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作者 標題 [外絮] 林書豪:大家認為We'll Suck ..所以沒壓力
時間 Wed Aug 2 13:31:34 2017
Jeremy Lin: “Everyone thinks we’ll suck ... So no pressure”
林書豪:大家認為我們會Suck 所以沒壓力
Jeremy Lin, speaking in Shanghai, again predicted the Nets will make the
playoffs in a media dialogue with Chinese fans, and went further, making it
clear he hopes the Nets can play “exceptionally well.”
書豪在上海提到 他希望籃網可以打的非常好“exceptionally well.”
“I still feel like we can make the playoffs. I know everyone will laugh, but
that’s no problem. If I believe we can make the playoffs, this is most
important.... “Hopefully we can perform exceptionally well. Everyone thinks
we’ll suck, so I feel like we don’t have a lot of pressure.”
我仍然覺得可以進入季後賽 我知道大家會笑 但不是問題
重要的是 我要相信我們能進入季後賽
Lin also said that while he will miss Brook Lopez, he’s very happy with how
the Nets handled off-season.
林表示雖然失去了Lopez 但還是很開心籃網在休賽季的表現
“I’m really satisfied (with the Nets offseason additions). Of course, I’ll
miss Brook Lopez. We were good friends and we paired well together. They
already traded him away, but I feel like we’ll be a stronger team this year.
我很滿意 但我會想Lopez 我們是好朋友 但我覺得今年球隊更強了
Lin appeared on Tencent, a Shanghai-based media outlet, taking questions from
fans. C.L.I.C.K, a well known Lin fan, translated it on Reddit.
Lin also talked again about how he and D’Angelo Russell will mesh in
Brooklyn. As he has since the June 22 trade, Lin said he doesn’t think there
will be any issues, noting Kenny Atkinson’s motion offense puts a premium on
multiple playmakers ... no matter what you can call them, no matter what
number you assign them.
提到了跟羅素適合 不認為會有適應不來的問題
Specifically, Lin said that not only the are the 1 and 2 guard spots
interchangeable. So is the 3.
有可能打1 2 或者3號位
“Of course he can play at the 1, can play at the 2, but will probably first
start at the 2,” said Lin of his new backcourt mate. “In our (motion)
offense, 1, 2, 3, are all interchangeable. All positions has to be able to
pass, play pick and roll.
Dlo大致上會先發打2為主 但1、2、3都能換的
“I don’t think it’ll affect me too much because I need others to drive, to
attack, to pass, can’t just rely on me. So I hope we’ll be able to pair
well together like me and Kemba did.”
我不認為Dlo會影響太多 希望能跟Kemba一樣配對
Lin also spoke about team leadership.
“Lead by example, this is very important,” he said when asked about his
role. “Every team’s leader has to be very humble, take care of the younger
players. If a player is struggling or feeling really bad, (the leader) should
take care of them. I feel like these are really good values (to have in a
“I’m usually the one to speak up the most in the locker room. I give out
instructions, get our team on the same page. I feel this is very important.
So usually I talk the most.”
Lin also said that his happiness are more important than his statistics or
his accomplishments. And nothing is more important than wins.
“I think the most important thing for me is to be really happy. Everyday
when I play ball, I want to be really happy playing,” he said. “Of course I
want to win a lot of games. I’m not really concerned with my own stats. I
feel like if we perform really well and win a lot of games, these things will
take care of themselves.”
Lin also said that he considers last season a lost opportunity for him.
“Even though this upcoming season is my 2nd year in Brooklyn, I feel like it
’s my 1st year here because last year was such a different year for me. I’m
really excited. I hope to protect my body and remain injury-free.”
要在布魯克林第二年了 要保護身體
The first Asian-American in the NBA spoke as well to his Chinese fans about
two Chinese players who could play in the NBA this year.
Zhou Qi, who’s been signed by Rockets, said needs to be very confident in
himself, feel like he should be playing in the NBA, Lin said. He also said he
hopes the Mavericks sign undrafted guard Ding Yanyuhang who was a bit of a
summer league sensation.
說書人:想當年關羽被斬首 張飛被暗殺... 童:那皇叔呢?
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1PWME_x4 (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1501651903.A.EC4.html
※ 編輯: sasolala (, 08/02/2017 13:32:48
→ : suck what?1F 08/02 13:32
推 : 老大豪鬼!!!!!!2F 08/02 13:32
→ : 我們會吸3F 08/02 13:34
推 : 吸乾後就沒壓力? 大氣壓力嗎4F 08/02 13:35
推 : no good team5F 08/02 13:35
推 : 豪鬼吸6F 08/02 13:35
推 : happy最重要 XDDD7F 08/02 13:36
推 : 皇叔坐板凳8F 08/02 13:36
推 : 書豪轉去安利當心靈導師了?9F 08/02 13:36
推 : 看好今年馬子狗打出生涯年10F 08/02 13:37
推 : 不懂 吸什麼11F 08/02 13:38
推 : KD:Happy真的最重要 不能同意更多。12F 08/02 13:38
噓 : 只會做麵包當然沒壓力13F 08/02 13:39
推 : 躲舒適圈的最佳代表14F 08/02 13:44
→ : 我們將會吸!15F 08/02 13:44
推 : suck是爛爆的意思吧16F 08/02 13:44
推 : 原PO估意亂翻還釣到一堆人17F 08/02 13:46
推 : 不會是跟Kenba那時一樣,在板凳偶爾配對吧18F 08/02 13:48
→ : 籇小子19F 08/02 13:52
推 : 是Just you suck 幹嘛拖隊友下水20F 08/02 13:53
推 : We'll suck many dicks21F 08/02 13:56
推 : we'll suck=> well....suck22F 08/02 14:02
→ : 每年都在沒壓力啊 我懂23F 08/02 14:04
推 : 豪老大26F 08/02 14:18
推 : 反正也沒籤,真的沒壓力啊27F 08/02 14:21
→ : 沒壓力,但是表現不好Lin就要退休了28F 08/02 14:22
→ : #相信書豪 #隊友是誰都不認識29F 08/02 14:35
推 : 推30F 08/02 14:46
推 : 沒有壓力怎麼吸?31F 08/02 14:52
推 : we will we will suck you!!32F 08/02 15:19
推 : Exceed expectations33F 08/02 15:36
推 : 東區老八!34F 08/02 15:40
推 : 豪好吸35F 08/02 15:43
推 : suck gg36F 08/02 15:47
推 : 這才叫舒適圈好嗎?37F 08/02 15:47
推 : 真˙舒適圈38F 08/02 16:24
推 : 舒適休閒籃球39F 08/02 16:38
推 : 我豪這季要當吸鎖了嗎40F 08/02 16:44
推 : 舒適!41F 08/02 16:48
推 : 洗澡囉42F 08/02 17:02
推 : 快樂籃球,前隊友魔獸表示嚮往43F 08/02 17:12
※ 看板: Z_sports 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 28
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