※ 本文為 kulinomi 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-06-27 15:07:07
看板 Knicks
作者 標題 [外電] Mike Miller: Knicks will be a threat
時間 Wed Jun 27 09:38:54 2012
Miami's Mike Miller played against the Knicks for five games during the first
round of the playoffs, and he believes they'll be a threat looking ahead. The
sharpshooter just has a few suggestions for them, now that he knows what it
takes to win a championship after two seasons with his Heat teammates.
在季後賽第一輪五場比賽和尼克隊交手的熱火隊球員麥克- 米勒,他相信尼克在未
"I think the more and more they play together, like I told people when they
first put the team together and they started progressing in the right
direction, just because you put a collective group of talented players
together, it doesn't guarantee you victories, it doesn't guarantee you
anything," Miller said Tuesday on ESPN New York 98.7 FM's "Stephen A. Smith &
Ryan Ruocco" show. "It's sacrifice, it's playing together, it's understanding
whose team it is and understanding what parts need to be clicking for them to
be good. Once they figure it out, they'll have a real good chance."
天賦的球員,它並不能保證勝利,它並不能保證什麼,“ 米勒說,週二ESPN 紐約
98.7 FM 的” 斯蒂芬A. 史密斯瑞安Ruocco“ 秀。“ 這是相互犧牲,這是相互共
No question it's Carmelo Anthony's team, but the Knicks need to figure out
what their overall identity is, something Heat coach Erik Spoelstra kept
stressing to his guys all season. The two biggest parts to that are defined
individual roles on offense and a collective approach on defense. Mike
Woodson has the D down; the next step is figuring out lineups and creative
offensive schemes. The Knicks will enter next season with a lot of stability
-- the same coach and likely many of the same players -- so Year 2 has little
room for excuses.
正是熱火隊主教練SPO整個賽季一直對他的球員們所強調的東西。 最重要的亮點就
是找出適合先發陣容和具有創造性的進攻戰術。尼克將進入一個穩定的賽季- 相同
的教練,可能很多相同的球員-- 在一起的第二年已經沒有餘地讓他們找藉口了。
The Heat spent much of their first season together coasting on isolation
plays from LeBron James and Dwyane Wade, both not sure whose team it really
was. But this past season, while D-Wade handed the reins to The King, they
played together better within the flow of the offense. That new-found
chemistry enabled them to play off each other without stopping the ball as
much, which allowed role players to put themselves in better position to
score. Can that happen with Anthony and Amare Stoudemire primarily, while the
others adjust?
熱火的第一個賽季總是在 LBJ和韋德之間搖擺,他們都不知道這到底是誰的球隊。
但過去的這個賽季,韋德把韁繩遞給LBJ ,他們一起出場時的進攻行雲流水。新的
More consistency, less confusion and more contributions led to the Heat being
more competitiveness this past season. That model of play piqued at just
right the time during the Finals -- and it's something the Knicks' core needs
to learn in its second season together.
Mike Miller: Knicks will be a threat - Knicks Blog - ESPN New York
Miami's Mike Miller played against the Knicks for five games during the first round of the playoffs, and he believes they'll be a threat looking ahead ...
Miami's Mike Miller played against the Knicks for five games during the first round of the playoffs, and he believes they'll be a threat looking ahead ...
加油吧~ 尼克 一定要好好磨合喔!!
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