※ 本文為 Knuckles 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-07-09 15:02:33
看板 iPhone
作者 標題 Re: [情報] 本日遊戲大作限時免費整理(新增BADLAND)
時間 Mon Jul 8 16:01:51 2013
知名 app 部份:
Traktor DJ ($19.99 -> FREE)
Traktor DJ for iPad on the iTunes App Store
TOUCH THE GROOVE. The world’s #1 pro DJ software brings high-impact DJing to iPad. Touch your tracks and create stunning mixes in seconds.
"Incredibly well designed and packed with great features." (WIRED)
"Traktor DJ for iPad is better than turntables" (Gizmodo)
"It's wonderfully tactile and a lot ...
TOUCH THE GROOVE. The world’s #1 pro DJ software brings high-impact DJing to iPad. Touch your tracks and create stunning mixes in seconds.
"Incredibly well designed and packed with great features." (WIRED)
"Traktor DJ for iPad is better than turntables" (Gizmodo)
"It's wonderfully tactile and a lot ...
Traktor DJ for iPhone ($4.99 -> FREE)
Traktor DJ for iPhone for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad on the iTunes App Store
The world’s #1 pro DJ software brings high-impact DJing to iPhone. Touch your tracks and create stunning mixes in seconds.
"Incredibly well designed and packed with great features." (WIRED)
"It's wonderfully tactile and a lot of fun." (The Guardian) "Traktor DJ brings real DJ tools to the masses." ( ...
The world’s #1 pro DJ software brings high-impact DJing to iPhone. Touch your tracks and create stunning mixes in seconds.
"Incredibly well designed and packed with great features." (WIRED)
"It's wonderfully tactile and a lot of fun." (The Guardian) "Traktor DJ brings real DJ tools to the masses." ( ...
Day One ($4.99 -> FREE)
Day One (Journal / Diary) for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad on the iTunes App Store
A new way to journal. Enter your memories, ideas, events and photos to have them synced to your iPhone and iPad using iCloud or Dropbox. ✮ App Store App of the Week - Jan 2012 ✮ This is your personal history. Preserved.
Designed and focused to encourage you to write and recall more information about ...
A new way to journal. Enter your memories, ideas, events and photos to have them synced to your iPhone and iPad using iCloud or Dropbox. ✮ App Store App of the Week - Jan 2012 ✮ This is your personal history. Preserved.
Designed and focused to encourage you to write and recall more information about ...
Over ($1.99 -> FREE)
Over for iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPod touch (3rd generation), iPod touch (4th generation), iPod touch (5th generation) and iPad on the iTunes App Store
"This is a fantastic idea!" -Jason Fried of 37 Signals "We’re obsessed." -Brit+Co "Instagram suddenly got a lot more interesting." -Uncrate "The font choices are very artistic, not just the standard off-the-shelf variety" -Mel Martin of TUAW
APP DESCRIPTION: Add beautiful text and artwork to your ph ...
"This is a fantastic idea!" -Jason Fried of 37 Signals "We’re obsessed." -Brit+Co "Instagram suddenly got a lot more interesting." -Uncrate "The font choices are very artistic, not just the standard off-the-shelf variety" -Mel Martin of TUAW
APP DESCRIPTION: Add beautiful text and artwork to your ph ...
Barefoot World Atlas ($4.99 -> FREE)
Barefoot World Atlas for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad on the iTunes App Store
Barefoot World Atlas is a magical interactive 3D globe that invites children to explore the regions and countries of the world, discovering hundreds of fascinating features and immersing themselves in the rich wonders of our planet. This is a multi-language, universal app for the iPad, iPhone and iP ...
Barefoot World Atlas is a magical interactive 3D globe that invites children to explore the regions and countries of the world, discovering hundreds of fascinating features and immersing themselves in the rich wonders of our planet. This is a multi-language, universal app for the iPad, iPhone and iP ...
聽說可能是因為 App Store 快要五週年了,提前慶祝這樣XD?
via The Verge // http://vrge.co/1d8HE3J
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
→ :話說我一個都沒聽過 是我太孤陋寡聞嗎QQ1F 07/08 16:07
→ :我也沒聽過,但這也只代表使用習慣不同,樓上不用這樣XD2F 07/08 16:38
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