※ 本文為 kulinomi 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-05-09 02:35:31
看板 Knicks
作者 標題 [外電] Lin 出局鳥~
時間 Wed May 9 01:52:31 2012
武僧: Lin is out this series.
Melo: I told him, if he's not 100%, then don't come back.
Stat: I didn't see him do much. It's about being ready for an incredible year
next year.
So there you have it.
讓我們心無懸念的打完剩下的比賽吧~ Goooo~
喔 然後補充上面那則外電,武僧透過ESPN的Ian Begley跟大家澄清,他還沒有跟人談過
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
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※ 編輯: RNAi 來自: (05/09 01:55)
推 :So let's make it to the 2nd round!!1F 05/09 01:54
推 :can't agree u more2F 05/09 01:55
→ :樓上兩位火速推XDD3F 05/09 01:56
推 :謝謝RNAi大~~~4F 05/09 02:03
→ :推用掉了T^T5F 05/09 02:03
推 :我愛瓜罵~6F 05/09 02:25
※ 看板: kulinomi 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 170
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