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看板 NBA
作者 標題 [外絮] 嘴綠說到KD去年球場上的猶豫不決
時間 Tue Oct 17 08:38:35 2017
來源:The Mercury News
Draymond on KD's tentativeness: 'It was kind of annoying'
OAKLAND — Heading into his second season alongside teammate Kevin Durant, Warriors forward Draymond Green is relieved to see Durant’s comfort level wi ...
Draymond on KD’s tentativeness last year: ‘It was kind of annoying’
OAKLAND — Heading into his second season alongside teammate Kevin Durant,
Warriors forward Draymond Green is relieved to see Durant’s comfort level
with the team grow.
“You just kind of see a smoothness, a certain swagger on the court, not
worrying about trying to pick and choose his spots,” said Green on Monday.
Durant’s tentativeness early in his first year, most notably during a
midseason 128-119 overtime loss against Memphis when the forward opted for an
iso in the final moments of regulation instead of playing within the flow of
the offense, frequently drew the ire of Green.
Draymond Green yells at Durant for doing ISO play - YouTube
No copyright infringement is intended, all videos are edited to follow the "Free Use" guideline of YouTube.
No copyright infringement is intended, all videos are edited to follow the "Free Use" guideline of YouTube.

“Last year, he wasn’t aggressive at all, it was kind of annoying for a
minute, like, dude go shoot the ball, that’s why we want you here,” Green
Green’s comments Monday seemed to echo that of Steve Kerr after Sunday
afternoon’s practice.
“Last year, he was trying to decipher what we were doing,” Kerr said. “
This year, he just did it. There’s a comfort level that exists now that
allows him to go out there and play without thinking.”
等級,讓他可以上場打球而不用特意要如何配合。」Durant seemed to agree with the assessment Sunday.
“Mentally when you feel like you’ve mastered the game from an individual
standpoint, knowing what you want to do, that’s a great feeling,” Durant
said after practice Sunday. “I’ve hit the point where you know what’s
important there on the basketball court. I’m at that point, especially
playing with such a talented group of guys, they make you focus on other
things besides yourself. That’s an underrated part of this team.”
Durant’s comfort within the offense began to show when he came back in April
from a knee injury, then reached its peak during the 2017 NBA Finals against
the Clevelend Cavaliers, when he averaged 35.2 points, 8.4 rebounds, and 5.4
assists, on 56 percent shooting.
達到高峰,平均得分35.2,8.4個籃板,5.4次助攻,投籃命中率56趴。Durant’s preseason performance has shown the manifestation, as he shot 52.5
percent from the field and exhibited the play that Green anticipated all
“Now he’s just playing as expected,” Green said.
“Now he’s just playing as expected,” Green said.
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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1508200719.A.B7A.html
推 : XD1F 10/17 08:40
推 : 這個舒適2F 10/17 08:41
推 : 看舒適牌刮鬍刀開幕戰如何剃鬍3F 10/17 08:41
推 : 舒適!4F 10/17 08:42
→ : 越來越舒適了 勇士王朝即將來臨5F 10/17 08:42
※ 編輯: pneumo (, 10/17/2017 08:43:31推 : 那場球明明就是KD照green講的在單打啊,在氣什麼6F 10/17 08:43
推 : 整篇寫了幾次舒適啊XD7F 10/17 08:45
推 : 太舒適惹8F 10/17 08:45
推 : 舒適文9F 10/17 08:46
推 : 舒適10F 10/17 08:46
推 : 好舒適11F 10/17 08:46
推 : 舒適文12F 10/17 08:47
推 : 太舒適啦13F 10/17 08:47
推 : 666666?14F 10/17 08:48
→ : 持續專注在推特上15F 10/17 08:48
→ : 去年場均25分還畏首畏尾 那今年一舒適不就30分起跳16F 10/17 08:48
→ : 龜把火17F 10/17 08:48
推 : 自己舒適自己的舒服文是要幾篇啦XDDDD18F 10/17 08:49
推 : 去年是指剛磨合吧 現在真的蠻猛的19F 10/17 08:49
推 : 到底要舒適到什麼時候拉20F 10/17 08:49
推 : 總算知道誰是老大了!21F 10/17 08:50
→ : 脫離舒適圈 加入舒爽圈22F 10/17 08:50
推 : 蘇軾23F 10/17 08:51
推 : 到底多舒適 重複好幾次24F 10/17 08:52
推 : 我可以25F 10/17 08:52
→ : 啊!舒適! 已被檢舉為業配文26F 10/17 08:54
推 : 本文出現幾次舒適27F 10/17 08:54
推 : 舒適 舒適 超舒適 超級舒適28F 10/17 08:55
推 : 龜把舒適火!29F 10/17 08:55
推 : 太舒適啦!!!!!!30F 10/17 08:56
→ : 金州舒適隊31F 10/17 08:58
推 : 裁判,可這樣舒適來舒適去嗎?32F 10/17 08:59
推 : Golden State Comfortabler33F 10/17 08:59
推 : 靠 泰舒適了34F 10/17 08:59
推 : 出手跟單打不一樣吧35F 10/17 09:00
推 : 太舒適了,高潮36F 10/17 09:00
推 : 實在太舒適了37F 10/17 09:00
推 : 刮鬍刀還不快來贊助38F 10/17 09:01
推 : 金州舒適圈39F 10/17 09:05
推 : 我只看到舒適感wwww40F 10/17 09:06
推 : 有嘴綠這種會出來溝通的也不錯啦41F 10/17 09:06
推 : 嘴綠真的是勇士的調和劑42F 10/17 09:10
推 : 到底是要講幾遍 金州舒適隊...43F 10/17 09:12
推 : KD最近被下封口令嗎44F 10/17 09:13
→ : 習慣舒適了45F 10/17 09:14
→ : 這篇比較舒適 連原因都有寫46F 10/17 09:14
推 : 來這裡就是要爽的47F 10/17 09:17
推 : 舒適48F 10/17 09:17
→ : KD被下封口令笑死49F 10/17 09:19
推 : 那場原本應該是設定跑戰術給KD舒適單打, 結果KD硬打50F 10/17 09:20
推 : 葉佩文51F 10/17 09:20
推 : 金洲舒適52F 10/17 09:22
推 : 舒適53F 10/17 09:25
*****************************************************************************推 : 完全舒得起54F 10/17 09:27
***************************本尊出現 果然舒適*********************************
→ : 全隊內心:老子今年躺著舒適拿冠軍55F 10/17 09:27
※ 編輯: pneumo (, 10/17/2017 09:35:35推 : KD 簡直要去代言床鋪了56F 10/17 09:36
推 : 太舒適了57F 10/17 09:36
噓 : 他就適合當小弟啊,永遠不會是大哥的料,臭卒仔58F 10/17 09:37
推 : 夠蘇軾59F 10/17 09:38
推 : 整篇舒服文60F 10/17 09:39
推 : too comfortable la61F 10/17 09:41
推 : 不是唬爛的,原文就一堆舒適62F 10/17 09:47
推 : 舒適63F 10/17 09:49
推 : 不過嘴綠也說的是,KD剛到的時候還是一種獨的想法64F 10/17 09:52
→ : 接近季末的時候才懂站位跟自身的影響力去牽動對手
→ : 接近季末的時候才懂站位跟自身的影響力去牽動對手
→ : 真。大腿KD66F 10/17 09:53
推 : green是教練?67F 10/17 09:55
→ : 所以獨球是KD還是龜龜?怎麼沒聽人說KD刷數據,果68F 10/17 10:01
→ : 然杜不群演技好到別人當年都覺得他是乖乖牌
→ : 然杜不群演技好到別人當年都覺得他是乖乖牌
推 : 蘇軾文,不讀嗎70F 10/17 10:03
噓 : 原來是金州舒適隊,我還以為是勇士呢!71F 10/17 10:03
推 : 各種舒適72F 10/17 10:04
推 : 舒爽王朝73F 10/17 10:06
推 : 不錯呀 知足常樂 不像某球員 各種迪西選 然後還說74F 10/17 10:07
→ : 自己沒組過團
→ : 自己沒組過團
推 : 根本整篇蘇福文XDDDDD76F 10/17 10:07
推 : 整隊蘇胡77F 10/17 10:07
推 : 跟Green當隊友真的好 這才是真隊友78F 10/17 10:08
推 : 期待他們走得非長遠79F 10/17 10:08
噓 : NBA舒適隊80F 10/17 10:09
推 : 舒適牌KD81F 10/17 10:15
推 : 舒服~~~82F 10/17 10:21
推 : 金州大蘇胡隊!!83F 10/17 10:22
推 : 有夠舒適84F 10/17 10:23
推 : 國文老師:這篇蘇軾文,無誤!!85F 10/17 10:26
推 : 席夢思 舒適牌刮鬍刀爭相代言86F 10/17 10:27
→ : comfort~87F 10/17 10:28
推 : 蘇湖勇士隊88F 10/17 10:29
推 : 太舒適了89F 10/17 10:30
推 : 嘴綠最近常常在不爽90F 10/17 10:34
推 : 金州幫寶適91F 10/17 10:38
推 : 每天都蘇軾就飽了92F 10/17 10:45
推 : KD已有 王者風範93F 10/17 10:45
推 : 隨便打就冠軍 還不夠舒適94F 10/17 10:49
推 : 太舒適了95F 10/17 10:54
推 : KD:要適應沒有龜龜的舒適出手需要時間啊!96F 10/17 10:54
推 : NBA第四節收視率越來越慘不是沒道理的97F 10/17 10:56
→ : 棒球一堆人要看到第九局 NBA沒人再看第四節XD
→ : 棒球一堆人要看到第九局 NBA沒人再看第四節XD
→ h22212247888 …
推 : 太舒適拉~100F 10/17 11:01
推 : 到底有多舒適101F 10/17 11:06
推 : 龜把火102F 10/17 11:10
推 : 金州舒適103F 10/17 11:11
推 : 咦不是要脫離舒適圈104F 10/17 11:13
推 : 好舒服啊105F 10/17 11:26
推 : 舒適106F 10/17 11:27
推 : 真。金州舒適隊107F 10/17 11:28
推 : kd和勇士體系太合了 真的很過份108F 10/17 11:30
→ : 舒適啊啊啊啊太舒適了109F 10/17 11:36
推 : 每日舒服(1/1)110F 10/17 11:41
噓 : 假掰的要命111F 10/17 11:56
推 : 舒服112F 10/17 11:59
噓 : 嘴炮綠跟舒適杜113F 10/17 12:07
推 : KD總冠軍系列賽的數據好噁114F 10/17 12:08
推 : 台舒爽啦115F 10/17 12:09
推 : Mr. Comfort116F 10/17 12:10
推 : 舒適牌為啥一直不找勇士隊全員代言? 難怪輸吉列117F 10/17 12:33
※ 看板: Z_sports 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 32
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