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※ 本文為 Knuckles 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-06-22 01:16:23
看板 iPhone
作者 neverfly (neverfly)
標題 [iAPP] 限時免費 Nike+ Running
時間 Fri Jun 22 00:19:40 2012

軟體名稱:Nike+ Running


Nike+ Running for iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPod touch (3rd generation), iPod touch (4th generation) and iPad on the iTunes App Store
The most popular running app on iTunes just got a fresh new look for summer. Map your runs, track your progress and get the motivation you need to reach your goals. No sensor or additional products needed, just grab your phone and go.
- From the trail to the treadmill, your iPhone's GPS and accelero ...
安裝方式(Cydia或是App Store):
App Store


就是之前的Nike+ GPS,不曉得為什麼要換名字後限免,

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
abudi717:限免了!!!耶逼!!!1F 06/22 00:22
Underline:有下有推~2F 06/22 00:23
chriter:有下有推~3F 06/22 00:23
slent67:有下有推4F 06/22 00:23
domoto0101:等到限免了!!!5F 06/22 00:23
kiff:終於!!!!!!!!!6F 06/22 00:25
ryota1030:No sensor or additional products needed,7F 06/22 00:26
ryota1030:just grab your phone and go.
Decill:已經開跑一個月多了 所以純推不下!9F 06/22 00:29
kaoru7568:有嚇有推10F 06/22 00:35
kaoru7568:  下
ll1:請問這套iPod touch跑步可用嗎12F 06/22 00:55
nitramli07:可以13F 06/22 00:59
ll1:謝謝14F 06/22 00:59
nitramli07:只是沒有GPS,可能距離不準15F 06/22 00:59
hide0325:因為有更新 多了新功能16F 06/22 01:01

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