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作者 標題 [外絮] 勇士的「神祕第三節」
時間 Thu Nov 16 16:04:48 2017
來源: The Mercury News
網址: http://tinyurl.com/ydyorf8f
Inside the Warriors' strong third-quarter starts
Want Warriors news in your inbox? Sign up for the free DubsDaily newsletter.OAKLAND — The Warriors head into the locker room with plenty of material t ...
Inside the Warriors’ strong third-quarter starts
OAKLAND — The Warriors head into the locker room with plenty of material
that either coach Steve Kerr can use in a film session or in a fiery speech.
For far too often, the Warriors end the first half with either a sluggish
start or uninspiring finish. In between, the Warriors throw lazy passes, give
up easy baskets and allow their opponents to think they actually have a
chance in knocking out the NBA defending champions.
Then reality kicks in. The Warriors open the third quarter with a different
identity, the one that propelled them to two NBA titles in the past three NBA
Finals. They score in bunches. They show more discipline. They overwhelm
their opponent with talent. That left Warriors forward Nick Young with a
unique perspective, this season as a participant and earlier as a victim when
he played for four seasons with the Lakers.
“They’re so used to winning. They don’t pretty much wake up until they
feel they need to,” Young said. “You got teams that come in ready and are
amped up to go against a championship team. They know how to win. They know
when to turn it on.”
The Warriors have decided it is time to turn it on in the third quarter.
Then, the Warriors (10-3) enter Thursday’s game against the Boston Celtics
(13-2) averaging a team-leading 32.6 points. Though they rank 28th out of 30
NBA teams in turnovers per game (17), the Warriors have committed an average
of 3.14 turnovers in their seven-game winning steak in the third quarter
while forcing an average of six. As Warriors guard Klay Thompson quipped, “We
’re embarrassed with the turnovers we threw in the first half.”
再來,星期四勇士(10-3)要面對青賽(13-2)。雖然勇士失誤排名第28 (17/場),過去七連
“With our talent, if we can get more field goal attempts than our opponent,
we’re in great shape,” Kerr said. “Especially because of the explosiveness
and the ability to make threes in transition and back breaking shots like
that, if we can generate that kind of ball security and advantage and field
goal attempts and possessions, we have a chance to break the game open. That’
s what we’ve been doing.”
They have done that so well that they have outscored teams by an average of
seven points per game in the third quarter. They also have tallied 44 points
in the third quarter last week against Minnesota, a mark that ranks second in
the NBA this season behind Houston’s 48-point third-quarter effort on Nov. 5
against Utah.
Still, Warriors forward Kevin Durant does not exactly agree with the
narrative that they suddenly try only in the second half. He looked at
something more tactical.
“Teams are coming out shooting a great first half with the basketball. It’s
just the averages,” Durant said. “In the second half, you put a contest on
some of those shots they were hitting in the first half, they’re not going
to fall. When we get rebounds and run, that makes us dangerous. We score so
Whatever the case, the Warriors pledge they will seek more consistency in the
first half. While the Warriors are mindful a second-half surge will not
always mark the solution as the competition and fatigue increases throughout
the season, Young found other reasons for the Warriors to ensure stronger
starts. As Young mused, “I’ll be hoping we start this at the beginning so I
can get more garbage minutes.”
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推 : 就第三節不演了不演了 典型例子1F 11/16 16:06
推 : 尼克楊:教練我想打球2F 11/16 16:07
推 : 老尖說漏嘴了3F 11/16 16:07
推 : 海嘯一波帶走4F 11/16 16:07
推 : 海嘯我要~知道5F 11/16 16:08
推 : 老尖最後那句話wwwwww6F 11/16 16:08
→ : 老尖真的很誠實7F 11/16 16:08
推 : 要不要而已8F 11/16 16:08
推 : 欣賞老尖的誠實9F 11/16 16:09
推 : 是中場到休息室嗑藥的意思嗎10F 11/16 16:09
推 : 我希望11F 11/16 16:09
→ : 我們一開始就像打下半場一樣,這樣我就有更多垃圾
→ : 時間可以上場打球惹
→ : 我們一開始就像打下半場一樣,這樣我就有更多垃圾
→ : 時間可以上場打球惹
推 : 老尖XDD14F 11/16 16:11
推 : 誠實豆沙包給推15F 11/16 16:12
推 : 老尖:(垃圾時間我就可以瘋狂自幹了)16F 11/16 16:12
推 : 中國湯:想看美式足球了17F 11/16 16:13
推 : 誠實推18F 11/16 16:14
推 : 老尖把心聲講出來了 XD19F 11/16 16:14
推 : 老尖真的很寶20F 11/16 16:15
推 : 如果上半場就認真,那垃圾時間會太多21F 11/16 16:15
推 : 對手太弱了 認真一節就好22F 11/16 16:16
推 : 老尖常常講話都很好笑23F 11/16 16:16
推 : 就直接先讓半場的概念…24F 11/16 16:16
推 : 教練:想打球是嗎?半夜二點來練球...25F 11/16 16:17
推 : 昔日公牛也有恐怖的第三節....暗...26F 11/16 16:17
推 : 想到前兩年的湖人剛好相反..27F 11/16 16:17
推 : 之前直接虐殺不好看 現在先讓你們爽再給你絕望28F 11/16 16:19
→ : 釣魚喔XDD29F 11/16 16:23
→ : 讓勇黑高潮一下30F 11/16 16:26
推 : 上半場就拉開 先發都不上場了 數據會更難看而已31F 11/16 16:28
推 : 可以32F 11/16 16:28
推 : 我牛也有神秘第三節33F 11/16 16:29
推 : 趕三節打卡下班 主席你看看 比輪休還狠 快禁止34F 11/16 16:30
※ 看板: Z_sports 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 36
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