


: “I played with 'Melo in the (2008) Olympics and in the qualifying,” Kidd
: said.
: “I played a couple of years with him, understand his game and how talented
: he is.
: I played with (Amar'e) for the qualifying and Olympics, too.
: I am excited to be able to play with these guys.
: One of the other guys with Tyson, I played with him for a year and how hard
: he plays and what he means to the team.
: I understand I am 39, but I am more like 32 right now.”

 接生小孩:"我有跟瓜瓜在08年奧運同隊過 我很了解他的比賽跟他的天賦有多高

 我也跟阿罵在奧運打過 我很期待我可以跟這些人一起打球

 當然 我跟老錢也是同隊過的 就是在小牛奪冠那年一起打拼的!

 我很了解他對於球隊的價值有多高 我知道我39歲了 但我感覺我現在就像32歲!"

: The Post reported Friday that the Knicks will match the Rockets' offer sheet
: for Jeremy Lin, who will likely be the starter.


: “I am here to help coach (Mike) Woodson and the Knicks,” Kidd said.
: “As long as he wants me to play, I am little bit older now, so if it's off
: the bench or it's to start, whatever he needs me to do I am open to it.
: At the end of the day, I understand how important the last six minutes of the
: game are.
: Hopefully, I can be on the floor at that time.”

 接生小孩:"我來到這裡是要幫助武僧跟尼克的 只要他想要我上場 我會跟老化對抗的

 所以不管是板凳還是先發 只要他要我去做 我就願意去做 在比賽結束前 我知道

 那快結束的6分鐘有多重要 希望我那時可以在場上"

: Kidd was impressed by what his soon-to-be teammate displayed during the
: Linsanity run.
: “I think he has all the tools to be a consistent point guard in this league,
: people deceived by size and strength,” Kidd said.
: “I think he is a guy that can put points on the board and definitely find
: the open guy.
: My job in helping him is just to understand the time and situation, when to
: score and when to get your teammates going.”

 接生小孩談豪哥:"我認為他在NBA是個穩定的PG 人們被他的身型跟能力所騙了


 我的工作室幫助他明白比賽局勢跟狀況 何時該得分 何時該幫助隊友"

: As for Kidd’s new roster, he sees one of the Knicks’ big questions being
: who will have the ball in crunch time.


: “For us we just have to concentrate on getting better on offense and defense,
: ” Kidd said.
: “If we can be consistent throughout the year and understand the situation,
: who is going to have the ball down the stretch.
: It just can't always be 'Melo and Stoudemire, other guys have to step up.
: It's going to be a great challenge and hopefully we are up to it.”


 "如果我們可以讓我們的進攻跟防守都穩定一年 並且明白局勢

 那我們將會解決現在這囧況(這裡有些看不懂= =)

 這不能總是是阿罵跟瓜 其他傢伙得要跳出來

 這將會是個很大的挑戰 希望我們可能做到"

:  Update: Kidd says he's gonna wear number 5. Bill Walker shakes his fist.


: Carmelo Anthony was stunned twice.He was convinced Steve Nash would be
: passing him the ball this season.
: "That was a shock," Anthony said after the Olympic team practiced Friday.
: "I was shocked to hear [Nash] was going to the Lakers because the Lakers
: weren't nowhere in the picture at the time, and honestly, I really thought he
: was going to be in New York. But to hear the J-Kidd news took the burden off
: that."

 瓜瓜說他被NASH去湖人嚇到了 他原本相信NASH會來尼克

 瓜:"NASH怎麼去了湖人了!?(大驚)  因為湖人那時都沒有任何的傳聞出現

 坦白說 我真的以為他會來尼克了 結果看到的是接生小孩來了@@a"

: "He's a point guard that can bring the ball upcourt and get everybody
: involved," Anthony said.
: "I don't have to do too much ballhandling. Right now, my mind-set is to start
: working off the ball a lot, especially with this team. This will help me to
: prepare for next season."

 瓜說:"接生小孩是個PG 而且是可以讓每個人都受到影響的那種

 "這樣我就不用花太多時間再持球上了 現在我可以專注的做沒有球在手的事

 尤其是這支球隊 這將會幫助我好好準備下個賽季"

: Chandler was his teammate when the Mavericks won the 2011 NBA title, and he
: believes Kidd will have a major impact on the Knicks and Lin if the point
: guard returns.
: "Jason was incredible in Dallas playing with him, helping myself out on both
: ends of the floor, just bringing a calmness to our locker room," Chandler
: said.
: "He was never rattled. That's what we need. We need that in the huddle. It's
: going to be huge for us. He'll take somebody under his wing . . . It will be
: huge for Jeremy Lin because Jason will sit down, break down film with him,
: bring him to the sidelines and huddles and really help him out."


 老錢:"接生小孩跟他在達拉斯時是不可思議的! 他幫助我FINISH 也讓我們

 在休息室時可以很淡定! 他從來沒有慌過 這就是我們需要的

 當我們很慌時我們需要他! 這對於我們來說是很巨大的

 這對豪哥也是很巨大的 因為接生小孩會坐下來 分析影片給豪哥聽!


 而且會帶他到場邊 告訴他要冷靜 並且幫助他!

: Chandler said people shouldn't underestimate him.
: "I feel like he definitely has a lot left," he said.
: "I throw his age out the window. Ultimately, I watch him play and see what
: he's capable of doing. He's definitely value on the court, but he's more
: value off the court, whether it's in the huddle, whether it's in the locker
: room, whether it's watching film. He's unbelievable."


 :"我認為他一定還能帶來很多 把他的年紀丟在窗外去吧 最後我看到他所能做的

 他在球場上的價值是肯定的 但他在場外的價值是更巨大的

 他可以穩住休息室 不管是看錄影帶時 他就是這樣不可思議的!


“Honestly, I didn't think we had a good shot at (Kidd),” said Knicks center
Tyson Chandler, who won a championship with Kidd in Dallas last year.
“We're friends first.
I didn't want him to make a decision that wasn't in the best interest of
himself and his family.
I thought New York would be a great place for him and I expressed that to him.
I was just as surprised as everybody else when he made his decision.”

老錢說:"坦白說 我不認為我們的團隊對KIDD有吸引力 首先我跟他是朋友

我並不想要他做出這個決定 卻不是對他自己跟他的家庭有最大的利益

我認為紐約對他是個不錯的地方 所以我只是跟他表示說

老錢:"嘿 接生小孩 我只是跟其他人一樣很驚訝你會來紐約~!"

Chandler praised Kidd as a leader and said his presence in the locker room
and on the floor were intangibles that will help Lin, Anthony and Amar'e
The Knicks have a losing record in games when Anthony and Stoudemire start,
but the feeling is that Kidd has the experience to make that pairing work.

這裡再說kidd是個領導者 會對豪瓜罵(好瓜罵!!)有很大的幫助!

Asked if Kidd may be a better fit for his game, Anthony said: “At that point
it doesn't matter, Steve Nash, Jason Kidd .
a point guard is a point guard.
Somebody who can run the team, get guys in the right positions.
It takes a lot of pressure off me to try to do everything.
I can pick my spots, Amar'e can pick his spots and we'll go from there.”
“J-Kidd is a point guard that can bring the ball up court and get everybody
involved,” Anthony said.
“I don't have to do too much ball-handling.
Right now, my mind-set is to start working off the ball a lot, especially
with (Team USA).”


瓜說:"在PG這點上並不是問題 飄髮哥也好 接生小孩也好

PG就是個PG 一個可以運行整個團隊 讓其他人可以在對的位子的人

這幫我拿走了很多壓力 我再也不用試著去做每一件事了!!(灑花~!)

我可以乖乖的投我的球 阿罵可以乖乖的灌他的籃 我們都可以向前走了~!

接生小孩是個控球後衛 他可以讓每個人都有影響力

我再也不用去做過多的持球 現在我要把專注力全放在無球打法上了!

尤其是在美國隊 (我剛在上一篇貼的那個不是全文這個才是 修正一下@@)


“I think he can help that team out a lot as far as distributing the ball and
getting people in the right spots and taking pressure off of Carmelo and
leading the team,” Williams said on Friday.
“He doesn't have to do as much as he would in Dallas.
I think at his age it's going to help him out a lot.”

小胖:"我說阿 哥(接生小孩)他可以幫尼克很多 他可以盡可能的去分配球

他可以讓你們在對的地方投球 並且幫瓜瓜解除壓力~

他不需要做到像他在達拉斯時那麼多 我認為他的年紀可以幫助他擺脫很多困難"

CAMBY WATCH The Knicks are one of several teams hoping to sign veteran free
agent center Marcus Camby .
They are also in the market for a shooting guard..




This #freeagency stuff is cray...
Iman Shumper

It's weird when u actually in the league lol. #siiiiick
Iman Shumpert

Teams are makin moves! #league
Iman Shumpert

鄉波:嗚嗚 這個自由市場已經瘋了拉......這聯盟好奇怪喔...


 ───   ="    ψψsherry821224 ──────────────
         ◥      ◤     ◥      ◤         ◢\    Teammates don't 
     ╱   ◤ ̄◣ ◤ ̄╲ ╱◤ ̄╲ λλ play with each  
                 ╱  __    -.╳ -    other, they play 
                      ╲      ρρ\ `,  FOR each other. 
            ◣_╱   ╲╲_  ◥ |  ────────…‥.

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
ab32110:CAMBY好像真的掰了 火箭跟熱火先簽後換了 另外瓜的回答怎1F 07/07 13:56
ab32110:怎麼跟Q班那麼像XDDDD Q班:驚!!KIDD怎麼去尼克了!!!!!!
fireunicorn:應該沒有人會懷疑kid的實力吧...@@?3F 07/07 13:58
dj6601:再把JA換過來 XD 肯拼肯守的好苦力4F 07/07 13:58
fireunicorn:得分大概對他最難了...XD5F 07/07 13:58
kd1523:休息室領袖易位了,老錢變小錢6F 07/07 13:58
osape:Camby好像去熱火了...7F 07/07 13:59
lest83:恩 真遺憾-..-"8F 07/07 13:59
dj6601:Kidd決定來尼克 小牛版的人都高興到灑花了9F 07/07 13:59
ab32110:他那段的感覺有點像是在回應說他有老化的趨勢....我猜...10F 07/07 13:59
lest83:CAMBY很會抓籃板的說Q^Q11F 07/07 13:59
ab32110:小牛板到底為啥那麼討厭KIDD啊= = 好像一陣子了耶.....12F 07/07 14:00
qfyjke54:小牛板還有空灑花喔13F 07/07 14:01
lest83:因為YK跟基迷吧 外加他們想要的是年輕的PG而不是老人14F 07/07 14:01
fireunicorn:尼克該灑花才對...多謝給我們球員兼教練...15F 07/07 14:01
dj6601:灑花阿 都高興到快飛天了 有機會一次搞好阿嬤瓜瓜耶17F 07/07 14:03
ab32110:Kidd版好像也挺開心他終於離開小牛了Orz 真的簽來灑花一下18F 07/07 14:03
KIDD7576:科科 ~ 反正兩版皆大歡喜...只希望老基健康,適時提供幫助19F 07/07 14:04
ab32110:好了......弄到KIDD真的超意外的 沒想到他會隊尼克有興趣20F 07/07 14:04
※ 編輯: lest83          來自:      (07/07 14:07)
ab32110:完全沒有任何徵兆......21F 07/07 14:04
unbomb:抱歉不是"大部分"基迷,"大部分"基迷早就不去參戰了22F 07/07 14:04
fireunicorn:小牛須要能夠得分的後衛~不太需要控場...24F 07/07 14:05
yun0215:不過最後六分鐘不是LIN最威的時候嗎???Kidd他....XDDDD25F 07/07 14:05
unbomb:小胖那裡胖"弟" 改成胖"兒子"會更貼近 XDD 開玩笑的26F 07/07 14:06
fireunicorn:我猜lin會往sg/pg雙能衛走吧~@@27F 07/07 14:06
unbomb:應該是說某些小牛迷 比較喜歡會切入的控球後衛28F 07/07 14:07
fireunicorn:類似快艇那樣~lin3分好好練阿~下季會用很多~@@29F 07/07 14:07
unbomb:因為他們迷上小牛時 是那時高得分比賽的小牛。30F 07/07 14:07
dalepp:來自小胖的助攻XDDD31F 07/07 14:08
unbomb:算了 在這裡不談那裡,至少小牛是隻團隊氣氛合諧的隊伍32F 07/07 14:08
ab32110:最後6分鐘是林最威的時候+1.........33F 07/07 14:08
unbomb:Kidd來到尼克  應該也會和樂融融 祝福尼克了34F 07/07 14:08
fireunicorn:司機不太需要人接應他阿~只要能讓他接住35F 07/07 14:09
ab32110:感謝小胖 賜與我們Kidd~~~~~~~~~~36F 07/07 14:09
wengna:感謝小胖的一記助攻~37F 07/07 14:11
fireunicorn:疑!籃網搬家後還算西區嗎?38F 07/07 14:14
ab32110:籃網有沒有搬都在東區吧.....39F 07/07 14:17
lest83:籃網只是從紐澤西搬進紐約 還是東區40F 07/07 14:19
fireunicorn:冏...XDD我昏了...對不起 = =41F 07/07 14:21
JemyLin:紐澤西和紐約只有一河之隔唷~42F 07/07 14:22
gsg:Kidd 可以去守對方SG 跟林同時在場不是問題43F 07/07 14:42
sdfsonic:期待林可以變成老基一樣優秀的控衛44F 07/07 14:43
fireunicorn:kid&lin的防守守到頂級後衛會很辛苦~香坡比較好~@@45F 07/07 14:43
ab32110:香波真的很可能整季報銷了 QAQ46F 07/07 14:54
faseno:最後可以同時在場+1 拳王對Kidd的的第一個反應好有趣XD47F 07/07 16:29
wseb:科科..如果知道YK是誰..那不是更有趣..小牛版怎會討厭YK呢49F 07/07 18:10
lest83:是喔@@  看來小牛版跟KIDD的歷史應該很豐富呵呵51F 07/07 18:14
wseb:小牛版酸酸們連08年以前的老小牛迷都鬥..只要有人幫Kidd說話52F 07/07 18:16
Dirk0001:呵呵 尼克隊 保重55F 07/07 21:28
fireunicorn:真有趣...kid為了小牛進攻...連3分都長出來還不滿意XD56F 07/07 22:35
KidNo5:建議大家還是考慮一下Kidd已經39歲的事實XD59F 07/08 00:42
KidNo5:頭腦越來越聰明 但是體能還是有差@@
esther81828:他不是說他來打替補?61F 07/08 00:46
Dirk0001:三分長出來????? 他在司機的傳導下都是超大空檔62F 07/08 01:06
caesarliu:啊啊 來巡視了63F 07/08 01:23
ab32110:= = 海巡來了喔64F 07/08 01:24
Joba07:海巡來了喔 不要到時候Dirk喊 "Trade me" 就好笑了65F 07/08 01:32
Joba07:先擔心小午下一季能不能打進季後賽 還是要跟山貓拼爐主
dehard:超大空檔 也要投的進 投的進就是長出來了啊67F 07/08 03:51
qfyjke54:人都離開了還巡到這裡來是這麼深仇大恨喔69F 07/08 09:07
siyuen:他們非得要搞到全聯盟都討厭Kidd才開心XD70F 07/08 09:20
fireunicorn:就是因為dirk不需要後衛支援...所以跟他一起的後衛...71F 07/08 09:32
fireunicorn:有覺得他有mvp身手嗎? 一轉隊就有反差太大了吧~@@
KidNo5:其實就是dirk需要雙能衛類型的跟他配 不然就是善切的76F 07/08 09:44
KidNo5:Kidd以前善切 但籃網後期以後就不是了
KidNo5:Kidd來之前 反正小牛就是單打單打單打 他們也看習慣了吧
unbomb:這裡是尼克板  討論Kidd以後跟尼克球員的契合度就行了79F 07/08 09:59
unbomb:真的如KidNo5大說的,Kidd已經39歲了這是事實。 XDD
unbomb:以後Kidd如果表現不好,可以批。 但跪求大家輕虐 XDD
mbmh:哈 尼克沒有用類似小哈來換Kidd阿,應該沒這問題吧84F 07/08 10:05
fireunicorn:小哈是切入攻擊型的阿~超適合打小球的小牛說...85F 07/08 10:09
wseb:小哈超適合..Nash超適合司機..結果都拿不到冠軍..87F 07/08 11:20
y2kidd:去年Kidd和香妹守Wade.LBJ守得不錯呀91F 07/08 11:33
fireunicorn:小哈那年小牛很威阿~只是被老八後~92F 07/08 11:42
mbmh:常在打球的就知道,一個隨時觀察隊友進攻狀況的PG有多重要96F 07/08 12:04
mbmh:所以RJ ,KMart, 這些出去後打不出在nets 時的功能了
mingzhe:這篇翻的還滿有趣的:)100F 07/08 12:37
tenweli:竊以為Kidd來到尼克隊比較大的幫助還是他的經驗,目前尼克101F 07/08 16:19
purplecoldly:Kidd加油 尼克加油!104F 07/08 17:35

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    Knicks balk at tax bill to match point guard’s 3rd-year salary 尼克正在猶豫要不要跟進豪哥的約 Knicks balk at tax bi …
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  • +12 [乳摸] 肥頓交易案詳細細節 - Knicks 板
    作者: (台灣) 2012-07-16 12:39:31
    Knicks And Blazers Come To Terms On Sign-And-Trade | The Knicks Wall - Knicks Blog As reported by J …
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  • +7 Re: [外電] 腰帶王歸位!! - Knicks 板
    作者: (台灣) 2012-07-13 07:21:34
    腰帶王NOVAK正式跟尼克簽下4年15m的合約囉 有圖有真相: @stevenovak20 Steve NovakIts official!!! Steve Novak tweets signing …
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  • +9 [球員] 新同學Christopher Copeland - Knicks 板
    作者: (台灣) 2012-07-12 22:28:19
    他的資料: Christopher Copeland | EuroChallenge 2012 | FIBA Europe Christopher Copeland ... 他是個美國人 但是後來搬到 …
    12F 9推
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