※ 本文為 kulinomi 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-05-13 00:21:10
看板 Knicks
作者 標題 [外電] 阿罵的暑假功課
時間 Sat May 12 22:36:19 2012
Knicks have high hopes for Amar’e in low post
Knicks interim head coach Mike Woodson wants Amar’e Stoudemire and the
basket to have a closer relationship.
As the Knicks enter the offseason, Woodson said he wants Stoudemire to
become more of a low-post threat. It’s a desire that will require Stoudemire
to adapt his game and learn post-up skills he hasn’t often shown in his
“This summer he’ll be used to develop more low-post moves,” Woodson said.
“Because the game is played inside-out, I think. [Stoudemire and Tyson
Chandler] are 7-foot guys that have great athletic ability, great bodies on
them and I think you’ve got to utilize them more down low.
“It might be asking Amar’e to do something a little bit different than he’
s been accustomed to doing in his career, but it’s not too late.”
Stoudemire is coming off a disappointing season in which his scoring dropped
to 17.5 ppg, plummeting almost eight points from last year. The 6-foot-11,
260-pounder operates in the low post infrequently and hasn’t exhibited many
Stoudemire, a player on a $100 million contract who has been an established
All-Star, is not only fine with Woodson’s suggestion, but says he relishes
“It’s actually great because I’ve never had a coach that asked me to work
on my low-post game,” Stoudemire said. “I’ve been a pick-and-roll player
my whole career. Being able to shoot the ball from the outside and also have
quick first steps and being able to move off the dribble is an advantage for
me. And now to apply some low-post moves will even be that much better.”
To learn them, Stoudemire said he will likely work with a tutor. It’ll be
interesting to see how quickly Stoudemire can develop post moves, how many he
can ultimately command and how effective they’ll be by next season. It could
be a work in progress.
Stoudemire insisted his back feels fine, said he doesn’t need surgery and
swore he’s not even slightly worried about it. He also was asked about
former Suns teammate Steve Nash, the All-Star point guard who will be a free
Stoudemire called Nash “a great friend of mine,” but was diplomatic about
the Knicks pursuing him, saying any squad would love Nash but praising
current teammate Jeremy Lin.
“What team wouldn’t want a two-time MVP? An assist leader. A veteran point
guard,” Stoudemire said of Nash. “But we do have Jeremy Lin here and we
have confidence in him and what he can do for us.”
記者們還提到了阿罵的老朋友:Nash 。Nash即將成為自由球員,而阿罵所在的尼克
王,是一名有經驗的組織後衛。」 阿罵誇獎了前隊友之後,話鋒一轉,「但是我們
原文新聞: http://ppt.cc/6wXQ
Amar’e Stoudemire, New York Knicks forward, to work on becoming threat inside - NYPOST.com
Knicks interim head coach Mike Woodson wants Amar’e Stoudemire and the basket to have a closer relationship. ...
Knicks interim head coach Mike Woodson wants Amar’e Stoudemire and the basket to have a closer relationship. ...
伍德森:小斯该练低位进攻 小斯:会执行教练要求_网易体育
迈克-伍德森希望斯塔德迈尔在夏天练习低位进攻技术,后者表示这是首次听到这样的建议,并认为不错。为此,斯塔德迈尔可能专门找一位助教来提高低位能力。 ...
迈克-伍德森希望斯塔德迈尔在夏天练习低位进攻技术,后者表示这是首次听到这样的建议,并认为不错。为此,斯塔德迈尔可能专门找一位助教来提高低位能力。 ...
阿罵os:想挑撥離間?! 門都沒有 (誤XD
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◆ From:
推 : 真的是怕記者 挑撥離間 呢XDDD1F 05/12 22:40
推 :武僧開始出作業了,好想知道他有沒有給Lin出作業~2F 05/12 22:44
推 :武森真的想讓大家練單打(? 阿罵還要多點防守觀念阿XDD3F 05/12 22:49
推 :阿罵講話真是直4F 05/12 22:51
推 :拜託武僧別亂出主意了,阿罵加強自己擅長的項目即可5F 05/12 22:52
→ :先讓阿罵練防守吧....6F 05/12 22:54
→ :防守是每個球員都必須必備的技能,所以不用特別指出來說要練7F 05/12 22:55
→ :吧?! 倒是為何要阿罵練低位單打技能我也不是很懂就是了XD
→ :吧?! 倒是為何要阿罵練低位單打技能我也不是很懂就是了XD
推 :讓瓜跟罵在不同地方發動攻擊?9F 05/12 22:58
→ :尼克要不要考慮一下內線攻擊加強 不然每次都是跳投賭博10F 05/12 23:00
推 :林不一定先發,先養傷復健吧11F 05/12 23:07
推 :贊成 多另外一個進攻模式也是好事情吧!12F 05/12 23:14
推 :讚喔 阿罵加油阿~卡死的薪資都靠你了13F 05/13 00:09
推 :原文有提到為什麼練低位,因為 Woodson 認為是個14F 05/13 00:12
→ :inside-out 打法 所以需要低位能力
→ :inside-out 打法 所以需要低位能力
推 :真不知是不是說練就練就練的起來...16F 05/13 00:14
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