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作者 標題 [花邊] K湯在跟超模Abigail Ratchford約會?
時間 Wed Aug 9 07:25:46 2017
來源:The Mercury News
Is Klay Thompson dating super hot model Abigal Ratchford?
Klay’s dog and home were photographed by Ratchford, who claimed she slept really well. ...
Is Klay Thompson dating sublime supermodel Abigail Ratchford?
K湯在跟超模Abigail Ratchford約會?
Klay Thompson’s latest venture might be wooing Abigail Ratchford.
K湯最新的冒險可能是跟超模Abigail Ratchford有曖昧。
For those who don’t know Ratchford, a look through her Instagram profile
displays her beauty — and it’s her Instagram story that hinted at relations
with the Warriors star guard.
不知道Abigail Ratchford的人可以看一下她的IG就知道她的外貌--而她IG上寫的東西似乎
A b i g a i l (@abigailratchford) • Instagram photos and videos
7.9m Followers, 248 Following, 474 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from A b i g a i l (@abigailratchford) ...
96.4k Likes, 865 Comments - A b i g a i l (@abigailratchford) on Instagram: “Giddy up ⚡️ @brandonalmengo 🐎🐎🐎” ...
20.4k Likes, 1 Comments - A b i g a i l (@abigailratchford) on Instagram: “Check out my spread in the NY Post today 😎” ...
114.4k Likes, 1,743 Comments - A b i g a i l (@abigailratchford) on Instagram: “Happy #nationalwatermelonday ; ) 🍉 @tiborgolob 📸 @josecorella 👑” ...
Ratchford posted a picture Monday of Rocco, the beloved dog of Thompson, as
well as a picture of basketballs on a countertop and a covert message about
how well she rested the night before.
Abigail Ratchford星期一PO了一張K湯最愛的狗Rocco的照片,以及另外一張照片上面有顆
“That was the best I’ve slept in a year,” Ratchford wrote beside an angel
It must be noted that Thompson did not appear in any of the photos. Which
means either A)Klay wasn’t there, like when someone spray painted her own
name on his balcony while he was gone, B)Klay didn’t want to be in the
photos, or C)Klay didn’t know Ratchford snapped a couple pics.
A)K湯根本就不在那邊,就像是路上隨便某人把自己名字塗鴉在別人陽台上,然後說他來 過那裡。
Still, her message clearly implies some sort of relationship — if even a
friendship — and that, at least, Klay has a pretty comfortable bed. Go
is a two-time NBA champion who calls Steph Curry his “Brother” and is a
generally fun-loving guy. Why wouldn’t Ratchford be interested?
Perhaps it’s too early for a celebrity couple nickname (Thompford?
Klaybigail?) but it is definitely intriguing.
Friends with benefits?
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推 : 糸1F 08/09 07:34
推 : love的model gf 比較優2F 08/09 07:34
→ : 不優3F 08/09 07:34
→ : 我覺得不行4F 08/09 07:37
推 : 這不行5F 08/09 07:37
推 : 我這個人很簡單7F 08/09 07:39
推 : 這須更正 根本是超奶模8F 08/09 07:40
推 : Sister Abigail!!9F 08/09 07:43
推 : 鄉民們好嚴格10F 08/09 07:43
→ : 我覺得其實可以12F 08/09 07:48
推 : 這奶好假13F 08/09 07:48
推 : 可以啊14F 08/09 07:52
→ : 完全不可以15F 08/09 07:52
推 : XD16F 08/09 07:53
推 : 口味重!17F 08/09 07:57
推 : K湯vsKG18F 08/09 07:57
推 : 正19F 08/09 07:58
推 : 哪來這麼多超模20F 08/09 08:01
噓 : 假奶也在嗨21F 08/09 08:05
推 : CP25:22F 08/09 08:05
推 : 湯哥品味下降中?23F 08/09 08:06
→ : 鬍子表示:各位超模 其實我跟Curry也是兄弟25F 08/09 08:14
推 : 假到爆26F 08/09 08:14
推 : 我覺得很普通27F 08/09 08:16
推 : 哇 鄉民真的很嚴格 比想像中嚴格29F 08/09 08:20
推 : 阿比強森比較好30F 08/09 08:20
推 : K湯不是友女友了?31F 08/09 08:21
中國有嘻哈之MC HOTDOG熱狗最新激情rap ft.張震岳 用熱狗的歌鬼畜熱狗才是最騷的 - YouTube 中國有嘻哈之MC HOTDOG熱狗最新激情rap ft.張震岳 用熱狗的歌鬼畜熱狗才是最騷的 貧民百萬歌星 作者:去哪吃吃什么

推 : 我覺得很普通...33F 08/09 08:25
推 : 鄉民女友是不是都狂勝K湯的啊34F 08/09 08:25
推 : 假35F 08/09 08:28
推 : 藍色薄紗內衣不錯36F 08/09 08:30
→ : 詹詹幫我先記著37F 08/09 08:34
→ : 糖糖 先幫我記著38F 08/09 08:37
→ : CP25:KT先幫我記著39F 08/09 08:40
噓 : 假奶我不行40F 08/09 08:44
推 : 鄉民女友都超可以的41F 08/09 08:45
推 : 那圈嘴 好像口X娃42F 08/09 08:48
推 : 圓型43F 08/09 08:52
噓 : 假奶44F 08/09 08:54
推 : XD 還是羨慕45F 08/09 08:55
推 : 假奶才好 劣化好處理46F 08/09 08:55
推 : 醜47F 08/09 08:58
推 : 不是假奶就滿分了,可惜48F 08/09 08:58
推 : 還行49F 08/09 09:08
推 : 鄉民真的很嚴格50F 08/09 09:11
噓 : KG只能讓給別人了51F 08/09 09:17
→ : 不用在那不行 對他來說你們全不行52F 08/09 09:18
推 : 這不是快打五新角色嗎?53F 08/09 09:33
→ : CP25: 是不是有人找我?54F 08/09 09:35
推 : 讚55F 08/09 09:39
→ : 我以為他早結婚當老爸了56F 08/09 09:40
推 : 我這個人57F 08/09 09:54
推 : 果然是打籃球的 不過真皮球跟合成皮球 手感有差吧?58F 08/09 09:54
推 : KG59F 08/09 09:56
推 : 我覺得不行60F 08/09 09:56
推 : 我覺得不行61F 08/09 09:56
推 : 這看起來......若不是運動員應該會變人乾吧62F 08/09 09:57
推 : 這真的假到太假 硬梆梆的感覺63F 08/09 10:00
推 : KT人不錯 交砲友也尊重前輩 找KG64F 08/09 10:03
推 : 這我不行65F 08/09 10:20
推 : Abigail Johnson我比較熟66F 08/09 10:29
推 : Abigail的是真的啊 給推67F 08/09 10:34
推 : 不行68F 08/09 10:34
推 : Abigail Johnson比較正+169F 08/09 10:38
→ : 看標題也是先想到Abigail Johnson71F 08/09 10:51
推 : 人生勝利組72F 08/09 11:19
推 : 知道Abigail Johnson的都....73F 08/09 11:30
推 : 還可以換吧74F 08/09 11:41
推 : 我覺得不行75F 08/09 11:57
推 : Abigail Johnson...美國AV?76F 08/09 12:03
推 : 我可以77F 08/09 12:21
→ : 鄉民當然不行啊 因為條件太爛了把不到 哈哈78F 08/09 12:25
→ : 奶子再假也要選有成就的人誰要選臭酸22K
→ : 奶子再假也要選有成就的人誰要選臭酸22K
推 : 想撞80F 08/09 12:30
※ 看板: Z_sports 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 106
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