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看板 Knicks
作者 RNAi (RaiN)
標題 [外電] 尼克暑期的財務報表
時間 Tue May 15 07:00:12 2012



The Knicks' summer spending - Knicks Blog - ESPN New York
If you thought dissecting the collective bargaining agreement and a team's spending cans and cannots were tricky, you're definitely not the only one. ...

If you thought dissecting the collective bargaining agreement and a team's
spending cans and cannots were tricky, you're definitely not the only one. In
fact, as one veteran NBA journalist put it, "It's a minefield. Even GMs call
the league and say, 'Can I do this?'"

Now that the Knicks' season is in the books, what are their options when the
free-agency period starts July 1? ESPN New York's Jared Zwerling consulted
with NBA salary cap expert Larry Coon to get the answers you need and more.

For starters, the Knicks are currently $5.6 million under the league-mandated
$58.044 million salary cap. (On July 1, if the cap stays the same, which it
likely will, they will be $5.65 million over.) Currently, the main players
under contract for next season include: Carmelo Anthony, Amare Stoudemire,
Tyson Chandler, Iman Shumpert and Toney Douglas. In addition, J.R. Smith has
a player option of $2.443 million, Josh Harrellson has a team option of
$762,195, Jerome Jordan has a non-guaranteed salary of $762,195 and while
Renaldo Balkman cleared waivers this past season, he's still owed some salary
that counts against the cap. The team's restricted free agents are Jeremy Lin
and Landry Fields, and the unrestricted pool includes: Steve Novak, Baron
Davis, Jared Jeffries, Mike Bibby, Bill Walker and Dan Gadzuric.

Looking ahead to the offseason, the key moves for the team include Smith's
opt in or out, potentially re-signing Fields, using their mid-level exception
of about $3 million (taxpayer) or of about $5 million (non-taxpayer),
potentially using their bi-annual exception of $1.98 million and then
spending a couple of veteran's minimums of $1.4 million each. Their biggest
hurdle will be deciding which amount of their mid-level exception to give to

Here's the full breakdown:


Smith has a player option of $2.443 million for next season, which he can opt
out of. The Knicks will know by July 1 if he's going to do so. If he does,
that means the team will still be above the cap ($3.157 million), and they
won't gain anything. That $2.443 million is not extra money that actually
exists in order for the team to sign someone else.

Even if Smith opts out, the Knicks could re-sign him for a 20 percent raise
based on his $2.382 million salary from this past season. That's enabled by
the Non-Bird Exception, which would put him at $3.097 million for 2012-13. A
source told ESPN New York that Smith's father, Earl, is going to make a
strong case for his son to stay in New York, but "it's very clear that the
money is the biggest factor with him."

In fact, when Smith chose the Knicks over the Clippers in mid-February after
coming back from China, a source said the Knicks' higher offer ($2.443
million to the Clippers' $1.4 million veteran's minimum) was the deciding
factor because he was financially broke. Therefore, Smith will likely opt out
and ask for the 20 percent raise. At that point, the ball will be in the
Knicks' court to re-sign Smith, who's already said publicly that he wants to
return next season.

簡述: 即使JR離開,尼克也頂多少$2.4M,而且也還是會高於cap $3.1M,尤其那

多出來的2.4M也不見得額外多簽誰。如果尼克要簽回他,基於NB exception,可以加薪




During the lockout negotiations, the league wanted additional spending
restrictions to be placed on all tax-paying teams. But the players' union
managed to wrest one concession in the final labor settlement: those
restrictions wouldn't be triggered once a team is above the tax line. As a
result, the owners gave teams a little extra breathing room. They defined a
point $4 million above the tax line, which they call the "apron," where those
restrictions kicked in. With an anticipated $70 million tax level, the apron
will come in around $74 million this summer.

One of the restrictions placed on teams above the apron was the smaller
mid-level exception of about $3 million, while teams under the apron could
have the larger mid-level exception of about $5 million. Since a team above
the apron can't offer more than $3 million in a mid-level contract, the
converse is also true: a team that offers more than $3 million in a mid-level
contract can't subsequently exceed the apron.

The consequences are potentially devastating for teams with payrolls below
the apron. If a team spends more than $3 million of its mid-level exception,
then the apron becomes a hard cap for the remainder of the season. If you're
a General Manager trying to assemble a winning roster, "hard cap" is an ugly,
ugly phrase.

Keeping that in mind, the Knicks are in a unique situation regarding their
mid-level exception -- and it's all because of Lin, a restricted free agent.
While the Knicks can sign him to the non-taxpayer mid-level exception of
about $3 million or below, anything above that would create a hard cap. Lin
is likely going to demand his maximum of about $5 million for two main
reasons: 1.) While he may not have that much basketball value right now,
teams will be drawn to bringing Linsanity to their city; and 2.) Because
other teams are going to know that the Knicks will be hard-capped if Lin
re-signs for $3 million or more, they'll press them to match at about $5

If the Knicks do, they'll still be able to re-sign him because he's a
restricted free agent. In fact, because he has that status, the Knicks and
Lin could agree to an offer sheet even before other teams bid for his
services. And the Knicks can match any number because of the Gilbert Arenas
provision, which prevents other teams from offering too much.

Currently, the Knicks are below the apron, so they'll be hoping and praying
that Lin signs an offer sheet for $3 million or less. If the Knicks keep Lin
at that amount (and they don’t use their bi-annual exception), they won't be
capped at $74 million, and they can later go above the apron. Therefore, they
could make trades that take on lots of additional salary, but they will still
have to pay tax if their team salary is above the tax line (no transactions
exempt a team from potentially paying tax).

While Lin's agent, Roger Montgomery, will have a fiduciary responsibility to
his client to get him the best deal possible, he'll know the eventual suitor
will be the Knicks. Therefore, Montgomery could ask Lin to do the Knicks a
favor and take $2 million less and sign for about $3 million, in order to
give the team salary-cap flexibility. By staying in New York, Lin would be
make up the difference off the court by being a hot name in the No. 1 media
market. What Montgomery will have to watch out for is the Knicks saying,
"Sign with us for $3 million and we'll promise to take care of you later."
It's that promise to take care of you later that gets teams into trouble.

Now, keep this in mind: While the Knicks need to use their mid-level
exception to re-sign Lin, they don't have to use it on Lin. They can spend it
on anyone. For example, they could let him walk in order to sign unrestricted
free agent Steve Nash, who's reportedly going to demand $3 to $5 million per
year, or Goran Dragic, who will likely be in the same ballpark.

But, again, anything more than $3 million will set a hard cap on the Knicks.
If that happens, they won't have any flexibility to make any offseason or
in-season moves (signs, trades, replacing an injured player, etc.) that
leaves them above the $74 million threshold. For example, let’s say they
have a team salary of $68 million after signing Lin, or about $6 million
below the hard cap. They could make a trade (provided all other trade rules
are satisfied) that adds up to $6 million to their payroll. But they couldn’
t make a trade that adds $7 million.

Whatever the case, all signs point to Lin being a Knick. As one source
familiar with his situation put it, "He's going to be in New York next year
regardless, unless they decide they're not going to match him because Nash is
going to come in at $5 million or something like that. But Nash is a pipe
dream. I think that they keep Lin, just because of his popularity."

As for the length of Lin's contract, the Knicks have the option of making it
four years. (It could actually be three years with a player option on the
fourth.) Teams tend to lock up players who are fairly cheap, but are still a
big part of their future and have the potential to progress quickly in only
half of that four-year window.

簡述: 今夏預測的tax level應該是70M,lockout時勞資協議的結果是,如果此隊已經高於

此限,最後一線生機將是大約4M的"apron"空間。而mid-level exception錢的多寡將決定



MLE,尼克都會under hard-capped。林的經紀人可能可以說服林留下,並以廣告收入彌補,


的承諾常常讓球隊陷入麻煩 (這到底是啥意思?) 另外,其他隊伍也知道尼克的財務狀況,



度,尼克可能會跟林簽四年,趁他還便宜時,然後第四年是player's option。


If the Knicks re-sign Lin to the full mid-level exception of about $5
million, that means they'll be hard-capped and only have about $9 million
left to spend, which begs the question: Do they want to spend $5 million of
that remaining amount on Fields? Even if another team matches the Knicks'
offer sheet, they have Early Bird Rights on him, which sets the $5 million
ceiling. (In comparison, Lin has Non-Bird Rights rights, which is why the
Knicks need to use the mid-level exception to keep him.)

However, if Lin and Fields re-sign for $3 and $5 million, respectively, the
Knicks won't be constrained by the hard cap (based on the lower mid-level
exception). They can re-sign Fields, secure veteran free agents and make
trades to bring in someone who's more expensive. In other words, they can go
above the apron.

But, again, it all comes back to that $5 million for Fields, and some
insiders just don't see the value there. One source familiar with Fields'
situation said, "I doubt Landry's worth $5 million, but you never know. When
teams try to sign restricted free agents, they sometimes have to over-pay
just in order to make the other team let him go. So I could see Landry
getting a bigger deal because of that -- not so much because he's worth that
much right now as a basketball player, but because he can walk."

As for the length of Fields' contract, it could be the same as Lin's. Also
like Lin, because Fields is a restricted free agent, he and the Knicks could
agree to an offer sheet even before other teams bid for his services. In
addition, the Knicks can match any salary number because of the Gilbert
Arenas provision.

By the way, if you're wondering if the $5 million maximum for Fields can be
used for anyone else (like Nash), it can't because of the Early Bird Rights
provision. So, again, only the mid-level exception can be used for Lin, Nash
or Dragic -- the three most popular picks at starting point guard heading
into the summer.

簡述: 如果尼克花5M的MLE在林,尼克就只剩下9M,尼克會想花5M在LF身上嗎? 跟林一樣的






If Shumpert was going to be out until June 30 of next year (based on a
doctor's certification), the Knicks could apply for a disabled player
exception, which would mean they could sign someone to replace the rookie at
his salary. But Shumpert will likely be back on the court in December or
January. Keep in mind, however, that if the Knicks were hard-capped (based on
the apron), they couldn't use that kind of exception.

簡述: 如果Shump在明年六月底後才能回來,尼克就可以用disabled player exception




The Knicks have a bi-annual exception of $1.98 million, which could be used
for Novak, who's an unrestricted free agent. (However, he'll likely demand
more because he emerged as the league's best 3-point shooter.) Even if the
team re-signs Lin to $3 million or higher, and the $74 million apron becomes
a hard cap for them, they'd still have the bi-annual exception. But then they
definitely can't go above the apron. Keep in mind that if they spend their
bi-annual exception first, they would be capped at the apron -- just like
they would if they spent $3 million or more with their mid-level exception.

簡述: BA exception跟MLE是同樣的運作狀況,只要用了全額,隊伍就不能超過apron,




Currently, the Knicks are about $6 million above the salary cap, which means
they're about $9 million under the apron. If Smith opts out and the Knicks
don't re-sign him, they'll be about $11.5 million under the apron. If they
re-sign Lin for about $5 million, they'll be about $7.5 million under the
apron, which would then create the hard cap.

Then, if Fields re-signs for about $5 million as well, the team will only
have about $3 million under the apron to spend on three players. Think about
that. About $3 million, three players. Veteran minimum's deals could suck
that right up.

That mid-level exception is more critical than you ever thought. From the
season to the offseason, Lin still remains right at the top of the Knicks'
discussion. If you're a fan of the team, you should be rooting for him to
sign for $3 million or less.

簡述: 目前尼克超過cap 6M,意謂著他們離apron只剩 9M。如果JR離開,那就剩11.5M。


吃光。結論: 如果你是尼克粉,那就期待林願意拿3M吧。


心得: 所以林的狀況看起來就是要不要罷了。JR的情況比較像是如果有明顯勝出的deal,

他就會離開 (我不曉得他之前幾近破產?),LF的狀況應該是要看尼克怎麼評量他的價值,





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osape:LIN板有一篇新的專業薪資合約文,不過只講LIN的部分1F 05/15 07:07
osape:                他沒有建議LF拿3M
zzxzero:AMAR2200萬實在太高了 他一個人可以簽3個不錯球員了5F 05/15 07:11
osape:大概因為之前投票LF票數頗高,他還特地寫了一篇文分析..6F 05/15 07:11
skymay:所以這是尼克粉寫的嗎?XDDDD  要給其他喊著要給LIN 5M的球8F 05/15 08:09
skymay:迷記者看的?! XDD 但只能說我愛的是這些球員XDDD
RNAi:喔不 這是來自ESPN~10F 05/15 08:19
skymay:喔喔 謝謝原PO 剛點進去看到了作者名字,是我有FOLLOW的一11F 05/15 08:23
MOJS:兩個人都拿5M是很正常的推論,Lin的是中產,Fields是早鳥權12F 05/15 08:24
skymay:個記者耶XDD 他確實都報導尼克比較多XDD13F 05/15 08:24
wurenben:"理論上"不可能先談好約不給其它隊報價就簽約..14F 05/15 08:26
MOJS:受限制自由球員就是,別隊如果開給該球員一份薪水18F 05/15 08:30
wurenben:別隊一定會在7月1日開市時就開價的,不可能讓尼克輕鬆簽21F 05/15 08:31
lest83:`不跟進的話 如果球員還是想選尼克也是可以吧22F 05/15 08:39
lest83:如果可以的話 那這篇應該就是私下先談好條件 然後尼克不跟
lest83:讓LIN跟FIELDS最後還是選尼克 看起來是這樣子0.0
wurenben:這樣事情就大條了,會被球員工會告,聯盟也會調查..25F 05/15 08:44
wurenben:之前Joe Smith的密約事件,一次被拔五年選秀權
lest83:話說下面的留言頗有趣的 都在問說為甚麼這麼堅持要給FIELDS27F 05/15 08:51
MOJS:給Fields 500萬不是什麼奇怪的事,不論他在五燈體系下值不值29F 05/15 08:53
RNAi:但球員應該可以選擇錢少的尼克吧...嗎? 我是說如果就是不想離32F 05/15 08:54
skymay:所以早鳥權的薪資可以不佔薪資空間的意思嗎?33F 05/15 08:54
RNAi:開之類的34F 05/15 08:54
lest83:不是奇怪不奇怪問題 而是美國鄉民認為他根本不值那個價0.035F 05/15 08:54
agsdf:當初看到覺得最後一段怪怪的 JR走 剩11.5M 林拿5M 剩7.5M?36F 05/15 08:55
lest83:照另外一篇說工會在抗議要給LIN早鳥權的說法來看37F 05/15 08:55
RNAi:這就是我不懂的地方,由文章看起來,就是LF那段,如果有早鳥38F 05/15 08:55
lest83:似乎如果有早鳥就可以不管未來先弄下LIN跟FIELDS然後有中產39F 05/15 08:56
RNAi:全然後就可以不管薪資空間,那管要給LF多少40F 05/15 08:56
agsdf:有早鳥權 應該是跟其他隊offer的差額不佔薪資吧41F 05/15 08:56
MOJS:可以去NBAGM板看 Coon's FAQ Q34..42F 05/15 08:56
lest83:對阿早鳥之前不是說今年可以不計入 還是只是可以無條件跟進43F 05/15 08:57
wurenben:薪資一定會佔,只是看會不會計到hard cap底下44F 05/15 08:57
MOJS:早鳥占薪資空間但不受薪資空間限制..45F 05/15 08:57
shinobilin:不能LF和Lin各拿4m嗎??46F 05/15 08:57
MOJS:我有說了阿,不管LF值不值得這個價錢,付錢的是老闆47F 05/15 08:58
lest83:其實這些最後決定都是在LIN跟FIELDS手上 尼克可能最後頂多48F 05/15 08:58
lest83:喊個價 然後可能不跟進吧
RNAi:所以說多付了LF,其他人就得少拿,是這樣吧?51F 05/15 08:59
lest83:所以美國鄉民才會說給他那麼多幹嘛52F 05/15 08:59
MOJS:為何LF拿多一點會影響其他人?53F 05/15 08:59
lest83:薪資空間有限阿 不是多說會佔空間了0.054F 05/15 09:00
RNAi:但是這樣看來只要是過了apron,MLE就只剩3M,所以也是簽不到55F 05/15 09:00
MOJS:可是我們的薪資空間已經用完了阿0.0..57F 05/15 09:01
lest83:頂多補一個綠葉吧0.058F 05/15 09:01
shinobilin:瓜.罵:我們好像有點貴59F 05/15 09:01
lest83:那為啥那些記者還要談11.5M 9M之類的0.060F 05/15 09:01
MOJS:你給他3M或是5M我們的薪資空間一樣是超過的61F 05/15 09:01
skymay:所以是無論如何中產都只能變3M 的意思嗎?!62F 05/15 09:02
RNAi:我又重看一次...XD 所以58M是cap 70M是tax-level 是這樣吧?63F 05/15 09:03
lest83:豪華税?65F 05/15 09:04
wurenben:豪華稅門檻66F 05/15 09:04
lest83:所以就看度藍要不要繳豪華税0.0?67F 05/15 09:05
RNAi:SOGA~~ 天啊 我突然豁然開朗了XD 感謝各位!!!XD68F 05/15 09:06
RNAi:我們是一定得繳豪華稅了 不管有沒有要再簽人
MOJS:中產是5M71F 05/15 09:08
lest83:反正度藍每年都靠尼克就多賺6.7千萬了= = 度藍有其他正業嗎72F 05/15 09:08
wurenben:賺那麼大了,繳點稅平衡一下也好..之前尼克年薪還破億過73F 05/15 09:08
MOJS:豪華稅在明年不是什麼影響,我們薪資不高74F 05/15 09:09
skymay:可是超過豪華稅中產還能是5M嗎?76F 05/15 09:09
wurenben:好笑的事破億,但又打不進季後賽77F 05/15 09:09
lest83:可惡尼克太像金雞母了 這樣度藍根本不會放手Q^Q78F 05/15 09:09
skymay:之前不是有說超過豪華稅中產會變3M ??79F 05/15 09:09
MOJS:RNAi你說的,是超過70M才要繳豪華稅,估計明年薪資也差不多80F 05/15 09:10
lest83:好像是紐約球迷蠻捧場 戰積在差都還可以坐滿= =82F 05/15 09:10
RNAi:超過apron中產才變成3M 以下就是5M83F 05/15 09:10
ab32110:新版的豪華稅好像會累進耶 看他願不願意繳囉84F 05/15 09:10
MOJS:對,超過豪華稅中產會變3M,不過尼克現在離門檻還遠85F 05/15 09:10
RNAi:喔喔! 感謝M大! 那所以cap的意義到底是啥啊?86F 05/15 09:12
lest83:今年就這麼頭痛了0..0 那明年那三隻又更貴了...87F 05/15 09:12
MOJS:cap叫做薪資空間阿,在cap以下你可以用薪資還剩的空間去88F 05/15 09:12
skymay:那豪華稅的門檻是多少呢??90F 05/15 09:13
MOJS:那超過cap的球隊如何補強呢? 有例外條款,如中產就是91F 05/15 09:13
lest83:無法 然後人又不夠怎辦92F 05/15 09:13
MOJS:70M吧上面有人說的93F 05/15 09:14
RNAi:那cap是58M嗎? 這樣好像很少...94F 05/15 09:15
MOJS:差不多58~60M 每年不一樣95F 05/15 09:15
skymay:喔喔謝謝M大^^97F 05/15 09:16
wurenben:其實暑假至少會有5-6隊低於50m,有一隊開四年6m給Lin的話98F 05/15 09:16
MOJS:樓上說的那個有特別例子,不過目前沒看過有人用100F 05/15 09:18
lest83:畢竟對方也是有點賭運氣0..0 這樣被他搶走也只好認了103F 05/15 09:19
wurenben:5+5+6+8 平均起來就6m..但尼克跟他+LF的話薪水就會到頂104F 05/15 09:20
lest83:那都是後幾年的事了 反正度藍常常只看眼前不管之後的-3-105F 05/15 09:21
skymay:是說LF的薪資感覺尼克也還是會看市場價的感覺 XD106F 05/15 09:22
MOJS:繳錢是老闆的問題阿,而很慶幸的是我們老闆賺不少107F 05/15 09:23
lest83:不過籃網如果明年真弄出小胖+DH12 不知道會不會威脅到度藍108F 05/15 09:24
RNAi:所以明年尼克如果就瞄準那74M,減去已知的~59M,那也還剩15M109F 05/15 09:24
MOJS:超過CAP後不是你想花錢就可以花的,所以你這樣算怪怪的110F 05/15 09:25
RNAi:即使用了一堆條款(林5M、Novak算2M)也還有8M啊 只是就不能簽111F 05/15 09:26
skymay:那倒是賺那麼多,不該小氣XD  希望他也能給LF 5M XDD113F 05/15 09:27
lest83:就不能在多做補強吧 要求其他人拿底薪投靠114F 05/15 09:27
MOJS:而且超過豪華稅也不是什麼多嚴重的事情115F 05/15 09:27
lest83:應該說對尼克來說不是啥嚴重的事XDD116F 05/15 09:28
wurenben:薪資上是還好,主要是自由球員要不要來..117F 05/15 09:30
MOJS:功能性球員或許比較考驗教練的功力119F 05/15 09:31
lest83:現在尼克能給的只有一個大蘋果的夢跟遙遠的總冠軍...120F 05/15 09:31
MOJS:或者說天時地利人和吧,Lin和Novak也是到尼克才打出來121F 05/15 09:32
lest83:看起來就是只能騙BB續留當替補了= =122F 05/15 09:32
wurenben:後幾年選秀權沒幾個,要好好選人啊123F 05/15 09:32
lest83:今年的選秀也要重新觀察了 前幾年會選的都不在了0.0124F 05/15 09:33
crastal:這篇的說法很奇怪,LF下半季和季後賽的表現不太可能有其他125F 05/15 10:32
skymay:這篇想表達的意思應該是LF不管領多少會影響尼克的應該只有127F 05/15 10:40
skymay:也就是老闆要給LF 5M 也不是問題,應該是這樣吧?!XD
Chloein:樓上完全正解XD130F 05/15 11:26
ab32110:XDDDD 不過LF不到1M也太令人感傷了吧131F 05/15 11:31
peterwu4:基本這篇應該算是拉基文,沒什麼必要follow,主要就在講132F 05/15 13:32
peterwu4:追了 一個已經有三巨頭的球隊,還想要能保有一個有彈性的
peterwu4:起薪小於3m的合約 為什麼不去道德勸說其他的大頭降點薪水
KID543:嚴格來講是2.5巨頭 ╮(╯◇╰)╭139F 05/15 13:40
peterwu4:,即使薪資帽是硬的也能再多簽些有用的人= =140F 05/15 13:41
yun0215:因為能不能降薪水是個謎XD 道德勸說杜蘭放走一隻巨頭141F 05/15 13:46
ainosei:如果這樣  哪一隻巨頭最應該被放走呢?143F 05/15 13:53
yun0215:大家都心知肚明想放掉&能放掉是有一段現實差距的= =144F 05/15 13:56
bluebabe:現實不都是這樣子的,最有價值的都是最想留的...呼145F 05/15 14:01
Chloein:我覺得這篇文章講得還滿淺顯易懂的啊,針對現狀解釋一下,146F 05/15 14:02
MAGICMCGRADY:科科...滅火器殺手應該最需要被放走148F 05/15 14:06
wglbsw:高薪的約太大 但為什麼是底薪承擔後果? ="=150F 05/15 14:12
soffi:推樓上~  XD151F 05/15 15:26
fireunicorn:老鷹和灰熊各有1個pf好物~想要被交易說~=3=152F 05/15 15:38
nancyh:推 wglbsw大說的,老是想要壓抑底薪族想了就氣>"<155F 05/15 15:42
javabird:74M限制了500萬中產之外,大家要想想,尼克5800萬中只包含156F 05/15 16:18
yun0215:老將底薪繼續簽...可是這樣一定還是會超過阿= =161F 05/15 16:29
yun0215:所以應該是壓了LIN的薪資也沒用...因為一定會超過= =
javabird:No,壓林到300萬就可以不管apron了.163F 05/15 16:33
lest83:那種事給度蘭煩惱就好了164F 05/15 16:34

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