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作者 標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2015年 2月 雙子座(原文)
時間 2015年02月01日 Sun. PM 06:57:52
Gemini Horoscope for February 2015
By Susan Miller
Sometimes, all conditions come together, the stars align, and your career shoots skyward. That is precisely what is happening now. You can do no wrong, dear Gemini. Last month, on January 12, Mars entered Pisces to light your solar tenth house of honors, awards, achievement, and fame for the first time in two years. Hosting Mars in your fame sector is an enormous advantage that you will have until February 18. VIPs will usher you into their offices and offer to help you. You will find yourself at the right place at the right time to take advantage of emerging opportunities. If you play your cards right, you can now see your name in lights on the big marquee. If only life could always be this way! While you have this enormous advantage over the competition, you need to press forward on all your professional fronts.
Your career success is leading you to something even bigger than what you are seeing now. Next month, on March 20, a solar eclipse in Pisces is due to light the same area of your chart that is so brilliantly lit now, your prestigious tenth house of honors, awards, and achievement. This eclipse will be super friendly. I am sure many of my readers assume all eclipses, with their rapid-fire news, bring only bad, jarring news, but that's simply not true. You will see the truth of this! The coming solar eclipse March 30 will be a peach of a new moon, sure to open a completely new, clear road ahead for you to follow - and it will come up as a complete surprise, as all eclipses tend to bring news out of the blue. Saturn will be very helpful and stabilizing to your professional progress next month at eclipse time, so stay optimistic and keep smiling, dear Gemini.
All new moons are about beginnings, and when a new moon is also an eclipse, it will have the force of three new moons rolled into one - that's why eclipses are so often life changing, especially if you work with them and eagerly uncover opportunities. A lot of exciting developments are due, dear Gemini! Mars has been acting like an agent or front man to lay the groundwork since mid-January (and will continue to do so until February 19). By the time you get to the solar eclipse March 20, conditions will be in place to push your ascent to the top of the mountain.
In the meantime, it appears you will be traveling quite a bit this month. The glorious full moon in Leo, 15 degrees, on February 3 may send you packing. You may be departing or returning back home within four days of this date. At your location, it appears you will be moving around a bit, perhaps changing hotels as you move from one nearby location to another. This full moon has all sorts of luxury and happiness attached to it, so you will truly enjoy your stay, as it will be one of the very best full moons of the year. Your accommodations should be quite special and luxurious. You will enjoy a certain ease on this trip, and pieces of your puzzle will fall nicely into place. This full moon will receive a beam from Uranus, planet of surprise, so the element of unexpected good news will add a special spice.
This same full moon of February 3 will bring a communications project (or more than one) to fullness and closure, and it will be in the realm of publishing and/or broadcasting, public relations, publicity, or advertising. Something you've been working on quietly behind the scenes is about to go public at long last, and you will get amazingly positive reviews from your audience. This could be a big moment in your timeline, for the first quarter of this year, January through March, was destined to bring a hugely important moment for your career. You are now embarking on a new professional cycle, and it is one that will allow you to showcase and put your talents to good use.
If your birthday falls on June 5 plus or minus five degrees, you will have a double dip of pleasure from this beautiful full moon February 3. The same will be true if you have a natal planet within five degrees of 15 degrees in Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, and Aquarius. See how important it is to be familiar with your natal chart?
For more information about having your chart done, go to SusanMillerMyPersonalHoroscope.com - I can write a book about your natal chart (you only need do it once, as the natal chart never changes.) The book is fully illustrated in color, has 65+ pages, and is only about you, and I can print one book at a time by using by print on demand technology. It takes about two weeks after you order to get your book.
You may be asked to sign a contract in early February, but Mercury, your ruler, will still be retrograde until February 11, so do your best to put off signing until after that date. In the first days of February, you may be subject to delays when you travel, but if you bring your computer or tablet and your recharging cord when you are in the airport, you can keep occupied. Be sure you don't lose any of your electronic treasures - your smart phone, eyeglasses, sunglasses, wallet, credit card, or any other item you'd be devastated to lose. We become forgetful when Mercury is retrograde, so make it a point to deliberately count all your items before you leave an airplane or taxi.
The new moon, February 18, will also bring progress in regard to travel, possibly to an international city and/or in terms of launching a broadcasting or publishing project. This new moon will be in Aquarius, 29 degrees 59 minutes, only one tiny minute from Pisces. That makes this new moon cusp-y, influencing and boosting both travel, communication, college and graduate study, legal matters (all glowing for you) and opening another important door in your career. As you read this, you must be noticing how one opportunity after another will be tumbling toward you in remarkable rapid fashion, and the experience will be very exciting. You will have many options to choose from - choose among the best, dear Gemini.
If your birthday falls within four days of June 21, you will find this new moon will speak directly to you. The same is true if you know your natal chart and if you have a natal planet at 29 degrees (or within four degrees of this degree) in Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, or Aquarius.
Once Mars moves out of your career sector on February 19, the frenetic progress you will be making in your career will temporarily simmer down. Venus will follow Mars, her lover, on February 20, and both will be in fire-sign Aries, a sign that works beautifully with your air-sign element. Both planets will brilliantly light your eleventh house of friendship, community, events, and new faces, so you will enjoy this phase, as it will become very social. You'll have new social events to look forward to doing with your friends, which is a departure from the hard-driving career focus you've had lately (and will resume doing near the exciting eclipse, March 20).
It's rare to see Venus and Mars in an embrace (conjunction), but that is precisely what is due over the weekend of February 21-22, a dazzling weekend for your prospects for love and romance. This has your name written all over it, dear Gemini! They will meet at 2 degrees Aries, so if you were born on May 23, plus four days, you will be in ideal position to take full advantage of this gorgeous Valentine that the universe is setting forth, but you need not be born on that day - every Gemini will have fun.
Valentine's Day, February 14, is nice enough this year, but February 21-22 will be off the charts wonderful. You may want to schedule a night with your sweetheart in a cozy bed and breakfast in the countryside to enjoy quality time with your one-and-only.
You may have a difficult time agreeing with a partner on February 25, when Saturn will be at odds with the Sun. Keep your head down on that day, and avoid any touchy subjects or negotiations.
By February 25, it will be obvious that things are improving by the minute. Mars will be in ideal angle to Saturn, giving your actions weight and purpose. The Sun will be conjunct Neptune, so you may be on TV or an Internet show, or have your photo taken for publicity or the cover of your new book. With Neptune active, this wouldn't be the ideal day to sign a contract, as clauses may be obscured and later come back to harm you, but it would be a great day for "right brain" activities - idea generation, focus on music and art, and other creative pursuits.
February 26 will be sweet too - you'll like this day too, with the moon making only positive aspects as it hurries on her way.
A bigwig appears to be impressed with your ability to communicate, whether through writing, speaking, doing videos or film, editing, translating, doing research, or by coding software. You are the zodiac's talented wordsmith, and now, at the full moon, February 3, you will see tangible evidence of just how much the marketplace values you and would be willing to pay top dollar to have you in their corner. Jupiter will orbit next to this full moon, a fabulous indication of happiness and profit, and because Uranus will be sending friendly beams too, the sudden news will be something you never saw coming but will love when it does. By next month, at the solar eclipse, March 20, you may have a new title plus a whole new life to look forward to living.
If you are serious about improving your professional standing and feel ready to take on more responsibility, schedule talks and swing into action. You have sensationally supportive aspects, and none later in the year will be as special as the ones you have now, in February and March. You will likely get more than one offer for a top position, and interviews will continue through the solar eclipse next month, March 20. If you are self-employed, your star is also on the rise. If you've worked in earnest over the past year, your industry will notice and heap praise on you. New clients will come to you, so be ready. If only life could always be this thrilling!
The new moon, February 18, will set in motion an important assignment in writing, broadcasting, or the digital realm, and like the full moon, this new moon will also link to aspects that are coming in March. International travel could be a real possibility, now or later, or it may be that you will be discussing projects from those abroad. Alternatively, you may be speaking to people in academia, and if so, it seems like important plans for your future are shaping up beautifully.
To give your life balance, you'll need time for fun. Carve out time once Mars and Venus move into Aries in your friendship sector in February's third week. Circle the days when Venus and Mars will conjoin in a highly glamorous embrace, over the weekend of February 21-22. You will be your most magnetic then, and the person you want to impress romantically will find you unforgettable. If single, be sure to attend a party, or if you don't know of any parties, consider giving one yourself - ask friends to bring their friends that you don't know to introduce to you. New love for you may be closer than you think. If you are attached, you finally will have time for each other, so plan a memorable event for that same weekend, February 21-22.
Mercury will be retrograde until February 11, a trend that started January 21. Your travel plans may be delayed or switched, important talks may reach a frustrating but temporary snag, or a writing project may take longer than you estimated, perhaps because you need to do more research or check facts. Refrain from buying electronics or expensive items until several days after February 11.
At month's end, near February 25 or 26, you may be interviewed on television/Internet or photographed for your book cover. You'll do well, so relax. You have no reason to be jittery. The world has come to you because you are special - you have proved that, in spades. Now you will be allowed through the palace gates, into a whole new realm. Exciting!
Dates to Note for Gemini
The full moon February 3, influential for a plus or minus 4 days, will be glorious for you, dear Gemini. You may travel to a destination or return from one. The experience is likely to be quite luxurious.
Mercury has been retrograde since January 21 but will go direct February 11. Plan your biggest initiations for after February 11, unless your project stretches back in time to an earlier date or association.
Mars in Pisces will light your solar tenth house of fame and honors until February 19. This is a rare trend - make it work for you.
Your social life will take flight when Mars enters Aries on February 19, and when Venus enters Aries the following day, February 20, to stay well into March.
Put a big gold star on the weekend of February 21-22 when romance, love and friendship will make this a standout weekend, not only of the month, but possibly of the year! Venus and Mars will make a rare conjunction, and in a fire sign, making this day perfect for air-sign Gemini!
Don't try to negotiate an important career matter over February 23 when Saturn, in your partnership house, will be in hard angle to the Sun in Pisces.
A great day to do intense creative brainstorming would be February 25 when Neptune is conjunct the Sun. This is also a perfect day to have your photograph taken, or to appear on TV or the Internet.
※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2015-02-01 18:57:52
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